X - The Animation: Series Auditions

Project Overview
Deadline open until available characters are cast.
X is a story about 3 orphan boys on an alien planet who are hunted by bounty hunters and no one really knows why. They just know that the boys have the highest bounties in the land. The boys meet 3 girls from other planets, one being from earth, who totally change their perspectives on life. It's a long running action adventure story that's supposed to encompass all kinds of topics from humility to social mentality to gay identity, etc etc. The project will be a public youtube animated series, similar to RWBY, but done in a 2D format, rather than RWBY's iconic 3D.
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Latest Updates
Hey everyone! I just wanted to pop in a give a quick update to where things are at. I've got most of the lines in, but are waiting on a couple updates from actors who were first cast over a year ago. This has caused a little bit of a delay in the project but nothing I can't work around. I've also recently gotten into contact with a couple of talented artists who have offered to lend a hand in the preproduction portion of the episode, easing the work flow on my end (In case you haven't seen the screen cap already, I've still got a lot to handle). That being said, storyboards are wrapping up as I finish the last few pages of content and continue adding them to the animatic. The episode is rounding up to a projected 25~ish minutes, give or take with some editing which was the targeted goal from the start. As a sort of preview, I wanted to leave you guys with a short scene in the latter half of the episode featuring the actress previously assigned as Akira (before the recent recasting). I think she plays the role very well, but after nearly 7 months of hard consideration, I decided that her vocal range just didn't resonate very well with the other actors, hence my decision. In any case I hope you enjoy this little tidbit animatic!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjwZD2orNSE&feature=youtu.be
Progress Update
Hey there! It's been a while since I've posted an update so I wanted to share with you where I'm currently at on the project. :) Progress is progressing slowly, yet evenly as I finish rounding off the storyboards and preparing the animatic for the VAs and composers. I've prepared most of the animation layouts for the opening sequence and am almost ready to start on the ones for the episode itself. Things are tough when you work by yourself, but it must be done! Here's a screencap of my progress sheet (1/7th of it) : http://orig10.deviantart.net/393d/f/2017/071/5/e/progresssheet1_by_hiromanga-db229h6.jpg In addition, I've decided to spend a couple of my weekends updating and fleshing out a few of the resources for the anime, such as outdated model sheets. This will help myself and any volunteers who pop up stay on track with the art style. You can find the updated model sheet for HAYLEE here: http://img06.deviantart.net/d422/i/2017/071/e/d/haylee_model_sheet__sketch__by_hiromanga-db22avt.jpg Until next time, ciao! -
Good News Everyone!
Good News Everyone!
A new role just opened up for audition! To be honest, I forgot that I still needed a voice for this role as two of my previous actresses moved away and were no longer available to work. This was half a year ago....
In any case, auditions for Akira are looking stellar! I haven't found anyone yet, but I have my eye on a few favorites, one of whom may end up taking the role within the next week or two if I can't find the perfect match.
Best of luck to you all! I can't wait to hear your voices!
Want to know how it's all coming together? Join me LIVE!
Come and join me LIVE at Picarto.tv/Hiro
I'm live right now!
Join me every Monday and Thursday i'll be dedicating myself to developing the animation, from start to finish!
So it's come to my attention that CCC has updated with a number of new features, including one that allows people to be notified of open roles. I was generally unaware of this, as I have not visited the site in quite some time due to a number of reasons, so let me fill you in on where we've been with the project.
First let me just say that animation is still in it's earliest stages, but let me explain why.
Originally, the project was due to be finished by November 1st, given that I had a small dedicated team of animators helping me, but that didn't happen. I did have a few offers but they all quickly dopped off the project for one reason or another. This forced me to pick up all the slack on my own. Not too soon after, I ended up buring myself out so bad it physically hurt to pick up the stylus and continue drawing. Every day I would try a little more before coming close to tears from the pain. This went on for 3 months. Slowly, but surely, however, I was able to start drawing again, but the ever looming fear of another burnout kept me from working to my full potentional for another 3 months. During these 6 months, I also lost my job, started working two new jobs to make up for it, as well as a few professional commissoins, but that wasn't enough to keep the power on... literally. I could barely make it by and resorted to stealing food from a local grocery store just to be able to eat. I was lucky to not have gone homeless. This went on until I was caught and arrested in September, for which I'm currently paying for. In the end I ended up moving back in with my parents and taking up a space to come back to work on the project, which is where I'm currently at for the time being.
As part of that, I've decided to reopen casting for the character Akira, for a number of reasons. Anyone is open to participate and auditions for the part will go on until I find a suitable voice for the role.
And as thanks, here's a short animatic from the beginning of the episode: https://youtu.be/i99tCBDk0qg
I wanna thank each and everyone of you for taking the time and effort to audition and share this project around. And remember that you're someone's hero.

High energy punk who loves to stir a little trouble, but hates to fight.
“Huh? The hell should I know? Look, I only took you hostage so that I could get away from those guys above. You’re totally free to leave on your own.”
“Parents huh? So that’s what you call them… Yeah I had some, a long time ago. I don’t wanna talk about it”

Quiet stoic type, usually keeping his two younger brothers on the right path.
[Whistles] “Hiro’s really takin’ a beating this time around. Thanks to him, though, the lepusians have thinned out a bit above ground so we should be able to get in and out quick and dirty.”
“Stop messing around. What are you even looking at here? You can't even read.”

Spunky kid. The world is his oyster and his ignorance is bliss. Loves adventure and can’t help but stir up trouble.
Example characters:
Bart Simpson
Daichi Sawaguchi
Yahiko Myojin
“What for? We’ve done this a buncha times by now. Hiro gets caught, distracts the group or whatever and we steal their stuff to bring back to the old man -- OW! Stop that!”
(mockingly)Something like: "Oh Akira, youidiot! How could you let me go intothis stupid plan by myself! Do youknow how much I hurt myself?"--ow!
(Snooty) Don’t worry about it. My marks?

Active machine nut. Very tomboyish and loves to build robots. Not a super big fan of grease and dirt, though.
“Ugh, do I HAVE to? Sam isn't doing anything”
“Well geez mom, you drive a hard bargain... but I begrudgingly accept!”

Eldest daughter of King Doyon and expected heiress to the thone of the house of Doyon, Haylee has always been struggling with herself in the kind of life she'd like to lead. At heart she knows she can be something greater than what her father allows her to be, but she isn't quite sure how to express herself, so she spends most of her time bottled up; save for her instiable curiosity, which gets her in trouble more often than not.
N-nothing. I was just wandering around the house.
I just don't understand why I can't be more involved, you know? I can do more than be a trophy wife to some prince I haven't even met yet! Wouldn't it be better for me, an heiress, to help you address local political issues, rather than listening to the court? How am I supposed to learn anything if you don't even allow me in the same room with the courtiers?
(Frustration) [various yells and grunts. As if throwing things around a room in a tantrum.]

Royal ambassador and heir to the throne of her home country. Loves to travel and learn about other cultures. Specializes in botany and self defense. Very good head on her shoulders but often has trouble asking others for help.
“Look, I think it’s in both of our best interests if you protect me. Firstly, it’s obvious you’re being hunted by the people of this country for whatever reason, I’m not interested. Secondly, it’s just as obvious that you don’t have the most…. ‘sanitary’ living conditions. THAT I can fix, so long as you agree to protect me.”
“A tracker stone. My father implores that I wear it at all time in case of an emergency. It's how he'd be able to find me, and it's how I was able to find you."

Sarcastic teenager who knows how to work a conversation in her favor. Likes to make jokes at her little sister, Brittany.
“Whoa there, I'm in the middle of some very.... important business. Yeah.”
“Yeah, maybe you can take this opportunity to show off to your boyfriend there. Show him how you lift.”

Mother who’s very in tune with the now. Not necessarily a “cool mom”, but certainly isn’t outdated.
“Today's trash day and i forgot to throw it out on the curb. Could you do that for me, sweetie?”
“Brittany, please, just this once. After I'm done with these dishes we can go see that movie you wanted to see.”

Head of the Doyon Royal house of Planet Orion. Very stern fellow who has little tolerance for side-stepping and lollygagging. Always needs to get right to the point of things. He also has a strong habit of keeping secrets, especially from Haylee, his daughter.
“That's none of your concern. Your brother Ian and I can handle these sorts of things. You should focus on cleaning yourself up before you choose a husband this afternoon.”
“And you will return to your room for the night. We'll try this again another time.

Brittany’s best friend and partner in crime. Share’s her interests in mechanics and space engineering. They work on everything together, especially since Jimmy is so shy when it comes to meeting new people. That being said, he’s very familiar with Brittany and her family.
“It's still missing a transmission though, so it's not going anywhere without it.”
“Thanks, Mrs Burgess.”
[All EXTRAS have been cast]

Public Submissions