War of the Bounty Hunters Part 3

War of the Bounty Hunters Part 3

Project Overview

Star Wars Audio Comics is excited to announce that we are continuing our most ambitious project to date: a six-episode adaptation of the epic 34-issue comic crossover event War of the Bounty Hunters! We just released chapter 1 and are working on getting the rest of the project recorded.

How it Works: Our typical policy is we don't cast actors until the last day of the casting call so everyone has plenty of time to audition. Our CC's typically last 2-3 weeks. At the end of the CC process, the Series Directors will make the casting decisions based on a variety of factors such as audio quality, performance, vocal range, talent, etc. Once the casting decisions have been made, we send a link for a private Discord server where you will find your scripts, submit your lines, and meet and mingle with your fellow castmates. Deadlines will be posted for line submissions to allow voice actors time to first takes and if requested, retakes. From there it is up to the Directors to bring the video to life. Production time will be as airtight as possible, so please try to have your audio in as quickly as possible so production can begin.

The Synopsis:The notorious bounty hunter Boba Fett has finally landed his greatest prize – Han Solo, frozen in carbonite for easy transport. Fett will bring the smuggler to Tatooine to collect the massive bounty placed on Solo's head by the fearsome crime lord Jabba the Hutt. Unfortunately for Fett, other parties have their eyes on his prize, and soon Solo will be the target of Imperials, rebels, and criminal operators from across the galaxy, all while Fett finds out what it's like to be on the other side of a bounty hunt.

Directors: Robert A., Daniel P., and Gilbert S.

Ground rules:

- There are numerous LGBTQ+ characters in this series, as well as on the production team. If this is a problem for you, please don't audition.

- Please be able to get your lines in by the deadline posted by the director.

- Have professional grade equipment or at the bare minimum make sure your audio is top notch. No background noise please!

- Have a Discord or be able to create one. This allows for us to communicate and upload documents much easier than Skype or any other platform. 

- Lastly, enjoy yourselves!

We look forward to hearing your performances!

We pay at a rate of $0.50 per line of dialogue, plus a base pay of $5.00. The payment for each role is listed in the roles' descriptions.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 33 USD

IG-88 is an assassin droid. He has been hired to assassinate Darth Vader. IG-88 has had several voices over the years, but we are going with the canonical voice that he has as a main character in the game Tales from the Galaxy's Edge. His voice can be heard in this video starting at about 1:30: IG-88 in Tales from the Galaxy's Edge

His voice is similar to IG-11 from The Mandalorian, as voiced by Taika Waititi, but not identical. It's a bit lighter and faster so keep that in mind for your performance.

Voice description:
  • new zealand
  • male adult
  • Reports indicate you recently suffered structural compromise, Lord Vader. I am envisioning an enjoyable outcome to this encounter.

  • As you can see, rumors of my destruction have been greatly exaggerated. I've been told that testing one's skill against the best is the only way to improve your skill set.

  • Surely the great Boba Fett can provide a better offensive attack than this? Or not. The time has come for me to take what is mine. Then, Boba Fett, I will take your life.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ariole Yu
Paid: Flat Rate 26 USD

Ariole Yu is a human male who served as a lieutenant in the Sixth Kin criminal organization, led by Wen Delphis. He was romantically involved with Just Lucky, an assassin who undertook jobs for the Sixth Kin for some time. This is a gay character. His relationship with Just Lucky is not mentioned that much in this story but they do share scenes and hint at a past together.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • We’ll have to be very careful. Every syndicate in the galaxy is going to be at this party, if only to see Crimson Dawn for themselves. It’s like a vault of rhydonium waiting for a spark.

  • You betrayed the Sixth Kin. You betrayed us. Why? I thought we were family.

  • Got a lot of nerve showing your face around here, Dengar. Surprised those Weequay pirates didn't have your head after that game of sabacc.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gallin Crae
Paid: Flat Rate 21 USD

Gallin Crae was a lieutenant in the Sixth Kin crime syndicate, led by Wen Delphis. He was the mentor of both Just Lucky and Ariole Yu, having trained them since they were young. Delphis' growing paranoia led Crae to perceive the Sixth Kin as a lost cause, and he abandoned the organization to join Crimson Dawn.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • That's the problem with a sniper rifle. Deadly at a distance... but vulnerable at close range.

  • Ariole, Lucky, I'm disappointed in you. I trained you two to fight as a team. Instead, you fight like a pair of enemies.

  • The Sixth Kin is a sinking ship. Wen Delphis is ambitious, but as her power grows, so does her paranoia. I watched her eliminate the people closest to her, one by one. It was only a matter of time before she turned on me, too.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Losha Tarkon
Paid: Flat Rate 17 USD

Losha Tarkon is the wife of former bounty hunter T'onga. T'onga leaves their farm to hunt down an old enemy. Losha attempted to stop T'onga from leaving, but was unable to change her mind. This is a lesbian character and her marriage to T'onga is mentioned.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Don't make jokes, T’onga. I'm getting a disturbing vibe from this place.

  • Wait, why are we flying towards the giant star destroyer, T’onga?

  • No! You promised me we would do this together!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mama Stammoch
Paid: Flat Rate 16 USD

Mama Stammoch is a mechanic who has a shop on Nar Shaddaa. The bounty hunter Dengar has gambling debts with Stammoch which he did not pay. Dengar returns to ask her for help, which she is not happy about.

Voice description:
  • female senior
  • Well, look what the tooka dragged in. Never thought you'd be dumb enough to come back to my doorstep without the credits you owe me.

  • Yeah, yeah, heard that one before. May as well come inside. Shooting you out here will bring unwanted attention.

  • Shoulda killed you in the alley when I had the chance.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Admiral Piett
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD

Firmus Piett is an Imperial officer who serves on the Star Dreadnought Executor—flagship of Darth Vader. After the Battle of Hoth, he was promoted to admiral and given command of Vader's flagship. He is currently under the service of Vader during this story.

Please do your best to sound like Piett in Empire Strikes Back. Here is a clip. He's the officer giving the information about the probe droid that found something on Hoth. His dialogue is around 12 seconds in here: Piett reports on the Hoth probe droid

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • british
  • A rebel ship? All by itself out here? How interesting. Scramble a fighter wing. If they can push the ship into tractor beam range, we'll pull it aboard and interrogate the pilot. And if not… we'll watch a rebel burn.

  • Hnh. Petty criminals and their squabbles. Beneath our notice. Bring our shuttle home. And inform Lord Vader of what’s going on.

  • The Empire can exact more effective revenge by adjusting the terms of our deal with them. We’ll hit what the Hutts most value–their credits.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tasu Leech
Paid: Flat Rate 14 USD

Tasu Leech is an assassin and pit fighter. He was hired by the bounty hunter T'onga, along with her wife Losha, to join her crew in an attempt to rescue the true heir of the Unbroken Clan, Cadeliah.

TFA, langauge, ettc

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Dami okun gemia utu vetepaxi meloconu finguta tibun? (How will you do all that after I cut off your limb?)

  • Kapanih bakon kami mong zili? (Are you sure we need this one?)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cribiriz Idollax
Paid: Flat Rate 13 USD

Cribiriz Idollax is a warlord and droid mechanic. Zuckuss and 4-LOM were sent to kill him, but they instead killed his brother, Sribiriz. Idollax spent the following years hiding, planning to avenge his brother by torturing the people who killed him.

He is a Culisetto, which are insect-like, so be creative with the voice because I'm not really sure what he should sound like.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • No, you insolent maggot! That was my brother, Sribiriz! Mamazooz always said we favored each other…

  • On that day, I vanished from the galaxy. In hiding, I perfected my craft. When anyone got in my way, I removed them. And I quietly put out the word of what I was looking for…

  • By the void, is it really...? At long last! Revenge!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
General Romodi
Paid: Flat Rate 11 USD

Hurst Romodi was one of the Imperial officers present in the conference room of the Death Star as seen in A New Hope. He survived it's destruction. Later, after Empire Strikes Back, he received an invitation from Crimson Dawn to an event where Han Solo would be put up for auction.

He also appears in Rogue One. Refer to this clip to hear what he sounds like and try to match it: Romodi in Rogue One

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • british
  • Forgive me Administrator Moore, but do you not feel as if the Empire has no place at this… gathering? We are surrounded by criminals. I recognize members of Black Sun, the Pykes and many other smaller groups.

  • This is ludicrous. Han Solo is a key member of the Rebel Alliance. Why are we not simply taking him? His value as a source of intelligence is incalculable.

  • General Romodi reporting for duty, Lord Vader. By order of the Emperor, I present you with all the troops you will need to destroy Crimson Dawn.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

Kaj is a Chagrian female who resided on Nar Shaddaa. After the droid bounty hunter 4-LOM attacked his partner, Zuckuss, Kaj and her associates attempt to fight the droid.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Trot! Do not chop off that guy's arm!

  • What is with you? What would you do with all those limbs anyway?!

  • Not if that ‘hobby’ leaves our ship stinking like decomposing flesh!


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