

I do voices for fun! You can contact me on Discord! User: Zepumpkineater

Joined Jul 2023 4 Following2 Followers
About Zepumpkineater

Hi there, my name is Zep! I am an newbie voice actor hoping to contribute my voice to some projects! I am largely doing this for fun/as a hobby, so payment is usually quite optional, however I'll never turn down an offer of payment. At the absolute most, I'm just trying to get some experience under my belt! If I do audition for your project and you don't select me, I'd still love to hear from you! If you can spare the time, I'd love to have feedback and critique on any of my auditions, as I'm always aspiring to improve.

You can check out a small dub I did here! I am hoping to turn this small dub into a much larger voice project, hopefully covering the entire game's story mode.