War of the Bounty Hunters Part 3

Camryn Alexis for Mama Stammoch

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mama Stammoch
Paid: Flat Rate 16 USD

Mama Stammoch is a mechanic who has a shop on Nar Shaddaa. The bounty hunter Dengar has gambling debts with Stammoch which he did not pay. Dengar returns to ask her for help, which she is not happy about.

Voice description:
  • female senior
  • Well, look what the tooka dragged in. Never thought you'd be dumb enough to come back to my doorstep without the credits you owe me.

  • Yeah, yeah, heard that one before. May as well come inside. Shooting you out here will bring unwanted attention.

  • Shoulda killed you in the alley when I had the chance.

Camryn Alexis
War of the Bounty Hunters Part 3
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