The Planet Children | animated series

The Planet Children | animated series

Project Overview

This project is for roles that are either background characters, side characters, and roles that will be needed in the show

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alice Polka (Female) (VA and singer)
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: seraphine

A energetic famous singer who loves her fans. She’s very kind and generous, and always ignore the bad people

  • “Are you ready to party~!?”

  • “Okay, I don’t know what your trying to do, but please, you need to get off my stage!”

  • “That was amazing~!!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bradley Moe (Male)
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Brandon Barlow

The news broadcaster on the other side of the county district who is supposedly enemies with the broadcaster that the planet children see on their TV in the Neptune mortal manor home. (Broadcaster and Bradley are dating in secret). Bradley is just like Vox from hazbin hotel

  • “Yea, this is totally fighting, were totally fighting”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cole Dickens (Male)
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: TrashKan

Elijah’s best friend who loves math and skateboarding

  • “And you haven’t talked to her about this why again?”

  • “Elija, I’m your best friend. And YOUR crushin on a galactic star girl who had to flee her home. You gotta talk to her about this”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Harper (Female)
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Alice Cashman

A girl at Westwood high school who works in the photography department of the school for the schools new paper. A cheery and bright girl who takes her photographs very seriously

  • “So sorry to bother you, but would it be okay if I took a photo of you guys for the schools news paper?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Galaxy (Female)
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Chloë Elmore

A calm stars of the galaxy, watching the past, present, and future of the universe

  • “I may have known what was going to happen with Una, but her actions were not mine to control”

  • “I cannot stop something that is meant to happen. You may alter your choices, but you cannot alter what you want done.”

  • “Una knows the consequences of this. She knew what this will lead to, but she still ended up doing all the things she’s been doing recently. Her choices still led to what would’ve happened. No matter how har you try to change the future with different choices, it’ll lead to the same events”

Character design
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Starri_Cometz

I already have designs for the important characters that will show up more for the show, but this role is for background and side characters since I don’t have much time creating the designs myself

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Script writer
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

Because I have by accident deleted 3 of my scripts for the project, I’m gonna hire someone else to work on the script with our script overviewer just so I don’t accidentally delete the scripts again. We already have episode 1-3 scripts done

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Thumbnail Artist
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Starri_Cometz

This role creates the thumbnail for each episode for YouTube 

  • *Say something you think would fit*


Public Submissions

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