Arianna McCarthy

Arianna McCarthy

Upcoming screenwriter for animation and comedy.

Joined Feb 2022 0 Following0 Followers
About Arianna McCarthy

Graduated with a BFA in Creative Writing for Entertainment at Full Sail University.

Full Sail University - 2020

Scriptwriting Techniques

Instructed by Carol Benanti

This course was apart of the Bachelor's of Fine Arts program at Full Sail University. It helped me understands the structures of a script for both television and film.

Full Sail University - 2021

Television Writing

Instructed by Corwin Moore

This course helped me understand the fundamentals of writing for television. It also helped me understand how to craft a script for both half and hour to hour television episode.

Full Sail University - 2022

Writing Workshop II: Television

Instructed by Corwin Moore

This workshop is apart of the Bachelor's in Fine Arts Creative Writing program at Full Sail University. I learned how to conduct an episodic script for both half hour and hour shows. I learned how to incorporate plot, plot, and character development into a television script.

Full Sail University - 2021

Writing Workshop I: Film

Instructed by Ed Ferrara

This writing workshop is apart of the Bachelor's of Fine Arts program at Full Sail University. I learned how to craft a script for film. The workshop helped me apply character development, construct a plot, and how to correctly format a film script.

Full Sail University - 2020

Developing New Worlds: Environment and Historical Research

Instructed by Michael Ferraro

This course helped me learn more about crafting a story bible for both film and television. I learned how to conduct informative and sourceful research in order to build new fictional worlds. The course also inspired me to use my creative and critical skills when applying findings to develop time period and environment.

Full Sail University - 2020

Publishing and Distributon

Instructed by Matthew Peters

I learned how to publish and distribute screenplays and television shows as well as comic books, video game scripts, and novels. The class helped me understand the entertainment industry and the process of projects being developed, produced, and distributed. During this course, I self published my book "Stories From a Caffeinated Brain".

What Arianna McCarthy is looking for

I like to work on projects that either need scripts, essential information, or advertising. I am looking for work that needs a script (episodic, short film, or motion picture) or advertisements.