The Planet Children | animated series

Cammie for The Galaxy (Female)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Galaxy (Female)
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Chloë Elmore

A calm stars of the galaxy, watching the past, present, and future of the universe

  • “I may have known what was going to happen with Una, but her actions were not mine to control”

  • “I cannot stop something that is meant to happen. You may alter your choices, but you cannot alter what you want done.”

  • “Una knows the consequences of this. She knew what this will lead to, but she still ended up doing all the things she’s been doing recently. Her choices still led to what would’ve happened. No matter how har you try to change the future with different choices, it’ll lead to the same events”

The Planet Children | animated series
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