Project Overview

This projet is for a 30 minute pilot that im making, it will be fully animated 2d characters and 3d backgroungs, with original music  and characters the goal of the pilot is to have it be populer so that i my make my own studio, and the rest of the anime, so if i find you're voice to be fitting for the character.

The story (without spoiling it) is what if we where in future and the four main races of our own world each had there own planet, then one day three gods with great power decided to inhabit three people from one of the four planets at a time, and if a someone with a god inside them can kill the other two then that god will become the new god of all four worlds

"I have listed the payment as $100, but am willing to negotiate with the chosen actor(s) based on a wage they feel to be more in line with their abilities as i know that your work and time is valuable. Please note that while I am willing to negotiate I do ask you keep your requested payments within a reasonable range. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about payments or the project in general."

i will keep posting roles on here till i get all of the characters roles filled, so if you did not get a role just wait and you might.

there is no time limit on this projet i will be over when all the roles are filled

i will also talk about the pilot/give updates on my discord twitter and twitch

anyone can try out for anycharacter no matter what

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    im moving in about 12 days 15 at the most so i have a lot to do but thats not why in here, soon i am going to make a short pv trailer for the pilot with the main character saying a line and maybe a few more voices, so i'll soon be putting the main character on CCC, if you get one of the role's you will get piad for this and play the main character in the pilot, so be on the look out and be ready to audition

  • Hesa-me Chiba is now up for auditions!

    1- Hesa-me Chiba is now up for auditions.

    2- The project has been extended for two more month.


    ok this is about Dolos im not to sure how but a lot of people seem to think he is a posh royal type, he is royal but he IS NOT POSH AT ALL! he is supposed to be a very rude menacing royal type, he uses the way of speaking that a king or even god would use, but he uses it to intimidate and belittle others as if there where dumber then him, think Madara Uchiha from Naruto he has a deep voice he is menacing and speaks like a royal and sometims like a god but in no way is he posh, look at Bpjenkin123088 i told he the right way to do the audition and he did almost perfect, so if you did a audition for him as a posh character plaese re-record it, and plaese drop the posh thing!


    1- Raiko Minamoto is now up for auditions.

    2- The project has been extended for one more month.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

a short and vary rude 5.3ft genius with huge muscles, who has the most hate for his own mother, he has a deeper voice for his age but not so deep that he does not sound 15 if you haer him for a bit.

(I have listed the payment as $100, but am willing to negotiate with the chosen actor(s) based on a wage they feel to be more in line with their abilities as i know that your work and time is valuable. Please note that while I am willing to negotiate I do ask you keep your requested payments within a reasonable range. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about payments or the project in general) 

(and it's pronounced sh on go)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • animation/character
  • animation
  • american
  • oh the king is here. . . great what dose he want from me now.

  • i told you you old hag im not going to help you or this piece of shit king!

  • im only going to tell you this once, get the hell out of my house right now or im going to make you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

hathor is an extremely scared and timid person, she is scared of almost everyone and everything think kobeni from chainsaw man

(I have listed the payment as $100, but am willing to negotiate with the chosen actor(s) based on a wage they feel to be more in line with their abilities as i know that your work and time is valuable. Please note that while I am willing to negotiate I do ask you keep your requested payments within a reasonable range. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about payments or the project in general) 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • american
  • oh no i-im sorry im so sorry, oh-oh god im soooo sorry! i didn't mean to bump into you, a-are you hurt tell me you're not hurt.

  • oh no!, oh no! y-y-y-you're the prince! oh god!, oh god! i just bumped into the prince! my life, my life... is over! im going to jail! im going to be locked up for the rest of my lifeeeee!

  • w-wait you're... you're not going to take me to jail?... i don't need to say sorry so much?... w-wow you're... you're so nice! thank you!, thank you soooo much! i can't beleve you're so nice!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

oshun is an extremely chill person willing to do almost anything with anyone all the time her voice is on the lower side but not by to much

(I have listed the payment as $100, but am willing to negotiate with the chosen actor(s) based on a wage they feel to be more in line with their abilities as i know that your work and time is valuable. Please note that while I am willing to negotiate I do ask you keep your requested payments within a reasonable range. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about payments or the project in general) 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • american
  • yo whats up, where you been

  • oh come oooooooon don't just leave me hanging come baaaak, man

  • soooo what are you doing? come ooon tell me, ughhhhh fine i'll just keep bothering you till you tell me

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

oba is a vary short and grumpy person she is often passive aggressive or flat out rude she can be vary loud at times but most of the time she is just passive aggressive though the one person she's nice to is her grandma im not sure if there is a character i can describe her voice in but i want her to sound short if that make sense as she is 5.0ft i think the best way to describe her voice would be a chiwawa with a voice that is not as high pitch

(I have listed the payment as $100, but am willing to negotiate with the chosen actor(s) based on a wage they feel to be more in line with their abilities as i know that your work and time is valuable. Please note that while I am willing to negotiate I do ask you keep your requested payments within a reasonable range. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about payments or the project in general) 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • animation/character
  • animation
  • american
  • wow look what the cat dragged in, i mean really you gotta be a whole different kind of loser to get beat up that bad

  • grandma you made it im so glad!, i didn't think you would be here i thought you would miss it

  • huh his kinda cute, seems like a complete muscle brain though, sigh~ it's always the good looking ones that turn out to be the biggest dumb-asses bet he dosen't even know his left from his right. . . still cute though

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

nekhbet is a vary calm person with a bit of a drak side, she tortures information out of people for a living, along side the scarab's a special police force that takes it's orders directly under the king, she has a sexy/mutare voice of an older woman.

(oh and just so you guys know i have someone in mind for this character so you will need to do really good if you want this one)

(I have listed the payment as $100, but am willing to negotiate with the chosen actor(s) based on a wage they feel to be more in line with their abilities as i know that your work and time is valuable. Please note that while I am willing to negotiate I do ask you keep your requested payments within a reasonable range. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about payments or the project in general)  

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • american
  • oh my the bad guys just keep getting bigger and bigger, what anm i to do now

  • sister you really need to find a man, it might help you calm dwon more

  • oh myyyy it looks like that one hurt i hope you don't pass out it's so bothersome when they pass out

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shango's mom
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

shango's mom is a vary nice lady most of the time, when she's talking to her son she is just as mean to him as he is to her, she has a bit of deep-nes to her voice but for the most part she sounds like a normal woman in her 30s to 50s think bakugo's mom from my hero academia

(I have listed the payment as $100, but am willing to negotiate with the chosen actor(s) based on a wage they feel to be more in line with their abilities as i know that your work and time is valuable. Please note that while I am willing to negotiate I do ask you keep your requested payments within a reasonable range. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about payments or the project in general)  

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • female adult
  • adult
  • animation
  • american
  • shangooooooooooooooooo! get you're ass dwon here the king is here! and hrwants to talk to you! (and it's pronounced sh on go)

  • the hell did you just say to me i hope you know who you're talking to! cause if you do you know what im going to do next

  • oh hello king i see you brought you're son with you wait inside i'll go get a snack ready for you

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Food vender girl
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

she's just sealing food with her grandma she's vary shy though 

(I have listed the payment as $100, but am willing to negotiate with the chosen actor(s) based on a wage they feel to be more in line with their abilities as i know that your work and time is valuable. Please note that while I am willing to negotiate I do ask you keep your requested payments within a reasonable range. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about payments or the project in general)

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation
  • female teen
  • animation/character
  • american
  • h-hello s-sir what might you like to buy we have plenty of everything. . . right grandma?

  • c-come and get something p-please. . .

  • g-grandma i sold something look i-i did it

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nzame the king of the planet
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

nzame is a old-ish man 50 years old with a very deep voice that has the capacity to sound evil but for the most part he is a vary kind and caring person with a hart of gold he is also the father on the main character

(I have listed the payment as $100, but am willing to negotiate with the chosen actor(s) based on a wage they feel to be more in line with their abilities as i know that your work and time is valuable. Please note that while I am willing to negotiate I do ask you keep your requested payments within a reasonable range. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about payments or the project in general)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • animation
  • male adult
  • adult
  • animation/character
  • american
  • oh hello shango i see you're as lively as ever though it must run in thr family, ever the less i came here to check up on the new invention i asked you for

  • well they are quite the strange family soooo eccentric?

  • wel i must go now i have important matters to attend to im sure you can deal with the rest

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

huitzilopochtli is a vary strong but goofy man always making joke's and messing with people but be taht as it my he is still a king and when he as to be he is one of the best if not the best he is also mexican with a strong spanish accent think octane from apex but a bit deeper

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • hispanic
  • adult
  • hispanic american
  • hispanic/latino
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • yo yo yooo whats going on how's everybody been im sure you all must have missed me, right?

  • oh please i think you know why where here, don't act like you don't after all i would not be on such a shity planet if i didn't have to be

  • joking joking. . . im sure it's lovely here just lovely

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

Dolos is anothr king he is much more dignified and reserved then the other planet kings and thinks vary highly of himself and often looks dwon on others his voice is like minato from naruto if he was a bad guy and it was just a bit deeper


im not to sure how but a lot of people seem to think he is a posh royal type, he is royal but he IS NOT POSH AT ALL! he is supposed to be a very rude menacing royal type, he uses the way of speaking that a king or even god would use, but he uses it to intimidate and belittle others as if there where dumber then him, think Madara Uchiha from Naruto he has a deep voice he is menacing and speaks like a royal and sometims like a god but in no way is he posh, look at Bpjenkin123088 i told he the right way to do the audition and he did almost perfect, so if you did a audition for him as a posh character plaese re-record it, and plaese drop the posh thing!

(I have listed the payment as $100, but am willing to negotiate with the chosen actor(s) based on a wage they feel to be more in line with their abilities as i know that your work and time is valuable. Please note that while I am willing to negotiate I do ask you keep your requested payments within a reasonable range. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about payments or the project in general) 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • adult
  • animation
  • american
  • please would the both of you just be quiet i haven't the time nor the energy, sigh~ i really don't know how any of you became kings of planet's, how you're people aren't dead i don't know

  • do you really think it to be productive to fight one another like children then fix the matter at hand

  • i have no more time for you im going, if and only if you decide to talk to me about something of importance will i caome back

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hesa-me Chiba
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

Hesa-me Chiba is the qween of a planet thats basically japan but everywhere, Hesa-me is very aware of the way she looks, and is the type of person to make a LOT of sexual jokes about herself and her body to try and get a reaction out of people, most time from men, but then if you try to play along or even reciprocate in anyway she'll get flustered and shy-er then a school girl, as if she had never heard something so obscene and outlandish in her entire life and try to run away or change the subject as fast as she can, in other words she can talk the talk but never walk the walk, which is why to this day she has yet to have a single love interest in all of her long years, she also will never talk about her age as she is a half oni and all oni and half oni have a very long life span, she will never say she is any older then 35, as to her that's about 18 but above all else she is strong, very strong, like really really strong... but, she never even try's to use or show siad power as she really dosen't carefor it, she would much rather tell more sex jokes then be strong or take care of her planet.

Hesa-me has a very light and happy voice that is always wecoming to everyone and anyone, there's also just a bit of anime mommy she put's in her voice more so to play into her joke's, but also to try and seem more mature and act as if she has it al together, but there is almost never a point in time that she is not happy and joyful, she also very scatterbrained and rambles a lot.

and Nzame's name is pronounced (N as in the letter) (za like say but with a z at the start) (me kinda like may the month) (so n-zay-may)

Raiko's name is pronounced (Rai, ray as in a sun ray) (Ko, co like hot cocoa but without the coa part) ( so ray-co)

i would say to look at Marin Kitagawa in the english dub of my dress-up darling to really get down waht im looking for

(I have listed the payment as $100, but am willing to negotiate with the chosen actor(s) based on a wage they feel to be more in line with their abilities as i know that your work and time is valuable. Please note that while I am willing to negotiate I do ask you keep your requested payments within a reasonable range. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about payments or the project in general)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female teen
  • female senior
  • female young adult
  • english (american)
  • adult
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • Raiko c'mon show off a little after all i think your hips might be even bigger then mine, plus you have such a cute voice!, and you don't even have to deal with all these guys lusting after you, not with a chest that small i wish mine were like that, though i guess i have my advantages. (dose a cute short giggle)

  • oh you've been looking at me and Raiko for some time now, do you want to cop a feel king Nzame? i wouldn't put it past you, i mean just look at us, if i were you i would want to do a lot more then that though, i don't even know how any of you guys can just stand there looking at us with such lustful eyes and not try to do anythong to Raiko and me, your looking at us as if we were just meat for you to devour, you can barely hold yourselves back huh, Pffffffff HAHA HAHA HA ha ha~ as if (dose a cute short giggle)

  • h-HUH?!?! w-w-wait, W-WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'LL LEAVE YOUR BED CHAMBERS OPEN FOR ME IF I AM TO CHANGE MY MIND!?!? y-y-your joking r-right?. . . R-RHIGHT?!?!? k-k-king Nzame?. . . (dose a cute short questioning giggle)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Raiko Minamoto
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

Raiko is a VERY serious and stern almost militant with out the aggression character yet she is almost never changing at lest in the way she speacks, she is always looking to respect others whatever why she can, she try's her hardest to do so to the point of her own humiliation at times, she has a very bad past with a lot of trauma that follows her to this day, because of this she has shut herself off from the world and  also shut off her emotions, that and the fact that she is a warrior of great power she keeps herself in check regardless of what she might want and what might be best for her, she is 44 years old but looks 18 too 20 she hate's this about herself, she hate's her hight (5.6ft) she hate's her body type, she hate's her voice, and she hate's the fact the she has an overall youthful appearance, and she is very uncomfortable around men and oftentimes avoids them or stays in her home to avoid them.

she has a voice like Erica Mendez as Uraume in jjk s2 ep 16 and ep 17 dub (timestamps (ep 16) 21:39 and (ep 17) 3:12 

(I have listed the payment as $100, but am willing to negotiate with the chosen actor(s) based on a wage they feel to be more in line with their abilities as i know that your work and time is valuable. Please note that while I am willing to negotiate I do ask you keep your requested payments within a reasonable range. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about payments or the project in general) 

(and hesa-me pronounced he like some guy, sa kinda line saw but with out the w, and me link when you're talking about yourself)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female senior
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • american
  • adult
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • pardon me, excuse my asking but what are the rules of speaking in turn here on this planet, for i do not wish to disrespect anyone or break any laws.

  • sigh~... miss hesa-me i beg of you, please stop talking about my looks you know very well i'm not fond of the way i look, or even the way i sound.

  • my deepest apologies i mean no disrespect, but as i hope you would know by now that i an not the most comfortable around men, so i wish for you not to touch me, even if it is just a touch on the shoulder.


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