The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama (ROUND ONE)

The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama (ROUND ONE)

Project Overview

Hello once again to all my fellow voice actors and creators!

I wrestled with the idea of turning this story into an audio drama because it is going to be the longest one I've ever worked with and thus one of the biggest challenges I've ever faced.  But I know my skill set, and I know that I can make this really good.  It's going to be tough, but I am ready to take it on!

This project will be completed in three parts, one for each released film.

SUMMARY (part one):

When Elaine is sent away from home during World War II, she finds herself living in a mansion with four other children, all of whom are siblings.  Elaine, feeling isolated, immediately clashes with most of the Pevensie children and longs for nothing more than to return home to her mother.

However, on one fateful day, the five of them stumble through a wardrobe and find themselves in the magical world of Narnia.  They all learn of a prophecy that tells of two boys and two girls destined to save the land from the evil White Witch.  Elaine realizes to her shame that she is not part of the prophecy and therefore, not needed or wanted.

Her plans to return to the mansion are derailed when Edmund betrays them all to the White Witch, and whether she wants it or not, she is now along for the journey as they try to find the mysterious Aslan who is the only one who can save Edmund from the Witch's power.

As Elaine and the Pevensies fight for their lives and the lives of the friends they make along the way, Elaine and Peter find solace in one another as the eldest children and learn how to rely on each other instead of facing everything alone.

But just when things start to make sense again, everything is thrown into chaos and Peter and Elaine must risk everything to keep Narnia from falling into the hands of the Witch.


1) I am always willing to be flexible with deadlines as I understand real life has to come first, but I also won't wait around forever and will recast if you prove to be unreliable.

2) Lead characters MUST be in this for the long haul.  It usually takes me anywhere from six to nine months to complete an audio drama and in this case I'm doing essentially three.  While having two different actors playing the same character in different parts won't be the end of the world, it will overall sound much better if it's the same person.

3) Give me emotion and feeling in your audition!  I have always leaned more towards voice actors who exhibit true passion in their voice.

4) Please be open to the idea of accepting a role you did not originally audition for.

5) Minor characters will have the option to audition for roles in Parts 2 and 3.

6) Mic quality will play a huge role in casting decisions.  If you receive a better microphone, you will need to submit a new audition rather than just tell me you have one.

7) When I cast roles, I also look at your CCC profile.  The style of it (i.e. good grammar, the amount of information you supply, a profile picture) can influence my casting decision.

8) Communication will be done entirely through email, so you must have an email address that you check regularly.  I will send cast-wide updates through Discord, so while one is recommended, it is NOT REQUIRED to audition.

Link to story:

Link to channel where finished product will be posted: 

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  • Cast List!

    There were so many amazing auditions to choose from. Casting this project was such a challenge. There were multiple people that I wished I could've put on my cast list but there were sadly only so many roles I could offer.

    The finalized cast list is as follows:

    -Narrator – Joshawa

    -Peter – Hunter LaPaglia

    -Elaine – Stephanie Kirves

    -Susan – kittyhatemachine

    -Edmund – Mimi

    -Lucy – Grace Lindner

    -Aslan – JBC

    -White Witch – Jonni Machado

    -Mr. Beaver – Swordtee40

    -Mrs. Beaver – Jess Nicole

    -Professor – kykix11

    -Father Christmas – Oskar1Thiele

    -Killian – CircuitVA

    -Alaesa – Moony

    -Oreius – Matt Weight

    -Maugrim – Hamish Coles

    -Mia – Dearra

    -Fox – BBlitzVA

    -Mrs. Macready – NamMad (Ariss u/s)

    -Mr. Tumnus – Doctor_Throwback

    -Ginarrbrik – VCKidVA

    -Meera – Michiganimator

    -Mara – Flamingo on Fleek

    -Adult Peter – CBVoiceover

    -Adult Elaine – Christina Chung (RosesNotesWings u/s)

    -Adult Susan – Shiraz

    -Adult Edmund – TheJoeSchmo

    -Adult Lucy – SparkofBeauty

    Everyone cast should've received an email notifying you. All cast members will have until January 6th to accept your role by providing me with your email address and Discord, if available. You can do so either in a private message or in the Project DM which all cast members should now be part of. If I do not hear from you by then, I will assume that you are declining the role and will go about casting another actor to take your place.

    To those not cast, please consider auditioning again for roles in the next round. A new casting call will be up in the next few months. Thank you to everyone who auditioned, and thank you to everyone who has been cast!



    Thank you so much to all of the amazing people who took the time to audition for this project. Casting this is going to be such a challenge! I am going to take the next couple weeks to start figuring out who should play which character. Please be aware that there will most likely be several instances where an actor may be cast as a character you did not originally audition for. As a reminder, anyone cast as a listed "Minor" character will be able to audition for characters in Part 2 and 3.

    Thank you again and best of luck to everyone!


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

The narrator of the story.  Because this role carries much of the project, your voice should be smooth and pleasant to listen to.  It is your job to keep readers engaged, so give life to the words.  As a director's choice, do not sound monotone but add many varying levels.  Narrate as if you are watching the action unfold right in front of you.  Tell me a story.

This is a 43k+ story and a good chunk of it is narration, so please be prepared to record a lot of dialogue.  An American accent is required in order to set it apart from everyone else's English accents.

It is preferable that the narrator for this story narrates all three parts.  But because there is just so much narration, it will be understandable if you are only available for Part 1.

Parts needed for: 1, 2, 3

  • english
  • Elaine closed her eyes, remembering every little detail about how it felt to be in her mother’s arms.  After tonight, it was possible she might never know this feeling again.

  • Gripping Lucy’s hand tightly, Peter and the others ran the rest of the way across the field and towards the trees as fast as they could.  They were painfully reminded that the snow and their thick coats made it incredibly difficult to run fast, but their fear of the White Witch kept them moving.  If any of them were caught, it was all over.

  • The tent flaps moved, and Aslan, The Great Lion, stepped out.  Elaine gasped in wonder and awe.  She was overwhelmed in his presence and couldn’t find words that properly explained how she felt.  All of the wonderful things she’d felt back when she’d first heard Mr. Beaver mention the Great Lion’s name returned tenfold.  She wanted to stay in his presence forever if it meant that she could always experience such a pure and beautiful feeling.  

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Stephanie Kirves

Elaine comes to stay at the Professor's house with the Pevensies, and she quickly clashes with all of them until she decides it will be better to just get through this huge shift in her life on her own.  This plan ends up derailing when she comes through the wardrobe with the others and finds herself in the magical world of Narnia.  When she finds out about the prophecy, a prophecy that only foretells two boys and two girls, she feels worthless and insignificant.  She only stays because Edmund disappears and it feels wrong to leave the Pevensies when one of their siblings is in serious danger.

Over the course of their journey to find the King of Narnia, Aslan, Elaine begins to slowly bond with the other siblings, especially Peter, and she confesses to him that her father had been killed in action only a month ago.  When she meets Aslan, he helps her face her own negative thoughts about herself and shows her that she has worth, prophecy or not.  Elaine then trains for the upcoming battle and grows stronger and more confident in herself.  After witnessing Aslan's death at the hands of the White Witch, Elaine fights hard in the battle alongside Peter and Edmund.  When the battle is won and the Pevensies are crowned kings and queens, Elaine stays in Narnia with them and later marries Peter.  After fifteen years in Narnia, all of them are suddenly thrown back into their own world and reverted back to their original ages.  However, Elaine notices that her and Peter's wedding rings have come back with them.

Age: 15

Voice: stubborn, compassionate, English accent

Parts needed for: 1, 2, 3 (cameo)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • english
  • I agree with Edmund.  You’re trying so hard to be their father, but you’re just not!  They don’t need you to be their father, they need you to be their brother!

  • (sad and angry) Ever since my father left for the war, I have tried to be strong for my mother.  I tried to be strong while he was gone, I tried to be strong when he was missing, and I had to be even stronger after they found him.  But I thought that even though it was just the two of us now, we would be okay because we still had each other.  We were supposed to get through it together, and she sent me away!

  • Edmund…if there’s one thing I’ve learned here…it’s all right to admit that you’re scared.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Peter Pevensie
Role assigned to: Hunter LaPaglia

Peter is the eldest of the Pevensie children, and though he tries his best to look out for all of them, he is only a teenager and sometimes falls short.  Not long after arriving at the Professor's house, he and Elaine clash so hard that she decides not to speak to him any longer.  However, she ends up in Narnia with him and the rest of his family and he ends up developing a close bond with her.  Peter feels responsible for his family, Elaine, and even all of the Narnians.  He is resistant of the prophecy at first, but soon gains confidence in himself and leads the Narnian army into battle against the White Witch with Elaine right by his side.  After he takes the throne and is given his title of King Peter the Magnificent, he confesses his feelings for Elaine and then marries her seven years later.  After spending fifteen years in Narnia, they are suddenly thrown back into their own world but Elaine notices that she and Peter are still wearing their wedding rings.

Age: 15

Voice: paternal, compassionate, English accent

Parts needed for: 1, 2, 3 (cameo)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • english
  • You’ve known my siblings for a day.  Don’t tell me how I’m supposed to look after them.  Let me worry about my brother and sisters.  I can take care of them myself.

  • Even though you had absolutely no reason to, you stood by me in the biggest and hardest moment of my life.  I don’t know what our future holds here, but I’m hoping that this will show you how important you are to that future.  And…to me.


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Susan Pevensie
Role assigned to: kittyhatemachine

Susan is the second eldest of the Pevensie children.  She acts very maternal and prefers to approach difficult situations with logic.  When she travels to Narnia with the rest of her siblings and Elaine, she slowly gets back some of her previous childlike nature.  She gets closer to Elaine on her journey enough so that she helps ease her fears when she realizes that Elaine is terrified.  Susan is given a bow and arrow by Father Christmas which she quickly masters.  She is there with Lucy and Elaine when Aslan is killed and witnesses his return to life with Lucy.  She is crowned queen after the battle and is excited when Elaine marries Peter and she gains a new sister.  Towards the end, she is thrown back into her own world with the others and reverts to her previous age.

Age: 14

Voice: maternal, stubborn, English accent

Parts needed for: 1, 2, 3 (cameo)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • english
  • (warm) Wars don’t last forever, Lucy.  We’ll be home soon.

  • None of this would have happened if you had just listened to me in the first place!

  • (after she has watched Aslan's death) It’s too late.  He’s gone.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Edmund Pevensie
Role assigned to: Mimi

Edmund is the third Pevensie child.  As a result of the war and a difficult time at school, he is angry at everyone and desperate for someone to tell him that he means something.  When he meets the White Witch in Narnia, she sees this and plays on his desires so that he will betray his family and all of Narnia.  Edmund does exactly that when his siblings and Elaine travel to Narnia.  However, he quickly realizes what a grievous mistake he made when he witnesses the Witch's true evil nature.  He is eventually rescued by Aslan's army and reconciles with his siblings and Elaine.  In the battle, he is the only one who thinks to go after the Witch's magic wand rather than the Witch herself, and is almost killed.  Fortunately, Lucy heals him with her magic potion and he is then crowned king alongside Peter.  Fifteen years later, he is thrown back into his own world with the others and reverts back to his original age.

Age: 13

Voice: stubborn, childish, matures as time goes on

Parts needed for: 1

*The role of Edmund will be played by a female for Part 1 and then recast to be played by a male for Parts 2 and 3 as his voice will have broken during the time skip*

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • english
  • Oh, great, I suppose you’re here to tell me how I make everything worse too, aren’t you?  Because all I do is screw up, right?

  • I don’t know how I’m supposed to face the rest of the Narnians after what I’ve done.  How could they ever forgive me for this?

  • Peter, there’s an army out there, and it’s ready to follow you.  Aslan believed you could.  And so do I.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lucy Pevensie
Role assigned to: Grace Lindner

Lucy is the youngest Pevensie child.  She is sweet, compassionate, and carries a beautiful strong faith and warmth about her.  She is the first to travel to Narnia through the wardrobe, but none of her other siblings believe her story until they all travel to Narnia themselves.  Lucy recognizes immediately that Elaine is depressed and lonely, and manages to convince her to come along with them to visit Mr. Tumnus.  This results in Elaine coming with them for the entire journey and bonding with everyone, despite not being included in the prophecy.  She is there with Susan and Elaine when Aslan is killed at the hands of the White Witch and sees him returned to life with Susan.  She is then crowned queen after the battle is won, and seven years later, she is absolutely thrilled that Elaine is marrying Peter and she is gaining another sister.  Fifteen years after she is crowned, she is thrown back into her world with the others and reverts back to her original age.

Age: 10

Voice: excited, kind, sweet, English accent

Parts needed for: 1, 2, 3

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • english
  • You’re coming too, aren’t you, Elaine?  Please?  I want you to meet Mr. Tumnus too!  I know you’ll like him!

  • (seeing Mr. Tumnus's destroyed house) Who would do something like this?

  • You seemed so…sad.  It wasn’t fair that the four of us had one another, but you didn’t have any other family with you.  So I thought that maybe if you just spent a little time in Narnia with us, we could all get closer and you wouldn’t feel so alone.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: JBC

Aslan is the Great Lion and the true King of Narnia.  His very name invokes feelings of power and warmth when the Pevensies and Elaine first hear it--except for Edmund who is under the White Witch's spell.  After the Pevensies and Elaine first meet him and explain what happened to Edmund, he promises that he will do what he can to save him.  He is a wise leader who helps Peter grow in his first battle and shows Elaine how she has worth even though she is not in the prophecy.  When the White Witch comes to claim Edmund, Aslan takes his place and voluntarily sacrifices himself.  However, because he committed no treachery, he is returned to life and ends the reign of the White Witch once and for all.  He then crowns the Pevensies and assigns them their official titles.  He disappears that evening, leaving Narnia in the Pevensies' hands to return when Narnia has need of him again.

Age: adult

Voice: deep, loving, authoritative, English accent

Parts needed for: 1, 2, 3

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • What’s done is done.  There is no need to speak to Edmund about what is past.

  • The prophecy only reveals a portion of the future.  Your prophecy is merely unwritten.

  • Do NOT cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch! I was there when it was written.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
White Witch
Role assigned to: Jonni Machado

The White Witch is the evil ruler of Narnia who has reigned for over 100 years and has kept the land in eternal winter.  She meets Edmund when he comes to Narnia alone and plays to his desires so he ends up betraying his family and all of the Narnians.  When she comes to Aslan's camp to claim Edmund, Aslan takes his place.  The Witch kills him on the Stone Table and is convinced that she is going to rule Narnia forever.  However, Aslan returns to life and puts an end to her once and for all.

Age: adult

Voice: authoritative, cold, English accent

Parts needed for: 1, 2 (cameo), 3 (cameo)

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • Go on ahead.  Gather the faithful.  If it’s a war Aslan wants…it’s a war he shall get.

  • (sweetly) Thank you, Edmund.  I’m glad this creature got to see some honesty. (cold) Before he dies!

  • Tonight…the Deep Magic will be appeased!  But tomorrow…we will take Narnia…FOREVER!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. Beaver
Role assigned to: Dontae M!

Mr. Beaver is one of the first creatures that the Pevensies and Elaine come across in Narnia.  He and his mate, Mrs. Beaver, explain to the children the long-foretold prophecy that two boys and two girls will come and save them from the White Witch.  When Edmund betrays them, the Beavers help the children escape from the Witch's Secret Police and then take them to meet Aslan so he can rescue Edmund.  The Beavers are very parental to all of the children, so much so that they remind Elaine of her own parents.

Age: adult

Voice: paternal, cheeky, Cockney lilt

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • (waking the kids up) Oh, I’ll have none of your moanin’ and groanin’!  Get up!  The missus and I found some breakfast for you.

  • Don’t you worry, dear.  Your brother’s got you well looked after.

  • (while being restrained) Peter!  Narnia needs you!  Gut him while you still have a chance!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mrs. Beaver
Role assigned to: Jess Nicole

Mrs. Beaver is one of the first creatures that the Pevensies and Elaine come across in Narnia.  She and her mate, Mr. Beaver, explain to the children the long-foretold prophecy that two boys and two girls will come and save them from the White Witch.  When Edmund betrays them, the Beavers help the children escape from the Witch's Secret Police and then take them to meet Aslan so he can rescue Edmund.  The Beavers are very parental to all of the children, so much so that they remind Elaine of her own parents.

Age: adult

Voice: maternal, kind, warm, English accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • It has long been foretold that two Sons of Adam and two Daughters of Eve will defeat the White Witch and restore peace to Narnia.

  • You all should get some sleep.  We have a long way to go to reach Aslan’s camp and you’ll need your rest.

  • (to Mr. Beaver) You’ve been sneaking second helpings, haven’t you?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: kykix11

The Professor is the owner of the large mansion the Pevensies and Elaine are sent to in order to escape from the brutality of the war.  He is a reclusive man at first, but he later admits it is because he's lived alone for so long that he isn't used to having guests.  When Lucy runs into him in the middle of the night after no one believes her about Narnia again, the Professor takes Peter, Susan, and Elaine aside and tells them that since Lucy is not crazy or a liar, then there is no reason to assume she isn't telling the truth about Narnia.  He then tells Elaine that it would be best to try to get along with the other children.  It is implied that the Professor is aware of Narnia's existence (and if you've read The Magician's Nephew, then you know why).

Age: ~70s

Voice: kind, gentle, English accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • english
  • Well, if she’s not mad and she’s not lying, then logically…we must assume she’s telling the truth.

  • (with a somber smile) I’ve lived here alone for a long, long time.  You’ll have to forgive me if I’m not used to having guests, especially ones so young.

  • (knowingly) What were you all doing in the wardrobe?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Father Christmas
Role assigned to: Oskar1Thiele

In the middle of the journey to meet Aslan, Peter, Susan, Lucy, and Elaine meet Father Christmas.  For the last 100 years, there has been no Christmas in Narnia but his appearance suggests that the Witch's power is finally weakening.  He gifts the children with tools to use in the upcoming battle.  Lucy receives a healing cordial and dagger, Susan receives a bow and arrows and a magical horn, and Peter receives a sword and shield.  To Elaine's shock, she receives gifts as well: a magic mirror and a long Narnian staff.  Father Christmas instructs them to use the gifts wisely before praising Aslan and bidding them goodbye.

Age: ~70s

Voice: excited, wise, English accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • english
  • The hope that you have brought, Your Majesties, is finally starting to weaken the Witch’s power.

  • Winter is almost over, and things do pile up when you’ve been gone a hundred years!  Long live Aslan!  And merry Christmas!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: CircuitVA

Killian is a faun in Aslan's army.  He becomes Elaine's trainer and teaches her how to properly use her staff from Father Christmas.  He also is the one who explains to her that she must confront her deepest fears if she wants to be able to properly fight in the upcoming battle.  Killian is a very strict teacher who trains Elaine hard because he only has about a week to teach her as much as he can.  But nevertheless, he becomes one of Elaine's closest and most trusted friends during her time in Narnia.

Age: ~30s

Voice: stern but kind, English accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • Lesson number one: always be on your guard.  Attacks can come from anywhere at any time.  Lesson number two: your staff is never your only weapon.

  • I recall you mentioning you had a fear of heights.  Meera is an excellent horse for such fears.  And I shall be a LITTLE more patient when it comes to teaching you to ride.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Moony

Alaesa is a naiad, or a river spirit, in Aslan's army.  She and two dryads, Vaella and Rayne, take care of Elaine when she first arrives at Aslan's camp and fit her into new clothing. Despite Elaine thinking the spirits are going to dislike her, Alaesa is very kind and sweet to her and assures her that she is a beautiful and strong young woman.  After the battle is won, Alaesa becomes one of Elaine's closest friends.  The three spirits all prepare Elaine for her wedding to Peter, and all of them are thrilled about the marriage.

Age: ~20s

Voice: sweet, gentle, light, English accent

Parts needed for: 1, 2 (cameo)

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • You are already beautiful, Elaine.  All we do is highlight it.

  • (somber) It’s true, isn’t it?  That Aslan has died.  We felt it the moment it happened.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Matt Weight

Oreius is a centaur and one of Aslan's generals.  He is fierce and formidable, but he is also very gentle when he needs to be.  When Aslan commands him to rescue Edmund, Oreius cannot understand how one of their destined kings could possibly be a traitor.  However, when he sees Edmund beaten and broken, Oreius realizes that Edmund did not know what he was getting himself into, and he swears to protect all of the humans.  He is the one to train Peter and Edmund, and is right beside Peter and Elaine at the front lines when the battle begins.  He is turned to stone while defending Peter, but Aslan restores him to his normal form.  Over the years that the Pevensies reign, Oreius remains Peter's closest comrade.

Age: adult

Voice: stern but gentle, American accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
  • I swear by Aslan’s mane that I will not harm you, Your Majesty.

  • A wedding is anything but trivial, Your Majesty.  There is no shame in feeling nervous.  Even the strongest men will go weak for their beloved ones.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Hamish Coles

Maugrim is a wolf and the Captain of the White Witch's Secret Police.  He is remorseless and derives pleasure from causing other creatures fear and pain.  Maugrim attempts to capture and kill the children so that the prophecy cannot be fulfilled.  He is led astray by the Fox the first time and washed away by the river unfreezing on his second attempt.  When he finally catches up to them again near Aslan's camp, Maugrim is killed by Peter in his first battle.

Age: adult

Voice: growling, low, sinister, menacing, American accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
  • This isn’t your war.  All my queen wants is for you to take your family and go.

  • We’ve already been through this before.  We both know you haven’t got it in you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: BBlitzVA

The Fox is a creature the Pevensies meet early on in their journey who saves them when Maugrim and his pack are trying to hunt them down.  While trapped in one of the wolves' jaws, the fox lies and says the children ran north when they are really hiding in a tree just a few feet above them.  Mrs. Beaver treats his injuries but the fox must leave quickly as he has been tasked by Aslan to gather more troops.  Seeing Peter's concern for Edmund, the fox promises that if he comes across him, he will do whatever he can to protect him.  Maugrim and his pack later capture the fox and bring him to the Witch and Edmund.  The fox shows nothing but loyalty towards his true king, Edmund.  Edmund, in an attempt to save the fox's life, tells the Witch more information but then the Witch turns the fox to stone anyway.  The fox is later seen restored at the coronation and when Edmund begs his forgiveness, it is easily given.

Age: adult

Voice: gentle, playful, English accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • (laughing) Relax.  I'm one of the good guys.

  • (sympathetic) I will see what I can find concerning his whereabouts, my king.  And I swear that should our paths cross, I will protect him with my life.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Dearra

Mia is Elaine's mother.  She is seen in the first chapter of the story when she and Elaine take cover from the bombs and then when Elaine is sent off at the train station.  It is very clear that Mia loves her daughter more than anything and that while she knows she must send her away in order to keep her safe, it is the absolute last thing she wants to do.  One month prior to the start of the story, Mia was sent a notice that her husband had been killed in action.

Age: ~40s

Voice: maternal, gentle, English accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • Things will work themselves out in the end.  It just may not be in the way you expect it.

  • (with difficulty as Elaine boards the train) I love you, Elaine.  More than you can ever know.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mrs. Macready
Role assigned to: NamMad

Mrs. Macready is the Professor's housekeeper.  She is stern and clearly dislikes the idea of having children running around, but it is mainly because she thinks very highly of the Professor and doesn't want him disturbed at all.

Age: ~50s

Voice: stern, strict, cold, English accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
Voice description:
  • female senior
  • english
  • Suppertime is not for chatterin’!  You can talk in your personal rooms.

  • Professor.  I’m sorry.  I told them you were not to be disturbed.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. Tumnus
Role assigned to: Doctor_Throwback

Mr. Tumnus is a faun and is the first creature Lucy meets in Narnia.  He is tasked with bringing her to the White Witch, but Tumnus, having come to see Lucy as a friend, instead takes her back to her home.  Edmund unintentionally reveals his deception to the White Witch, and when Edmund is taken prisoner, he meets Tumnus in the adjacent cell.  Edmund realizes that Tumnus being arrested was his fault and he feels even worse when the Witch tells Tumnus such.  The next time Edmund sees Tumnus, he has been turned into a stone statue.  Aslan revives him later and he makes amends with Edmund after the coronation.  He remains a close friend of Lucy's for the remainder of her time in Narnia.

Age: ~30s

Voice: meek, gentle, English accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • You’re Lucy Pevensie’s brother.  Is your sister all right?  Is she safe?

  • He’s a stranger here, Your Majesty!  He can’t be expected to know anything!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: VCKidVA

Ginarrbrik is the White Witch's personal dwarf and attendant.  He is very loyal to his queen, enjoying the pain of those loyal to Aslan.  He is killed by Susan in the aftermath of the battle.

Age: ~30s

Voice: arrogant, taunting, English accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • Is our little prince uncomfortable?  Does he want his pillow fluffed?

  • Here, kitty, kitty.  You want some milk?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Michiganimator

Meera is Elaine's mount.  She is a beautiful brown and white mare who provides a sense of comfort and strength for Elaine as she trains for battle.  Though Meera is a Talking Horse and should only be ridden in times of great need, she decides that she wants to remain Elaine's mount even after the battle.  Meera is very kind and gentle and encouraging towards Elaine.  She remains a devoted friend all throughout her time in Narnia.

Age: adult

Voice: encouraging, kind, gentle, American accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
  • (comforting) I’m here.  I will always be here for you as long as I am able.

  • This is all because you talked King Edmund into entering that riding competition in Archenland a few years back.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Flamingo on Fleek

Mara is a young nymph who lives at Cair Paravel and becomes Elaine's personal attendant and lady's maid after she moves into the castle with the Pevensies.  She remains a close friend of Elaine's all throughout her years in Narnia.

Age: teens

Voice: professional, excitable, English accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • english
  • Good morning, my lady.  My name is Mara.  I have been assigned to be your personal attendant.

  • My lady, it is time to wake up now.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Adult Peter
Role assigned to: CBVoiceover

To show the passage of time, Peter will be voiced by an older-sounding actor for the scenes where he prepares for his marriage to Elaine and for the moment where everyone rediscovers the lamppost and returns to England.

Age: 22-30

Voice: mature, regal, English accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • (sighs) This is ridiculous.  I have led armies and fought countless battles.  I should not be so nervous about something as trivial as a wedding.

  • To the ancient Northwestern Ocean, I give you Queen Elaine…the Faithful.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Adult Elaine
Role assigned to: Christina Chung

To show the passage of time, Elaine will be voiced by an older-sounding actress for the scenes where she prepares for her marriage to Peter and for the moment where everyone rediscovers the lamppost and returns to England.

Age: 22-30

Voice: mature, regal, English accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • I could never have imagined that I would be able to join into such a wonderful family.

  • Oreius and Killian have been stricter than ever since Peter and I were injured in our last battle.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Adult Susan
Role assigned to: Shiraz E | The Oratrix

To show the passage of time, Susan will be voiced by an older-sounding actress for the scenes where Elaine prepares for her marriage to Peter and for the moment where everyone rediscovers the lamppost and returns to England.

Age: 21-29

Voice: mature, regal, English accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • We could not have asked for a better wife for our brother.

  • (mocking Edmund) “You girls wait in the castle.  I’ll get the Stag myself”!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Adult Edmund
Role assigned to: TheJoeSchmo

To show the passage of time, Edmund will be voiced by an older-sounding actor for the scenes where Peter prepares for his marriage to Elaine and for the moment where everyone rediscovers the lamppost and returns to England.

Age: 20-28

Voice: mature, regal, English accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • Clearly, Elaine does not care about looks if she is marrying you.

  • Come on, Philip.  The girls can wait in the castle.  I’ll get the Stag myself.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Adult Lucy
Role assigned to: SparkOfBeauty

To show the passage of time, Lucy will be voiced by an older-sounding actress for the scenes where Elaine prepares for her marriage to Peter and for the moment where everyone rediscovers the lamppost and returns to England.

Age: 17-25

Voice: mature, regal, English accent

Parts needed for: 1

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • Just relax.  This is supposed to be the happiest day of your life.

  • Just think.  In only a few hours, the three of us are going to be sisters!


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