@Oskar1ThieleI'm a 25-year-old swede looking to voice act for any project that wants me.
You can contact me here on castingcallclub, on my mail or on my discord sumo#9719. I also have a soundcloud where I have uploaded my demo and monologues on, link
Music by CO.AG Music (www.youtube.com/@co.agmusic1823/featured)
Who have paid me visit?A man cladded in armor,with steel at his waist.
Are you here to rob me?
oh, thats good.
Im afraid if you were I wouldn't have much to offer.
Like the rest of the folk that filled these country roads, escaping the war, we had barely anything before it all started and even less now when we wander these endless roads trying to find that destined land without violence and woe.
But I could, if you'd want to, offer you a place by my fire since its quite the cold night we're having, wouldn't you say (chuckle)
And do feel free to tell me of your adventures, it would be nice to have the mind occupied for a while.
Not having to think of what have happened and what is to come.
Oskar voiced a feard pirates prisoner for one of our quests and added great emotion to the role! Also sent in the lines fast