The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama (ROUND ONE)
iflfan for Fox

The Fox is a creature the Pevensies meet early on in their journey who saves them when Maugrim and his pack are trying to hunt them down. While trapped in one of the wolves' jaws, the fox lies and says the children ran north when they are really hiding in a tree just a few feet above them. Mrs. Beaver treats his injuries but the fox must leave quickly as he has been tasked by Aslan to gather more troops. Seeing Peter's concern for Edmund, the fox promises that if he comes across him, he will do whatever he can to protect him. Maugrim and his pack later capture the fox and bring him to the Witch and Edmund. The fox shows nothing but loyalty towards his true king, Edmund. Edmund, in an attempt to save the fox's life, tells the Witch more information but then the Witch turns the fox to stone anyway. The fox is later seen restored at the coronation and when Edmund begs his forgiveness, it is easily given.
Age: adult
Voice: gentle, playful, English accent
Parts needed for: 1
- english
- english
(laughing) Relax. I'm one of the good guys.
(sympathetic) I will see what I can find concerning his whereabouts, my king. And I swear that should our paths cross, I will protect him with my life.