

Hi! Amateur voiceover hobbyist :)

Joined Apr 2021 4 Following3 Followers
About Dearra

Hi There! My name is Dearra, and I want to try my hand at voiceover work :) I've been interested in cartoons and voice actors ever since I was a kid, to the point where as a game I'll try to see how many VAs I know in a show or movie I'm watching. I'm looking to have a bit of fun and pursue a hobby I've been wanting to do for years! I have been "hired" for a few small, non-paid roles so far, and I hope to keep expanding.

What Dearra is looking for

I'm just looking for anything that seems fun or is a challenge for me, voice-wise. I love sympathetic characters, crazy characters, quiet characters, and villains. I also love voicing characters with eccentric, cartoonish, bored, or accented voices. I'm not looking for anything in particular, just whatever catches my eye.