Swimming Lessons for a Mermaid (Webtoon Dub, Episode 1 ONLY)(CLOSED)
Project Overview
Hi there! I'm Cat/Luna and I'm an amateur voice actor/video editor. I'm looking to hone my skills in video editing through comic dubs, and thus I am working on this project! This will be posted on my youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/PrincessofSkyloft), and if it gets enough of a following, I may ask you to return to further dub episodes from the webtoon! Because I am not a crazy popular YouTuber and this is more of a passion project than anything, I will be paying each voice actor for the episode. I'm fresh out of college and have a ton of loans to pay (I'm also unemployed because of coronavirus), so it's not a ton, but I will pay you by episode if I decide to make more. I believe in paying actors for their work, but I'm also a very new director, and if you feel this pay is too minimal for this kind of project, please reach out to me! Please have either Paypal, Venmo, or Cashapp for payments.
Here is the first episode of the comic! I will be dubbing this entire episode. Yongchan is the creator of this comic and I encourage you to check out their work. https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/swimming-lessons-for-a-mermaid/episode-1/viewer?title_no=1912&episode_no=1
I will offer quick and thorough feedback to an audition if it is requested! Please include your discord if you have one, as this will be the main way we correspond for this project! If you have any questions, you can reach me at lunafrreya#9461 or through CCC messaging.
More about this Project:
-I will be using Adobe Audition for audio editing and Adobe Premiere for video editing
-This is a project just for fun! Don't stress too much about it.
-I request audio that has minimal to no background noise. USB and XLR mics are recommended, but I totally understand that that costs money. Iphone mics are allowed, but sometimes it takes some serious editing to make them sound good.
-I am a 21-year-old director. This project has no mature themes and is rated G, however, I feel it's important information to give voice actors under 18 who may not feel super comfortable working with older directors. Our correspondence during the project will be strictly professional.
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Latest Updates
Thank you so much to everyone who auditioned! We had over 300 auditions, which was crazy and incredible!! You are all so talented and I had a really hard time narrowing down my shortlists. There are a few of you who I definitely want for future roles in the series, so if I go forward with episode 2 once episode 1 is out, then you can expect to receive a message on CCC or discord asking if you'd like to join the cast in the near future! I can't wait to get this episode out and I really look forward to bringing this comic to life. Thanks everyone!
Deadline is tomorrow!
Hey everyone! Thanks again for all your auditions! I’ve had a pretty busy week and have only had time to listen to a few, but I plan to close auditions at 11:59pm TOMORROW (June 8th). From there I will listen to all the auditions, finalize all the shortlists, and begin casting. I hope to have the cast decided on within a day of the deadline. If you are cast, expect to receive a message on CCC from me about joining the project discord. -
Over 100 Auditions!!
Thanks to everyone who has auditioned so far. I've enjoyed listening to every one of them. It's going to be extremely hard for me to decide on the final cast! I owe a lot of you feedback on your auditions, which I will get to throughout the week. I promise I haven't forgotten about you. -
Preview video is up
I've uploaded a preview of what the dub will look like. This is obviously a pretty rough draft of the finished project and the video will have a lot more sounds going on when it's complete. I am using two different translations for the final product, so some of the lines may be a bit different in the final video. I would love feedback on the editing (you're allowed to tell me if it's shit). -
Thank you!!!
Hi everyone! This is a super quick update, but I just wanted to thank you all for your amazing work so far. I've had a great time listening to everyone's auditions and providing feedback when requested! I really wish this episode had more characters so I could cast more of you! I've started work on video editing and will post a future update on my progress closer to the deadline for auditions. Thanks again!

Soo Lee is one of the leads of the entire comic and an excitable and sweet, albeit loud young man. He is a competitive swimmer and takes an interest in Choa. He discovers she is a mermaid in the finale of the first episode and later offers to help her learn to swim. I am looking for an expressive mid-low voice.
I feel great. I'll do better this time!
(Pleading, getting scolded by his swim instructor)
ARGH!!! I'll do my best, sir!!
(Speaking to Choa, excited, charismatic)
I saw you at the pool! You were watching the game in the front row! Wearing these clothes with this bag!
(yelling, shocked)
Argh! That's the deep end! Choa, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!
(Noises Soo makes while swimming, please see the comic I've linked in the description for a better idea of what I'm looking for)
(Gasp) (Huff) (Gasp x3)

One of Soo Lee's best friends who cares about his friends and has a playful and cheery voice.
(playful, joking)
Did you take a beating from the coach? At least you didn't have a false start this time!
Cheer up dude, you've done great!
(Joking, be over-the-top for this one)
HEHE! I win! Miss Icelyn Lee, Thanks for your 10 bucks!

A sweet and somewhat timid girl. She loves her friends Soo and Chan. She is rather observant of her social surroundings and later becomes suspicious of Choa and Soo Lee's relationship. Her voice should be a bit soft, but still friendly.
(greeting Soo Lee, calling)
Ah! He's out! Hey!! Soo!!
(snarky, joking)
You would've nagged us all day long if we didn't come. It was better to come than to deal with that.
Stop bothering her and just go to practice. You really need to stop hitting on random people.
I am looking for a deep and booming voice for this role. It is a minor role that only appears in the first few panels of the comic. Any accent is welcome for this role, but a crisp, well-understood line reading is a must. You may edit this to sound like it's through a loudspeaker, but I can do this in post.
The final round of the senior high school men's freestyle begins now! The athletes are all entering now!
They're off!
Unfortunately, Soo Lee from lane two came in fourth place!

An older man, with a stern and deep voice. He is a minor role in the beginning that speaks to Soo Lee after his match. I am looking for a fatherly and somewhat tired voice for this one.
(Speaking to Soo Lee after his match, stern and disappointed)
Your training records are good, but your meet records are disappointing. You didn't even rank this time. I'm sorry.
Phew...you must be more disappointed than I am. Let's do better in the next meet. But...now's the time to train even harder and quit being sloppy!!! Look at what happened when you were overconfident.
(stern, scolding, threatening)
If you slack off training one more time, I'll make you clean the swimming pool!!

Very minor role. I'm looking for a middle-aged woman's voice. Mid-Low. I will likely not need any extra lines from you.
Oh, Choa! Are you going home? You're not taking supplementary lessons, are you?
Good! Can you do me a favor?
Can you give this to the swimming coach at the school pool on your way home? If he's not there, you can just leave it on his desk.

These are unpaid extra roles, but if you'd like to help out and be part of the project, that'd be super cool! If I decide to make other episodes, I will reach out to you first about fulfilling leading/supporting roles. You do not have to include every single line in your audition, whichever ones you'd like to do. There are two different girls for extra roles.
(upbeat, friendly)
Girl 1: Choa. We're heading to the cafeteria, you wanna come with us?
Girl 1: You don't even know her that well. Why did you ask her to come with us?
Girl 2: I just asked because I felt bad that she's always by herself.
Girl 1: Ah
Girl 1: She never eats lunch either, right?
Girl 2: I think so.

These are unpaid extra roles, but if you'd like to help out and be part of the project, that'd be super cool! If I decide to make other episodes, I will reach out to you first about fulfilling leading/supporting roles.
Hey, Soo Lee! We need to hurry and eat lunch or we'll be late for practice!
Public Submissions