Swimming Lessons for a Mermaid (Webtoon Dub, Episode 1 ONLY)(CLOSED)
GabiMullerVA for Icelyn

A sweet and somewhat timid girl. She loves her friends Soo and Chan. She is rather observant of her social surroundings and later becomes suspicious of Choa and Soo Lee's relationship. Her voice should be a bit soft, but still friendly.
(greeting Soo Lee, calling)
Ah! He's out! Hey!! Soo!!
(snarky, joking)
You would've nagged us all day long if we didn't come. It was better to come than to deal with that.
Stop bothering her and just go to practice. You really need to stop hitting on random people.

Really great delivery and voice matches what I'm looking for. My only suggestion is to maybe have a bit more teasing in your voice for the final line, but I'm really happy with the rest of the energy and pitch here. Thanks for your audition!

Thank you for your feedback, I'll be sure to take that into consideration!