Super Mario Odyssey Triple Fic Feature

Super Mario Odyssey Triple Fic Feature

Project Overview

Hello this is the Casting Call for an adaptation of my 3 Super Mario Odyssey Fanfics that you can find on Archive of Our Own or at DeviantArt.This shall be my first (and most likely only) Casting Call for 2023. The basic summaries of each of the fics are the following…

SM Odyssey: Alternate Ending- During the ending of Mario Odyssey when Mario consoles Bowser about his failed marriage proposal towards Peach. Bowser initially thinks that Peach has dumped Mario but then Mario sets the record straight that they are not dating and it's just an inaccurate rumor. This revelation shocks Bowser in which things escalate from there.

SM Odyssey Duet on the Dark Side- After Mario completes the Darker Side Moon Level after getting 500 Moons Pauline has a little treat for Mario. Namely that Pauline not only performs a song for Mario in this alternate take on “1-Up Girl” but gets Mario to perform a duet with her. Namely this is a song fic which is a Song Parody of “Promiscuous” by Nelly Furtado & Timbaland.

SM Odyssey: Tour at New Donk City- Princess Peach pays Mario & Pauline a visit at the New Donk City Hall. In which Pauline gives Peach a little lesson in various parts of New Donk City while Mario & Pauline tell her about their history before Mario became the world-famous hero of the Mushroom Kingdom.

These fics are roughly PG in nature in which the only thing really all that lewd about them is some Mario X Pauline innuendo (and that is mostly in the latter two fics). Anyways I did manage to talk h0m3st4r and Dr. Pepper King to reprise as Mario & Bowser from my previous Mario Casting Call.

Here are the Rules/Guidelines for this project.

  1. If you are going to audition for a role do all of the lines not just one or two of them otherwise they would not be considered.

  2. Audition deadline is 12/10/23 (but I may extend it if the audition turnout is low). 

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Latest Updates

  • New Potential Update regarding this project.

    Does this mean that the cast list will finally be up after 4 months of postponement? ... Maybe.

    I do have some slight bad news, I've been in the "Process of Moving" for the past 4 months (unfortunately the housing market has been lousy in NH). And sadly I've lost my original computer in the process in which I've been using a laptop that is... decent at best. But I have been told that I could be getting a somewhat better computer soon among other things. If so I could get the cast list up before this month is over but if not well... so in other words things are a bit on hold for now.

  • Sadly once again I must extend the deadline.

    Sorry folks but I am still "in the process of moving" in other words I don't have access to my regular computer (among various other things) yet. Fortunately I did solve some of my more bureaucratic issues so hopefully that means I can make some progress in that regard. But given how things have been going for the past couple of months I figured I would play it safe and place the deadline on 6/6/24. Hope to hear from you all soon.

  • Sadly there is another Deadline Extension.

    While yes I am extending the deadline once again but this time I will tell you why. I have been in the process of moving this past month and alas the process has been a bit slow due to various reasons. So I have extended the deadline to 4/15/24 so I hopefully I will be fully settled in by then.

  • The deadline is extended once again.

    Yes folks the deadline is extended once again but its due to a different reason. Namely I have some big changes going on this upcoming month (in which I'm not at liberty to fully go into details yet). So to play things safe I am extending the deadline to 3/3/24 (in which depending on how things go this upcoming month I may have to extend it even further). So yes my apologies for having to extend this even more so but I have different reasons why.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Voice Type: Moderate, Elderly, Stuffy British, Firm but Caring

Appears in: Tour of New Donk City

Reference Clip: Super Mario Sunshine - The Movie (All Cutscenes)

Bio: Toadsworth appears briefly later on in the 3rd fic in a Video Conference Call with Mario & Pauline to not only slightly scold the two over certain things discussed. But he also wanted to speak with Mario & Pauline over matters of the future as well.

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • british (highbrow)
  • video game
  • 1. (Cordial & Friendly Greeting) Greetings Master Mario & Madam Pauline. 2. (Firm & slightly annoyed) Well yes Master Mario & Madam Pauline there are certain matters I wish to discuss. *ahem* First of all there is the fact that her highness Princess Toadstool was asking me some fairly inappropriate questions earlier today. Love Hotels, really? Master Mario & Madam Pauline you two should really be more discreet about your… nightly pleasures.

  • (Slightly awkward to Firm & Serious) Ah yes, so I have heard. *ahem* Anyways I am starting to wonder if perhaps this is a sign that her highness should find herself a suitor. After all, her highness Princess Toadstool, is getting older and she would need to one day learn how to be the Queen of the Mushroom Kingdom.

  • (Understanding, Fatherly & slightly defensive) Your concerns are duly noted Madam Pauline. However I am a rather old Mushroom Retainer so I’m not going to be around forever and I just wanted to make sure that the Princess is well taken care of.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Princess Peach

Voice Type: Moderately High, Cute, Cheerful, Naive (or at least seemingly so)

Appears in: SM Odyssey Alternate Ending (1 Line), Tour of New Donk City

Reference Clips:

Bio: While Peach only has one line in the 1st fic the Alternate Ending, but she gets more lines in Tour of New Donk City as she gets a little history lesson from Mario & Pauline.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • videogame
  • 1. (Thinks that Mario is punished enough) Alright I think I left Mario alone long enough I think I will check to see what he is doing. 2. (Slightly confused but cheerful) Govern the Mushroom Kingdom? Hmm? Oh wait, actually my old retainer Toadsworth does most of the actual work keeping things orderly in the Kingdom, especially when I’m away. And well… I am away a lot, for all sorts of different reasons.

  • 3. (Excited Giggly Fangirl) Eh heh heh oh you are so right! I remember when I saw Milli Vanilli in concert back then. Oh, I’ve always loved Milli Vanilli, they are the most legitimate musicians ever. 4. (Surprised & Amazed) Wow so there are Multiple Donkey Kongs but only one Mario?

  • 5. (Innocently puzzled) So, this Herman Smirch guy liked to go into the bathroom for a long time with pictures of Miss Pauline here? Hmm, I wonder why he would do that… 6. (Slightly disappointed but understanding) Hmm? Oh, excuse me I got to take this… *answers her phone* Hello? Oh, hello Toadsworth… now? Oh, alright I’ll be on my way. *hangs up* I’m sorry but I’m afraid this tour will have to stop for now. Toadsworth needs me back home at the Palace as soon as I can.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Voice Type: Moderate to Moderately Low, Alluring, Calm, Friendly

Appears in: Duet on the Dark Side, Tour of New Donk City

Reference Clips:

Bio: The original Love Interest for Mario (and the one I will be going with in these fics). While Pauline will be mentioned in all 3 fics she will actually make her initial appearance in the 2nd in which she manages to talk Mario into doing a little duet with her at the Darker Side of the Moon. But in “Tour of New Donk City” she plays a more active role giving Peach a little history lesson of New Donk City while reminiscing about old times with Mario.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • videogame
  • 1. (Congratulating Mario) Oh Mario I just heard that you completed the trial here at the Darker Side of the Moon. 2. (Introduction with a slightly flirty tone in the end) Alright Ladies and Gentlemen I have one more song that I will perform but this time I will be performing it with my dear Mario here. So Mario before we begin I just have one question… am I throwing you off?

  • 3. (Firm but Friendly Tone) But the life of New Donk City Mayor is not all glamorous dresses and lively concerts, I have done a fair amount of regular work here as Mayor. But then again, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about Peach since you govern the Mushroom Kingdom and all. 4. (Slightly Awkward to warmly nostalgic) Well, let’s move along now, shall we? Okay, *ahem* well Peach, while I can tell you all about the various current parts of this city, I know of a certain spot that is a rather special place for Mario and myself. You see the Construction Area in the City here? Well in this particular spot is where Mario first saved me from the original Donkey Kong back in the day.

  • 5. (Eager & seductive to very nervous) Ah yes, the “Love Hotel” district of New Donk City, Mario and I have had plenty of good times there. … Well, you see Peach these Love Hotels are meant for two people who do… “two people things”. 6. (Firm but Caring) Now Sir Toadsworth before you try to play match-maker for Peach, do make sure that the guy you are trying to set her up with is someone she likes. After all, even Royalty should get married for love too you know.

Pauline (Singing Voice)

Voice Type: Moderate to Moderately Low, Alluring, Playful

Appears in: Duet on the Dark Side

Reference Clips:

Bio: This is for Pauline’s singing voice which will become a factor in the 2nd fic here. While ladies you can audition to do both of Pauline’s voices if you wish but you can do one or the other. Keep in mind this is for a Song Parody of the Nelly Furtado song Promiscuous.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • singing/vocals
  • 1). You're looking for a lady that'll treat you right You lookin' for her in the day time with the light 2). You expect me to just let you jump it? After all, what if you bump it?

  • 3). Oh 1-Up Boy let's get to the point 'Cause we're on a roll are you ready? My Dress is red Some moons are blue Chivalry is dead But you're still kinda cute. 4). I'm a big girl I can now handle myself But if I get lonely I'mma need your help Pay attention to me I don't talk for my health

  • 5). I'm only trying to get inside of your brain To see if you can work me the way you say 6). Hey is that the truth or are you talking trash? So are you up for a Super Smash? ;)


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