Super Mario Odyssey Triple Fic Feature

belladubs for Princess Peach

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Princess Peach

Voice Type: Moderately High, Cute, Cheerful, Naive (or at least seemingly so)

Appears in: SM Odyssey Alternate Ending (1 Line), Tour of New Donk City

Reference Clips:

Bio: While Peach only has one line in the 1st fic the Alternate Ending, but she gets more lines in Tour of New Donk City as she gets a little history lesson from Mario & Pauline.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • videogame
  • 1. (Thinks that Mario is punished enough) Alright I think I left Mario alone long enough I think I will check to see what he is doing. 2. (Slightly confused but cheerful) Govern the Mushroom Kingdom? Hmm? Oh wait, actually my old retainer Toadsworth does most of the actual work keeping things orderly in the Kingdom, especially when I’m away. And well… I am away a lot, for all sorts of different reasons.

  • 3. (Excited Giggly Fangirl) Eh heh heh oh you are so right! I remember when I saw Milli Vanilli in concert back then. Oh, I’ve always loved Milli Vanilli, they are the most legitimate musicians ever. 4. (Surprised & Amazed) Wow so there are Multiple Donkey Kongs but only one Mario?

  • 5. (Innocently puzzled) So, this Herman Smirch guy liked to go into the bathroom for a long time with pictures of Miss Pauline here? Hmm, I wonder why he would do that… 6. (Slightly disappointed but understanding) Hmm? Oh, excuse me I got to take this… *answers her phone* Hello? Oh, hello Toadsworth… now? Oh, alright I’ll be on my way. *hangs up* I’m sorry but I’m afraid this tour will have to stop for now. Toadsworth needs me back home at the Palace as soon as I can.

Super Mario Odyssey Triple Fic Feature
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