Super Mario Odyssey Triple Fic Feature

StarD for Pauline

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Voice Type: Moderate to Moderately Low, Alluring, Calm, Friendly

Appears in: Duet on the Dark Side, Tour of New Donk City

Reference Clips:

Bio: The original Love Interest for Mario (and the one I will be going with in these fics). While Pauline will be mentioned in all 3 fics she will actually make her initial appearance in the 2nd in which she manages to talk Mario into doing a little duet with her at the Darker Side of the Moon. But in “Tour of New Donk City” she plays a more active role giving Peach a little history lesson of New Donk City while reminiscing about old times with Mario.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • videogame
  • 1. (Congratulating Mario) Oh Mario I just heard that you completed the trial here at the Darker Side of the Moon. 2. (Introduction with a slightly flirty tone in the end) Alright Ladies and Gentlemen I have one more song that I will perform but this time I will be performing it with my dear Mario here. So Mario before we begin I just have one question… am I throwing you off?

  • 3. (Firm but Friendly Tone) But the life of New Donk City Mayor is not all glamorous dresses and lively concerts, I have done a fair amount of regular work here as Mayor. But then again, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about Peach since you govern the Mushroom Kingdom and all. 4. (Slightly Awkward to warmly nostalgic) Well, let’s move along now, shall we? Okay, *ahem* well Peach, while I can tell you all about the various current parts of this city, I know of a certain spot that is a rather special place for Mario and myself. You see the Construction Area in the City here? Well in this particular spot is where Mario first saved me from the original Donkey Kong back in the day.

  • 5. (Eager & seductive to very nervous) Ah yes, the “Love Hotel” district of New Donk City, Mario and I have had plenty of good times there. … Well, you see Peach these Love Hotels are meant for two people who do… “two people things”. 6. (Firm but Caring) Now Sir Toadsworth before you try to play match-maker for Peach, do make sure that the guy you are trying to set her up with is someone she likes. After all, even Royalty should get married for love too you know.

Super Mario Odyssey Triple Fic Feature
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