Super Mario Odyssey Triple Fic Feature

CaineVA for Toadsworth

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Voice Type: Moderate, Elderly, Stuffy British, Firm but Caring

Appears in: Tour of New Donk City

Reference Clip: Super Mario Sunshine - The Movie (All Cutscenes)

Bio: Toadsworth appears briefly later on in the 3rd fic in a Video Conference Call with Mario & Pauline to not only slightly scold the two over certain things discussed. But he also wanted to speak with Mario & Pauline over matters of the future as well.

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • british (highbrow)
  • video game
  • 1. (Cordial & Friendly Greeting) Greetings Master Mario & Madam Pauline. 2. (Firm & slightly annoyed) Well yes Master Mario & Madam Pauline there are certain matters I wish to discuss. *ahem* First of all there is the fact that her highness Princess Toadstool was asking me some fairly inappropriate questions earlier today. Love Hotels, really? Master Mario & Madam Pauline you two should really be more discreet about your… nightly pleasures.

  • (Slightly awkward to Firm & Serious) Ah yes, so I have heard. *ahem* Anyways I am starting to wonder if perhaps this is a sign that her highness should find herself a suitor. After all, her highness Princess Toadstool, is getting older and she would need to one day learn how to be the Queen of the Mushroom Kingdom.

  • (Understanding, Fatherly & slightly defensive) Your concerns are duly noted Madam Pauline. However I am a rather old Mushroom Retainer so I’m not going to be around forever and I just wanted to make sure that the Princess is well taken care of.

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