Space Boy: The Official Fandub Project
Project Overview
A girl who belongs in a different time. A boy possessed by an emptiness as deep as space. A story about an alien artifact, a mysterious murder, and a love that crosses light-years...
This is a project dedicated to that story, its author, and what it stands for. Made with the permission of the author, we aim to create a high-quality comic dub series of "Space Boy" by Stephen McCranie, to help people explore different creative facets like voice acting and music, and also to share this wonderful story with others! Episodes are posted on our YouTube channel. Depending on how things go, other projects like this one may follow. ;)
Interested? Come join our Discord server- the home-base for the project! You can contact us there, or send a message to us here on the CCC.
Read the comic for free here! You can also order hardcopies online at :D
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Latest Updates
Expect at least one roll to close each week, as the Board meets on a weekly basis, and keep an eye on our CCC page here to see what's still open! We will personally notify auditioners if they get a callback once all the Decision Board member's votes are in, and will post announcements on the discord server whenever a role is closed. :) ~The Decision Board
Casting Call coming to a close!
All roles except for maybe minor characters will be closed by tomorrow. Apologies if this is sudden, but the @Decision Board and I don't have time to process any more, last-minute auditions before our meetings/callbacks. (There is currently 213 total! Wow!) Thanks to all of you who participated and are willing to fill our need for voices. If we find ourselves in need, we will gladly call on any volunteers for minor voices as needed. Thank you for all your support and contributions! -
Casting Call now closing! Callbacks to be decided.
The Casting Call will now be rolling to a close for all characters. As I work on catching up with all the auditions that have come in, I will now start closing the roles. If you are a newcomer who recently signed up and needs more time, let me know and I'll leave certain roles open for a window of time for you. Otherwise, auditioning is discouraged until further notice. As meetings begin to commence between me and the judging team, we will decide if we need to leave certain roles open longer or to begin callbacks. I hope to have our final cast decided and announced by the 31st of this month. Callbacks should be announced within a couple of weeks, depending on how long it takes for my team to coordinate and go through every one. Thank you for your patience and your contributions! Stay tuned for future updates, and I'll do my best to stay on top of them. -
Secondary Characters are now OPEN!
We are now accepting auditions for SECONDARY CHARACTERS! These roles will be open from April 22 - April 29, and then we're moving on to Minor Characters. Special thanks to everyone who's signed up and sent auditions so far! You're amazing! :D -
Casting Call for MCs open 'till April 22!
We still have plenty of room for more auditions for our Main cast! We will be accepting auditions for them up through April 22, 2020. We will then focus on Secondary Characters, so feel free to sign up and get your audition ready for any that catch your eye! Callbacks will be held in May. Hope to hear from you! :)

Wyatt is overall a good man. He's a great dad and fully dedicated to the mission of the Arno. A paragon of virtue, he'll do the right thing, even when it's hard and even when he might suffer consequences. Looking for a firm but friendly voice that shows emotional range, and has that "good man, good dad" vibe.
Ep. 138: “Oh, yeah… I remember taking that test when I was your age.” through “And it’ll be the artists who--” (Wyatt and Oliver’s first conversation, and he goes off on how important artists are.)
Ep. 148: “Yeah. And the Arno got a clean bill of health.” through “But Chief Henning would be furious with me if I went over his head like that.” (Wyatt talks to his wife about his concern for the Arno and frustration with his coworkers. We see the side of him he never lets the kids see.)
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene.)

Oliver is full of imagination and has a rich inner world- a stark contrast to the reclusive, downtrodden teen we see in Season 1. However, his blunt and factual nature stays the same in both fantasy and reality. In his mind, he is Space Boy, Defender of Worlds! But he's also an eleven-year-old kid who loves his family and friends. We encourage actors of all genders to audition! We want him to sound like a real eleven-year-old boy- not cartoony- with a broad range of emotion. If you know a kid who's got acting chops, we'd love to have them audition! (With parental permission, of course!)
Ep. 138: “Hi, dad.” through “I drew a picture, but you’re lying on it.” (Our first scene with Li’l Oliver. We get to see the kid he used to be, as well as certain aspects of his personality we’re familiar with.)
Ep. 168: “Caleb… You were my lucky clover. So why…” through “--to have you, only to lose you!” (We see Oliver’s grief in full power here as he mourns over the loss of his brother.)
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene.)

Mr. Jacobs is Qiana's dad. He's a thinker, and while the mission is important to him, it's more important to him to do what he feels is right. He values life and the well-being of others, and is also quite smart. He loves his daughter, and isn't afraid to say what he thinks and stand up for his values. May possibly show up in future seasons. Must show a range of emotion, including being able to shout!
Ep. 162: “That’s my daughter, sir.” through “What? What do you mean?” (He explains to Langley why he brings his daughter over and why she’s not a threat.)
Ep. 174: “Sir, please! There’s no way Oliver can continue--” through “You have no right to threaten her!” (Mr. Jacob tries to convince Langley to bring Oliver home, then punches him when Qiana is threatened.)
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene.)

Cooper is your typical sarcastic, cynical teenager- a rebel at heart, but not without a sense of responsibility. She didn't get the job she wanted, and she's just trudging through the day-to-day. Deep down, she really cares, she just doesn't like to show it. Occasionally though, it peeks out. Looking for a voice that can deliver her dry sarcasm as well as the tearful, vulnerable side she hides. Ideally an alto, but we're open to other interpretations!
Ep. 144: “Kid! You are not allowed on this channel” through either “I’m always serious, kid. Hold on a sec.” (Cooper talks with Oliver as he tries to get in touch with Wyatt.)
Ep. 152: “I wanted to tell you that-- I’ll keep my eyes out for the anomaly.” through “Don’t go--” (Isabella shows her vulnerable side with Wyatt right after he’s fired.)
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene.)

Chief Engineer Henning is a gruff, disaffected boss. He takes his job and the teamwork of his crew very seriously. He and Wyatt don't always see eye-to-eye, with him requiring hard facts and evidence over hunches and theories to make something worthwhile. He's grumpy and blunt: a grin-and-bear-it, minus the grinning type. A rough voice would likely fit best, but bring in any interpretation that you think would fit!
Ep. 136: “Hey Wyatt!” through “Minus the grinning of course… heh heh” (Our first scene with Henning as he talks to Wyatt after the systems check.)
Ep. 151: “Wyatt!” through “But if we don’t find anything… you’re out of here. Got it?” (Henning confronts Wyatt’s distrust in him and the department, and expresses his frustration over the matter.)
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene.)

Caleb is Oliver's baby brother, his "lucky clover." He mostly babbles and makes baby noises, but at some point we'll get to hear his first word, which is "Olibah." If you have a toddler that can make baby noises or you can do a convincing baby, we need you! We want it to sound realistic and not cartoony.
Ep. 137: “Mlups op gramx kzukn!” through “BAHBAHHH!” (Caleb’s first scene. We see him interact with both his parents.)
Ep. 156: “BWAH!” through the end of the scene. (Caleb senses something is wrong and says Oliver’s name as his first word, trying to convince him to stay.)
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene.)

Oliver's mom is sweet and supportive. Oliver gets his creative streak from her, as they are both artists. She's got bright eyes and a big smile. She's not afraid to joke around a little, but she's also a shoulder to lean on when her husband is struggling at work, and she'll listen to him and help him work things out. We're thinking of a mature, soprano voice, but so as long as you can sound like an adult woman, go ahead and give it a shot!
Ep. 137: “MMM!” through “Finally, we can eat!” (Her first scene. We get to see her interact with Caleb and Wyatt, and her spunky, motherly nature.)
Ep. 148: “...So what are you going to do?” through “Whatever you decide to do, I’ll still love you, no matter what.” (She assures Wyatt of her love and support after he confides in her about his worries about the Arno.)
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene.)

Riley is Oliver's friend from school, either ten or eleven, and is starting to struggle with the drama and insecurities of preteen life. She wants to belong, and is bitter that he former friend Connie ditched her for more "important" friends. She's a sweet girl, a loyal friend, and a leader at heart. Really hoping for a young voice that fits the face, including the cute li'l tooth gap. Don't fake a lisp unless you can make it sound legit! We want her to sound like a real kid- not cartoony. Kids are welcome to audition as long as their parents are okay with it!
Ep. 145: “I agree with you, Oliver.” through “Are you with me?” (Riley gives her dodgeball team a pep talk before the game).
Ep. 149: “Oliver… Do you think I’m clingy?” through “Thanks, Oliver.” (Riley asks Oliver if she’s too clingy and he reassures her of their friendship.)
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene.)

Connie is a bit of a brat. She's the class president, and has a thinly-veiled preference for friends from high places like her. She's cocky and loves to play on other's insecurities, and yet has enough charisma to easily get people to follow her and get what she wants. Can have a bit of a lower voice than the others, but should still sound like a kid. Have fun!
Ep. 143: “Right here, Mister Bit.” through “Ahem. Hands on your hearts.” (Connie’s introduction. She teases the teacher on her name before leading the pledge.)
Ep. 146: “I just wanted to be on a team with my friends, that’s all.” through “The way you followed me around everywhere-- It was exhausting!” (Connie bullies Riley about their past friendship.)
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene.)

Biggy is the lead janitor on the Arno. His job comes secondary to team unity, and he's a pro at creating that. He's a great guy who does what he wants and doesn't answer to anyone. Looking for a rough-around-the-edges voice: more casual and gritty and rough, but with a big, loud, happy personality. We don't want him to sound stupid, just rough. Have fun with this! We're excited to hear his big laugh.
Ep. 153: “Hey, newbie! How you doing?” through “Even the poop farmers look down on us! HA HA HA!” (Biggy’s introduction. He checks in on Wyatt, and wants to show him the maintenance crew’s hideout.)
Ep. 159: “Calm down! Yelling will only waste more oxygen!” through “We’re the Maintenance Crew of Sector 9-- so let’s maintain this place!” (Biggy tries to make his crew keep a level head and find a way out of their crisis.)
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene.)

Carl is a diamond in the rough. A lowly janitor, yet Wyatt says he's possibly the smartest person on the Arno. He's a deep thinker: a philosophizer. He knows a lot about history that may sound cynical, but deep down he's an optimist. He's probably got a quiet sort of voice, but solid- not shy or sheepish at all. He's not above pontificating!
Ep. 154: “Well, think about it. The financial world was pretty shaky back then.” through “Nah-- I’m just a maintenance man with too much free time, that’s all.” (Carl tells Wyatt about the more manipulative side of the FCP and his hop for the future.)
Ep. 158: “It was nine.” through “It’s like the entire module was erased from the ship’s computer or something.” (Carl tries to show where the hideout is on the map, and realizes it’s not there.)
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene.)

Silber is a man of keen mind and wit, with expertise in charisma. He's a clever actor, intelligent, with a smile that rarely wavers- even when he's threatening one's safety. His role will become more important in season two, so we need someone with good range. His flavor is basil and balsamic vinegar, without a hint of the Wanderer's corrupting copper and iodine. We want you to sound cunning, but not conniving, charismatic, but subtle, and the kind of voice you want to trust if you don't know better.
NOTE: This character also appears in later seasons!
Ep. 167: “She’s right. An entire ity of people died tonight…” through “--maybe even war.” (Silber’s introduction. He lays out the harsh reality they’d be entering if news of the Arno got out to the public.)
Ep. 228: “I can neither confirm nor deny that.” through “You will continue to perform your duties as if nothing ever happened. Do you understand?” (Silber threatens the Kokomo police chief.)
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene.)

Captain Putnam is energetic and passionate about the mission, with a bold, lion-like voice. He's eager to reach the Artifact, to the point of impatience. He was also the previous host for The Wanderer, and thus may have some sinister motivations underneath the surface, but don't think too hard about that. Just pull out your inner confident captain!
Ep. 136: “Lieutenant Holmes, fire up the meridium drive, if you please. Onward to the Artifact… And may we find we are not alone in the universe!”
Ep. 152: “I’m fine. Just a bit annoyed by this pointless delay. I shouldn’t have let myself be taken in by that man’s paranoia.”
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene. Optional!)

Holmes only has a few lines, mostly logistical, as they prep the Arno for launch and convey messages to and from the bridge. Looking for a voice that fits the face, and sound focused. This person is good at their job.
Ep. 136: “Bridge here. … Yes, sir.”
Ep. 152: “Almost back to full speed, sir. We’re about to enter-- Let’s see… --the Aquarii Beta system.”
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene. Optional!)

Aunt Claire isn't really Oliver's aunt, but she's practically family. She's a calm, kind woman, probably with a lower voice. She's essentially Oliver and Caleb's godmother, and showers them with affection. Caleb is the child she never had, and she's always happy to lend a hand in caring for him.
Ep. 140: “We are going to have so much fun today! Oh, boy. Here it comes.”
Ep. 140: “Thanks, Oliver. No off to school, you two. Don’t want to be late.”
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene. Optional!)

Miss Turbit is your standard fifth grade teacher. She's a sweet lady who's just doing her job, and enjoys interacting with her students. She's visibly exhausted but puts up with any teasing she gets. She teaches the emergency drills, but doesn't think there will ever actually be an emergency. We really value representation, and would prefer to cast a person of color if at all possible for this role. If you know anyone you think would fit, please encourage them to audition!
Ep. 143: “Please don’t call me that, Connie. It’s Miss Turbit, not Mister Bit. Sigh… Never mind. Go ahead, Connie.”
Ep. 143: “Hey, you okay, Oliver? You look a little pale. Does talking about this stuff make you nervous? Are you worried we might actually have to evacuate someday?”
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene. Optional!)

This character leads and organizes the dodgeball game. They are often shown smiling, and they congratulate Connie for her generosity in allowing the other team an extra player. We want a kind, moderately peppy voice that fits the face and can properly shout, since without a megaphone, you can't exactly be quiet as an elementary school PE teacher. Don't hold back!
Ep. 145: “Alright everybody, quiet down now. Today we’re playing dodge ball. Riley and Connie-- you two are team captains. Pick your teams so we can get started.”
Ep. 149: “There’s the bell! Off to the locker rooms with you!”
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene. Optional!)

Natalie is an engineer, and doesn't like it when people question her job, She's doing it, so don't you dare try to undermine it! Small and fierce, she'll only listen when spoken to with sincerity and respect.
Ep. 145: “Looks fine, sir. We get readings like this all the time.”
Ep. 147: “I’ll have you know my record is flawless! I always follow protocol and I never take short-cuts! ...You do?”
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene. Optional!)

We mainly just want a voice that fits the face! This guy is usually smiling, though he's the first to panic when things start to go south. He's probably more of a tenor, perhaps with a nasally voice. Trust your instincts first, though! If you have your own interpretation of the character, we'd love to hear it. This guy is pretty expressive, so don't hold back and have fun!
Ep. 155: “Why don’t you do the honors, Wyatt? Open the hatch… See what's on the other side…”
Ep. 159: “Tell him we’re about to freeze to death! Or suffocate! Or both! BIGGIE!”
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene. Optional!)

Any accent is acceptable, but this lady definitely has a rural vernacular. She distills her own moonshine, hangs with the boys, and isn't afraid to tell a married man that he's a looker. Choose a voice that fits the face and the slang, and have fun!
Ep. 153: “And you ain’t too bad in the looks department neither. What? Just saying.”
Ep. 158: “I mean… Surely this old module has a secondary backup system to keep the oxygen flowing and the heat on during a blackout, right?”
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene. Optional!)

Martin is the new intern, and he's lawful annoying. A stickler for the rules with an entitled attitude, he takes his job a little too seriously and refuses to listen to anyone who's not his boss. A voice that's huffy, stuffy, and a little bit nasally would fit this character perfectly, but trust your instincts first! What voices fit the face?
Ep. 157: “HEY! You two aren’t allowed in here-- This is authorized personnel only!”
Ep. 157: “But, Cooper-- Sir-- This man is-- Hmmf!”
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene. Optional!)

Julia is the head of mission control, and is a kind, lonely old lady. She believes in the good in the world, and is deeply disturbed by the Arno Incident and the ensuing changes in the FCP, but she keeps a garden in the top floor of the FCP to keep herself sane. Get her talking, and she'll chat for a while.
NOTE: This character appears in later seasons!
Ep. 162: “Well sir, approximately 28 minutes ago we received a distress call from the Arno. Chief Henning reported rolling blackouts throughout the ship. Then-- Radio silence. The signal was cut off.”
Ep. 175: “Oliver, trust us-- You need to take a few months to process what’s happened to you. Maybe even a year!”
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene. Optional!)

This man is devastated when he discovers the Arno tragedy. He's grown up with these people for decades, been with them through trial after trial. He loves them, and now every one of them is gone. He's the one to break the news to the rest of the team, all through blubbering tears. Bottom line, you got to sound old and be good at fake crying.
Ep. 165: “I was there for the oxygen crisis of 3346...and I was there for the blight that struck eight years ago. I’ve watched these people struggle and fight and sacrifice… And now… After all that… SOB!”
Ep. 175: “That’s right. Mourning takes time. You can’t rush it.”
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene. Optional!)

This woman is basically the female version of Fear from Inside Out. When she learns about the Arno arc, she's the one to immediately point out the worst possibilities. They're all going to prison, despite the fact that they did nothing wrong. Young Oliver has the beginnings of PTSD. Yep. She guarantees it. She probably talks quickly, repeating her favorite guarantee catchphrase. We're thinking of a high-pitched, squirrel-like sort of voice, but don't be afraid to improvise a different sort of voice that feels more natural to you! She's a bit more of a caricature than most characters in Space Boy, and can afford to be a bit more exaggerated and cartoony.
Ep. 167: “When the public finds out what happened to this boy-- And to the Arno-- They’ll be out for blood. Yup. They’ll want a scapegoat. I guarantee it.”
Ep. 175: “And don’t worry, we’ll be here to help! Yep! We can start by putting together a funeral for your family--or maybe some kind of ceremony to honor the dead.”
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene. Optional!)

A woman of humble beginnings, this Malabwe refugee eventually went on to become the first captain of the Arno, and the many-greats-grandmother of Wyatt and Oliver. She's a woman of confidence, determination, and understanding, and carries her compass with her as a reminder to stay on the right course. Representation is especially important for this role, and we want to cast an actor of color.

There are various children and various lines throughout the dodgeball scene, so give us your best kid voice. We want them to sound like real kids, not cartoony attempts at children. We need all genders, and specifically, we would like an authentic AAVE or African voice for Noah.

Tired but pleasant, Cooper's mom isn't known for staying up late, but one night she's woken by a young visitor, Lil Oliver, who has come to see her daughter, Cooper, who is practicing guitar in her room. They seem to be on decent terms, notwithstanding Cooper's moody, rebellious nature, and while Cooper's mom doesn't seem particularly alternative herself, she seems nice.

These three men have a couple lines as mission control processes the Arno Incident, and they often bounce off each other. We're looking for three unique voices for these guys, so show us your range! We will likely cast three different people for these roles, based on which voices fit which faces, but try all three of them, in your normal voice, and with different interpretations.

Physical - Male, tall, lean, sturdy.
Personality - Cold, distant, and mysterious at first, but becomes more open and human throughout the story. Blunt, factual, passionate, and loving. Has a mischievous side.
Voice - Speech is monotonous, but not flat. He still has emotional inflections, they just vary in restraint. Soft-ish, high pitched, but not young (tenor).
Ep. 18 Panels 36-end (Oliver's speech explaining The Nothing and him seeing Amy for the first time.)
Ep. 55 Panels 12-end (Oliver finding Amy in the rain through the phone call with Saito.)
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite scene that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Female, small hourglass figure.
Personality - "Ordinary on the outside, but inside she carries a hidden treasure of sweetness and joy." Bright, bold, compassionate, braver and more intelligent than she thinks she is. She has a hard time dealing with changes and sometimes shuts people out as she works through them. Loves to discover new things, especially natural wonders.
Voice - Light, soft, but still lively (soprano). Has the broadest range of emotions/needs to carry narration without making it sound boring.
Ep. 18 Panels 40-end (Her response to Oliver's "Nothing" speech when they first meet.)
Ep. 65 Panels 49-end (Her chasing Oliver after he fails to paint and her promise to save him from the Nothing. Include dialogue and "running" sounds.)
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite scene that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Male, tall, broad-shouldered (football-player build).
Personality - "Sweet and nourishing. Reliable and solid. Considerate and wants to please." Kindhearted, sociable but a bit soft-spoken, sturdy but gentle. Sometimes internalizes his true feelings for the sake of others.
Voice - I don't have anything particular in mind (other than being a deeper register than Oliver), but I think I'll know it when I hear it (baritone/tenor?). If you think you can capture his personality, have at it!
Ep. 9 Panels 6-end (He meets Amy for the first time and shows her how to use Net Gear.)
Ep. 53 Panels 50-end (David tells Amy his suspicions about Oliver.)
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite scene that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Female, tall hourglass figure.
Personality - "Hot and sassy. Ready to fight for her friends. Or maybe just ready to fight." Confident, outgoing, fashionable, loyal, independent. She can be abrasive or harsh without knowing, usually from personal insecurities.
Voice - Similar to David, I don't have many specifics in mind. Deeper/more mature than Amy (alto).
Ep. 16 Panels 12-43 (Cassie getting ready for her date and giving Amy a makeover.)
Ep. 74 Panels 35-end (Cassie realizes David's breaking up with her and fights about why.)
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite scene that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Male, average height/build
Personality - "Pleasant, with a nice tangy zest, but ultimately a bit awkward at dinner parties." Inquisitive, friendly, selfless, quirky, humorous. He has a hard time being honest with his emotions sometimes.
Voice - Not as mature as David, but not as high as Oliver (tenor). Kind of pubescent? Maybe?
Ep. 22 Panels 21-end (Zeph visits Amy and gives her canned soup for her cold.)
Ep. 110 Panels 44-end (Zeph confesses to Amy and asks her to the dance again.)
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite scene that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Female, slender, middle-aged.
Personality - "Sharp and bright", caring, factual and to-the-point. Sometimes rushes into what she thinks is best.
Voice - Light, mature, crisp (alto/soprano?).
Ep. 21 Panels 46-52 ("Amy I... I love you so much it hurts sometimes. --> "And no matter what happens I'm going to keep loving you. Because you're my daughter."
Ep. 83 Panels 42-43 ("*Sigh.* You're grounded, Amy. --> "Now go to your room and get started on that extra credit report.")
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Male, large build, broad-shouldered and big-armed, hairy, middle-aged.
Personality - "Sweet and full of gentle warmth", cuddly, kindhearted, humorous (think big teddy bear). A little clueless at times.
Voice - Low and gruff, but not a harsh gruff (bass). Think of the voice you'd give a big, cuddly bear.
Ep. 7 Panels 39-37 ("Well, I wouldn't say that. --> At least the rocks here haven't changes much in thirty years. *heheh*")
Ep. 90 Panels 35-42 ("Now, why don't we go downstairs and eat some hot soup? --> "WHAT?!")
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Female, dark-skinned, thick hourglass figure.
Personality - Easygoing, but not lazy. Matter-of-fact, humorous, supportive, not afraid to be rough. Can get hangry. She speaks her mind when it comes to friends, but is quieter about herself.
Voice - Low, cool, smooth, quiet (tenor/alto?).
Ep. 83 Panels 7-9 ("I do it for the extracurriculars --> "High school isn't forever you know.")
Ep. 91 Panels 43-45 ("Okay. Let's say she breaks your heart. --> "free to find a girl who likes you as much as you like her.")
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Female, 6 years old.
Personality - (See Amy). Energetic, bold, not easily deterred/discouraged.
Voice - High, bright, loud, young.
Ep. 57 Panels 1-21 ("*sighs, hums, crying, etc.*")
Ep. 107 Panels 44-45 ("But you do go into people's dreams! --> "You've been in my head, watching me in my dreams!")
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Male, old, thin.
Personality - Intelligent, organized, protective, inquisitive. Calm and composed most of the time, but easily stressed/scared. Undermines his own worth.
Voice - Thin, breathy, brisk, stern, a little creaky from age (tenor).
Ep. 19 Panels 14-20 ("Wow... --> "Idiots!")
Ep. 50 Panels 18-23 ("No, thank you, Amy. --> "I've tried everything, and he's never opened up to me, not even for a second.")
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Alien (male?), very tall, spindly, pale, jagged. Moves almost like he's made of fluid. The only facial feature is a large eye with lids. It seems only to appear physically in people's minds rather than the real world.
Personality - Very mysterious during season 1. It comes off aloof, powerful, and almost omniscient. Later he's shown to be more energetic and expressive, but still lacking in understanding of human emotions.
Voice - Narrow, layered, raspy (I literally have no idea what vocal range to assign this dude).
*(NOTE: While The Wanderer appears throughout the story, he only starts talking near the end of Season 1. He rarely shows up, but is very crucial to the plot and becomes a more frequent character in Season 2.)*
Ep. 107 Panels 51-end ("Do not be afraid of the forces that seek to draw you and Oliver apart. --> "I will bring you two back together in due time.")
Ep. 182 Panels 29-30 ("I was having trouble keeping my little organization under control. --> "Really, it was all I could do to keep her from killing you!")
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Female, stout hourglass figure.
Personality - "Quirky and scatterbrained", energetic, passionate, childlike. Easily stressed. Loves to laugh.
Voice - Higher-pitched/young, lisp, loud and expressive (soprano).
Ep. 36 Panels 16-20 ("Ooh! What if we made a big pumpkin house! -->"This Saturday we'll meet at my house to work on the float.")
Ep. 112 Panels 32-41 ("I-- I let a friend borrow it. --> "I'm not telling you anything!")
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Male, large and round figure.
Personality - "Pleasant and mellow", sensitive, practical, loving, sweet. He can be timid, but steps up when it counts.
Voice - Low, soft, gentle (bass).
Ep. 35 Panels 29-31 ("Oh, you're that one girl, right? --> "Whenever anyone remotely interesting shows up we can't help but gossip about it.")
Ep. 116 Panels 30-end ("Amy! --> "She just disappeared!")
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Female, dark-skinned, adult.
Personality - "Spicey and fierce, level-headed and self-assured." Confident, mature, protective, mischievous, compassionate.
Voice - Low, strong, bright (alto).
Ep. 41 Panels 17-22 ("Hello? --> "We were just about to have breakfast...")
Ep. 59 Panels 11-15 ("Aren't you mad, Amy? --> "Totally worth it.")
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Female, adult, tall, broad-shouldered, muscular.
Personality - Strict, harsh, militaristic, factual. Used to be more gentle, but turned malicious and paranoid to the point of irrationality.
Voice - Deep, commanding, stern, cold (tenor/alto). Almost mocking or smug in some scenes.
Ep. 55 Panels 51-58 ("There... --> "Unless, of course, she learns something she's not supposed to know.")
Ep. 106 Panels 1-2 ("Attention all units! --> "Bring me the spy!")
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Female, tall, willowy hourglass figure.
Personality - Similar Oliver, she's cold, calculating, and emotionless on the surface largely due to the FCP. However, she's shown to be a rational, gentle, and empathetic person underneath. Struggles with grief and guilt in Season 2. Has a "sweetness" hidden within her.
Voice - Soft, shy, and young in contrast to her militaristic attitude (alto/soprano). Has a lisp. Stern and monotonous at first, but becomes more expressive throughout the story.
Ep. 106 Panels 40-41 ("I'm afraid so, ma'am. --> "Yes, ma'am.")
Ep. 124 Panels 20-21 ("It's the girl. --> "In other words, he'd literally give up his world for her.")
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Male, dark-skinned, tall, broad-shouldered, sturdy.
Personality - Logical, thoughtful, firm but not hostile. Intelligent, authoritative, to-the-point.
Voice - Deep, strong, rumbly (bass).
Ep. 105 Panels 12 ("I don't know, sir. --> "If you ask me this is the work of a covert ops specialist with years of field experience.")
Ep. 126 Panels 3-6 ("I'm just going to say it--> "Again, because she's prideful and petty!")
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Male, dark-skinned, tall, lean.
Personality - Dutiful, loyal, more casual than his teammates/speaks less eloquently. Cares a lot about his job.
Voice - I don't have much in mind for him. Not super deep (baritone/tenor). A little awkward sounding?
Ep. 124 Panels 37-40 ("Yes, ma'am? --> "It might be best if we called Director Langley.")
Ep. 126 Panels 8-11 ("Sir--> "Without her the FCP would have been found out years ago!")
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Physical - Male, short, stout, elderly.
Personality - Mysterious, manipulative, sly, smooth, calm. Works with/personally knows The Wanderer. He puts on the facade of a friendly old man, but is very casual about death and cares little for human life without use to him. He can be very intense beneath the nice facade.
Voice - Low, narrow, old/creaky, brisk, cunning (baritone).
*(NOTE: Langley only talks briefly in Episodes 84, and 132-133 of Season 1. However, he is very crucial to the plot and becomes a more frequent character in Season 2.)*
Ep. 132 Panels 26-29 ("More or less. --> "Or cream.")
Ep. 133 Panels 8-14 ("That's not entirely true. --> "It'll soothe your throat.")
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Female, tall hourglass figure, adult. Amy's old teacher. She seems passionate about her job and interacts well with her students.
Voice - Dark, brisk, proud, matter-of-fact (alto).
Appearances - Ep. 2
Ep. 2 Panel 13 ("Late again, Amy. That'll be two demerits.")
Ep. 2 Panel 36 ("Quite an impressive endeavor, isn't it?")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - (See Jemmah (adult)). Female, sturdy hourglass figure. More carefree and mischievous than her grown-up self. Bold, rough, loves scary things.
Voice - Young, low, strong, bright, jaunty (alto).
Appearances - Ep. 2, 12
Ep. 2 Panel 50 ("Oh, don't feel bad. I'm not mad at you or anything.")
Ep. 2 Panel 63 ("You should give him a chance. He's weird, but... nice too, y'know?")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Male, tall, skinny. "Nutty", "weird", dorky, immature, friendly.
Voice - High, narrow, cheeky, energetic (tenor). Maybe a hint of pubescent awkwardness?
Appearances - Ep. 2
Ep. 2 Panel 44 ("No way! You are so lucky!")
Ep. 2 Panel 54 ("Stick your tongue out at each other. You've been doing it since the fourth grade.")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Male, skinny, average height, elderly. Was an archeologist before he was murdered. Loved history/his work.
Voice - Dark, narrow, nervous sounding/stuttery.
Appearances - Ep. 3
Ep. 3 Panel 1 ("*panting* huff huff huff huff")
Ep. 3 Panel 14 ("Wait-- please!")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Female, middle-aged, short and plump. Reintegration manager for Amy and her family. "Sweet enough to make you sick", friendly and excited to an almost annoying degree.
Voice - Bright, overly enthusiastic, patronizing. As sickly-sweet-old-lady as you can get, like an overbearingly nice church lady (soprano).
Appearances - Ep. 4-5
Ep. 4 Panel 1 ("Good morning, sleepyhead. Welcome to Earth. My name is Dola, and I'll be your reintegration manager.")
Ep. 5 Panel 4 ("If you need anything else, give me a call.")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Female, old, round body with thin limbs, average height, wrinkly. "Tart and refreshing. Young at heart." Friendly, bold, lively. Friendly, bold, lively. The first real friend Amy makes after migrating to Earth.
Voice - Light, creaky with age, strong, expressive (soprano).
Appearances - Ep. 5-6, 21
Ep. 5 Panel 25 ("It's easier to take on life's challenges when you're with your best friend.")
Ep. 6 Panel 5 ("You have a bright soul, Amy. And you are loved. Don't forget that.")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Male, tall, dark-skinned, middle-aged. Amy's math teacher at South Pines. Focused, calm, collected, official.
Voice - Dark, low, calm, diligent (baritone). Possible British accent?
Appearances - Ep. 8, 20, 45
Ep. 8 Panel 20 ("Alright, Amy. I figured out what's going on. Why don't you step out in the hall with me.")
Ep. 45 Panel 7 ("Fire alarm, everyone! Line up here in the front.")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Female, adult, plump, average height. Amy's Biology teacher. Competent at her job, but seems used to it enough to be a bit passive/less enthusiastic than other teachers.
Voice - I don't have anything particular in mind. Perhaps dark and nasaly (alto)?
Appearances - Ep. 9, 25, 44
Ep. 9 Panel 3 ("Record what you see and try to come up with a hypothesis about what the food chain is like in this ecosystem.")
Ep. 25 Panels 10-12 ("We'll be taking a little field trip! But first, a pop quiz.")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Female, short, plump. One of Amy's new friends. "Sweet and subtle, a bit strange in some ways, but always polite and generous." Soft-spoken, artistic, empathetic.
Voice - Maki is initially from "Nihongolia" in the story's universe, and does not speak English. Her language seems to be a form of Japanese or Chinese. Anyone who can read/speak the language her speech is written in is welcome to try for the part regardless of voice type or skill.
Appearances - Ep. 12, 33
Ep. 12 Panel 23 ("We're going to be late! Should we run?") *speak in character's native language*
Ep. 13 Panel 3 ("Uh huh. I think he usually skips class. Looks like today he decided to make a rare appearance.")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Female, adult, dark-skinned, tall, slender hourglass figure. Amy's Art teacher. Very enthusiastic, upbeat, encouraging, and interactive with her students. Maaayybe a little too much.
Voice - Soft but strong, energetic, almost aggressively happy (alto/soprano).
Appearances - Ep. 12, 33, 64-65, 76-77
Ep. 33 Panel 25 ("Today's assignment is to make a sculpture that represents a feeling you have. Don't be afraid to express yourself! Be brave! Be bold!")
Ep. 77 Panels 33-35 ("Why all these questions, Amy? Do you have a crush on him or something?")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Male, kid, short. One of Cassie's little brothers. Polite when talking to visitors, but goes off the hook into immature sibling squabbles with his sister. They love each other in that rough-house kind of way.
Voice - Young, cool, loud, whiny.
Appearances - Ep. 15, 111
Ep. 15 Panels 37-38 ("Hold on a sec. CASSIE! ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS IS HERE!")
Ep. 111 Panel 22 ("Hey! Are you eating ice cream? Can I have some?")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Male, old, average height. South Pine's janitor. He takes himself and his job very seriously. He isn't afraid to confront anyone who crosses him and comes off as cranky, but is friendly to anyone who's well behaved.
Voice - Deep, old, crotchety, loud, gravelly.
Appearances - Ep. 24, 30, 37, 66
Ep. 24 Panels 56-59 ("HEY! Who messed up my leaf pile? Was it you?!")
Ep. 37 Panel 41 ("No problem, missy. Watch where you're going next time.")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Male, tall, sturdy. Same personality as his teen self, but not quite as immature (See Dylan (teen) near the top of the list).
Voice - Same as his teen self, but deeper and more mature (baritone/tenor).
Appearances - Ep. 41, 58
Ep. 41 Panels 28-30 ("HI AMY! It's me! Dylan!")
Ep. 58 Panels 39-41 ("Oh... That's nice... *snoring*")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Male, middle-aged, big and burly. Scary looking and gruff on the surface, but has a heart of gold ready to serve any nice customer.
Voice - Big, deep, and gruff, just like his appearance (bass). A hint of warmth.
Appearances - Ep. 46
Ep. 46 Panel 10 ("Three burgers, one salad, and a blueberry pie to split. Enjoy.")
Ep. 46 Panel 18 ("Hey, it's nothing special. I just have my name on a sign, that's all.")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Male, dark-skinned, tall, large, muscular/sturdy (football player build). Used to be friends with David, but had a falling out when he chose South Pines and Cassie over him and his school team. Been bitter ever since. Manipulative, passive and physically aggressive, prideful. A bully.
Voice - Dark, broad, smug, arrogant (baritone).
Appearances - Ep. 46, 87-88, 98, 101
Ep. 46 Panels 38-40 ("Now I see I was right. She is quite the lady. She has you wrapped around her little finger, doesn't she? Woah, hit a nerve there...")
Ep. 88 Panels 1-4 ("You broke my glasses! - Sure we will... RAAAHH!")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Female, adult, tall, sturdy hourglass figure. Amy's History teacher. Attentive, matter-of-fact, interacts well with students and cares for their wellbeing at home and at school.
Voice - Dark, calm, warm (alto).
Appearances - Ep. 47, 83, 97
Ep. 47 Panel 16 ("Okay, people! Turn in your exams!")
Ep. 97 Panel 21 ("Is your mom putting too much pressure on you, Amy? You look a bit fried...")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Female, elderly, average height, plump. Part of the South Pines staff in the Main Office. Sweet, sociable, helpful.
Voice - Old, sweet, smart, and nasally (soprano).
Appearances - 47
Ep. 47 Panel 34 ("What can I do for you, sweetie?")
Ep. 47 Panel 43 ("Well, I don't know what to tell you... He's not in the system.")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Female, tall, slender hourglass figure. Takes an interest in David after the Homecoming game. Flirtatious, confident, bold.
Voice - Smooth, quiet, strong, seductive (alto/soprano).
Appearances - Ep. 109, 117
Ep. 109 Panels 32-36 ("Can I get your autograph? - No. You can sign my arm though...")
Ep. 117 Panel 55 ("Hey, cutie! Aren't you going to dance?")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Male, old, average height, thin. Missing a tooth. Amy and Cassie's chauffer for the Homecoming dance. Friendly, cheerful, smart.
Voice - Soft, narrow, breathy (tenor). Maybe a lisp or a whistling caused by his missing tooth?
Appearances - Ep. 113, 115, 123, 125
Ep. 113 Panel 34 ("The name's Gus. What kind of music would you ladies like to listen to?")
Ep. 125 Panel 2 ("Please-- You have to send help--Three men wearing masks--They fired on some people and then ran off!")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)

Description - Male, adult, tall, sturdy and beefy. Scary looking and gruff like Freddy, but secretly gentle. "Strong and steady", but subdued/"tainted" like all other members of the FCP. Soft-spoken. He seems to dislike his job.
Voice - Deep, low, gravelly, reluctant (bass).
Appearances - Ep. 115
(NOTE: While he only appears a couple of times in Season 1, he becomes a more frequent character in Season 2.)
Ep. 115 Panel 32 ("Becker here. - New orders, sir. Commander Saito says we're needed back in Kokomo")
Ep. 115 Panel 38 ("Yeah. A young one too, according to the report. Sixteen years old. Red head.")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)
Public Submissions