Space Boy: The Official Fandub Project
SailorPepper for Ms. Kapoor

Description - Female, adult, dark-skinned, tall, slender hourglass figure. Amy's Art teacher. Very enthusiastic, upbeat, encouraging, and interactive with her students. Maaayybe a little too much.
Voice - Soft but strong, energetic, almost aggressively happy (alto/soprano).
Appearances - Ep. 12, 33, 64-65, 76-77
Ep. 33 Panel 25 ("Today's assignment is to make a sculpture that represents a feeling you have. Don't be afraid to express yourself! Be brave! Be bold!")
Ep. 77 Panels 33-35 ("Why all these questions, Amy? Do you have a crush on him or something?")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)