Space Boy: The Official Fandub Project
Hsialu for Maki
Description - Female, short, plump. One of Amy's new friends. "Sweet and subtle, a bit strange in some ways, but always polite and generous." Soft-spoken, artistic, empathetic.
Voice - Maki is initially from "Nihongolia" in the story's universe, and does not speak English. Her language seems to be a form of Japanese or Chinese. Anyone who can read/speak the language her speech is written in is welcome to try for the part regardless of voice type or skill.
Appearances - Ep. 12, 33
Ep. 12 Panel 23 ("We're going to be late! Should we run?") *speak in character's native language*
Ep. 13 Panel 3 ("Uh huh. I think he usually skips class. Looks like today he decided to make a rare appearance.")
*Optional* Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite line of the character, so long as it's not one already picked.)