Space Boy: The Official Fandub Project
Tim Chang for James Silber
Silber is a man of keen mind and wit, with expertise in charisma. He's a clever actor, intelligent, with a smile that rarely wavers- even when he's threatening one's safety. His role will become more important in season two, so we need someone with good range. His flavor is basil and balsamic vinegar, without a hint of the Wanderer's corrupting copper and iodine. We want you to sound cunning, but not conniving, charismatic, but subtle, and the kind of voice you want to trust if you don't know better.
NOTE: This character also appears in later seasons!
Ep. 167: “She’s right. An entire ity of people died tonight…” through “--maybe even war.” (Silber’s introduction. He lays out the harsh reality they’d be entering if news of the Arno got out to the public.)
Ep. 228: “I can neither confirm nor deny that.” through “You will continue to perform your duties as if nothing ever happened. Do you understand?” (Silber threatens the Kokomo police chief.)
Auditioner's Choice! (Pick your favorite scene of this character, so long as it's not already picked as a mandatory scene.)
Bro....I got chills.
A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one!