Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW) Volume 1: Fallout! Comic Dub
Project Overview
Fallout! is the first volume of the Sonic the Hedgehog comics published by IDW Publishing, and contains issues #1 through #4 of the series. The plot is officially summarized as:
The evil genius Dr. Eggman has been foiled--but the work of Sonic the Hedgehog isn't over yet! In the aftermath of the latest epic battle, rogue robots continue to attack small villages around the world. In order to succeed, Sonic will need the help of his friends Tails, Knuckles, and Amy, along with some new and surprising allies. This new collection from acclaimed writer Ian Flynn features the blue blur like you've never seen him before. Gotta go fast!
I've been a fan of the comics since they started publishing last year, and have wanted to do a project like this for quite a while now. Unfortunately I was not is a great spot in my personal life at the time, so I let it sit. But now I'm back and looking for help to bring this project to fruition. To start out, I've decided only to cast for the first volume of the comics. The plan is to record all the lines, edit all 4 issues, and release the episodes on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule probably early 2020. From there, we'll begin casting the next volume, and any actor/actress currently cast will have the option of reprising their role, or dropping out, in which case the character would be up for grabs in the next round of auditions.
Now that you know about the project, let me tell you a bit about what I'm looking for:
- I need decent quality microphones and/or sound. No background noise, no echo/reverb. If I can't hear the words you're saying clearly, it defeats the purpose of a dub.
- I'm happy to give feedback on all auditions, but I will not do so unless asked.
- I do not, and will not cast characters early. The deadline is there for a reason, it's not first come first served.
- If cast, I do prefer to give live direction over Discord. We can work something out if that's impossible, but only for rare scenarios. Keep this in mind.
- Be creative with your auditions. I'm not really looking for impressions. I'll take them, but I'd like you to provide your take on the character.
UPDATE 2/3/20: With all the thought and preparation going into casting the main characters, I completely forgot to cast those in the background. The new roles I've added are small and unpaid, but vital to completing this project. The deadline will be set for Sunday the 16th of February, but this will be going by a first come first serve basis. If I like what I hear, I'll cast it.
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Latest Updates
Hey all! Despite all my preparations and thought that went into this casting call, I completely forgot to cast the background characters for the project. So I'm looking for extra help in that area. Keep in mind these are unpaid, and I will be casting the first voice I hear that fits my ideal.
Deadline Day
Hey all! We finally made it to Deadline Day! And with...337 auditions to listen to, I think I know how my Saturday is being spent haha. I'm hoping to have the final decision made by the end of the day tomorrow or Sunday for sure. If chosen, I'll be messaging you in one way or another, but regardless of the result, I want to thank EVERYONE here who auditioned and made this Casting Call a huge success! -
One More Week
Thank you everyone to such an amazing response to this casting call! I've gotten to hear so many unique takes that I don't know HOW I'm gonna narrow this down enough. That said, we now have one more week until the deadline. If there was another character you've thought about trying for but held's now or never! I'm hoping to have the cast list ready by Sunday the 24th, and no later than Monday the 25th. Once again, thank you all for taking the time to try for this small project of mine, and regardless of the outcome, I wish all of you the best! -
One Month Remains
Thanks so much to everyone who has auditioned so far. You all are NOT making this an easy choice for me. Anyway, I'm posting this update as a heads up that we now have one month left until the deadline! Some characters have more auditions than I know what to do with...looking at you Knuckles...while others are a bit more modest. Specifically I'd love to hear more takes for Blaze and Tangle, as those 2 are vital parts of the story at large. I've also updated the Audio Engineer role to a paid role. As this is only a hobby project, I can't afford a whole lot, but Audio is one of the most difficult parts of a project like this, and I wouldn't expect someone to edit that for free.

A citizen who is under attack by Dr. Eggman's forces.
Role is unpaid.
(Panicked) Hurry up! They’re closing in!
(Fangirling) All this terror might be worth it if I get to say Sonic winked at me!

A citizen who is under attack by Dr. Eggman's forces.
Role is unpaid.
(Struggling) I’m trying! It’s stuck!
(Hopeful/Snarky) I hope we survive long enough to get his autograph!

A villager of the town attacked by a crab-bot.
Role is unpaid
(Cheering) Sonic! Yaaaay!
That was so cool!

A villager of the town attacked by a crab-bot.
Role is unpaid.
(Cheering) Sonic! Yaaaay!
(In awe) How do you move like that?!
(Terrified) Look out!

A villager of the town attacked by a crab-bot.
Role is unpaid.
(Cheering) Sonic! Yaaaay!
I thought we were goners!
(Terrified) RUN!

A villager of the town attacked by a crab-bot.
Role is unpaid.
(Cheering) Sonic! Yaaaay!
Not everyone is accounted for!

A citizen of the town being ruled by Rough and Tumble.
Role is unpaid.
(Snarky) Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted.

A villager in a town that is holding Dr. Eggman.
Role is unpaid.
(Strict) It’s late. It’s time to come in.

A villager in a town that is holding Dr. Eggman.
Role is unpaid.
(Crying) Buh-buh-but it’s busted! I c-c-can’t carry it inside!
Current payment amount is a placeholder. I'm willing to negotiate what the actual payment will be.
This role will mostly focus on adding sound effects to the video. Your job would be to take the video footage I give you and bring it to life with ambiance, Foley, and whatever else is needed to make the scene sound right. As of now, I'm planning to handle the voice over mixing, but I'm not opposed to making that part of the job and increasing the pay rate.
If this position interests you, you can submit an application here with a link to any past work you have done with sound effects, leave a brief description of how you usually get this kind of work done, and finally what your asking price would be for this role.
Much like the Voice Over roles, this position only covers Volume 1, so issues 1-4. After that, I'll ask if you'd like to continue on and renegotiate for the next Volume, or we can part way there. Your choice.
Say something you think would fit

Tails is a young fox cub who has a pure and courageous heart. Loyal and trustworthy, he can be counted on to stand firmly by the side of his friends and help them out however he can. While still young, Tails has time and again proven himself to be a force to be reckoned with, especially with his high intellect. As a result of being raised by Sonic though, Tails has been known to carry out his plans without warning or a heads-up.
I've decided to leave this role open to both Male and Female auditions, but remember that Tails is 8 years old. You'll want to aim for a voice that shows both his age and his intellect.
Normally I’d agree...but this was a MUCH more coordinated attack. At least compared to anything we’ve seen lately.
That’s not what I mean. After we beat Dr. Eggman and his forces, we broke the Eggman Empire’s control over our world. The badnik army remained, but not as a unified threat. Any attacks seemed more like accidents than aggression. careful, okay? If you get caught off-guard again...get hurt…

A cheerful, optimistic and energetic go-getter, Amy is a determined young hedgehog who lets nothing stand in her way. She is girly and sweet, but also temperamental and has a hard time taking a "no" for an answer. She is best known for her long-standing crush on Sonic, whom she would follow anywhere (if he let her). Like Sonic, she also sometimes find fun in fighting Badniks.
The time Amy spent in the Resistance has caused her to mature to a great degree. While still obsessed with Sonic and her crush on him, she has become more level-headed about it, being able to shake herself out of her moments of infatuation with him. She also has a strong sense of responsibility and duty, which is exemplified in her devotion to the Resistance's cause and her own role in maintaining the organization's stability, as well as when she turned down an offer to spend time with Sonic in favor of returning to her duties in the Resistance.
Not like that! I mean, I’m always happy to see you, and would follow you anywhere if you’d only let me but -- OOH You get me so flustered!
(Commanding) Get all the unarmed inside! If you can fight, rally to me! Get to the upper floors! Don’t fire until the badniks have entered the square!
I can’t. The Resistance needs me to keep everything in order. I’ve been away too long as it is. But if you don’t mind some direction, Knuckles went to investigate a town to the south. I haven’t heard from him, so he might need your help.

Knuckles is a tough, wild, egotistical, and headstrong echidna. Serious and stubborn, Knuckles has no patience for stationary work, like paperwork, and prefers to be where the action is. However, he is an overall nice guy in normal conversations.
Knuckles is fiercely loyal to his homeland and prefers to stay there. As such, when anything bad befalls the island and its Master Emerald, Knuckles takes it very personally and blames himself for not being able to prevent it. He will also not rest or take it easy until he is sure that his island and its treasure are safe once more. Despite his ties to his home however, Knuckles is very heroic and is willing to leave his duty whenever his help is needed. When not performing his duties, Knuckles prefers spending his time going treasure hunting.
Knuckles is somewhat gruff and has an equally short temper. Combined with his heroic morals, he is quick to anger when witnessing villains' despicable behavior. However, he is not the sharpest tool in the shed and will willingly jump into a fight without thinking once about the consequences. Regardless, he is very strong-willed and will not give up on his goals once he has set them.
Ugh...don’t remind me. It was more interesting when we were fighting to save the world. Now that we’re focusing on rebuilding, it’s all scheduling and inventory and...Peh! I’ve got no patience for it. I’m ready to get back to Angel Island and go on a good old fashioned treasure hunt.
(Very serious and cautious) Careful, Sonic. They’re highly coordinated.
Hmph... thanks for the help. Not that I NEEDED it…

Neo Metal Sonic is the Mastermind behind the Badniks recent attacks. In this volume, his role is very small, shown only watching the events unfold with very few lines.
His voice should give off a mystery as we don’t learn his identity until Volume 2. He’s also technically in Eggman form during this volume, so I’m looking for a menacing sound that COULD be Dr. Eggman, but not able to tell.
So...he survived the first trial. Unsurprising. Deploy a battalion to the next nearest town. He’ll be drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Make sure word of Sonic’s latest success reaches the resistance. I want to crush BOTH hedgehogs in one strike.
So...Knuckles is still playing hero on the surface. That means Angel Island is unguarded. The Master Emerald is prone. That will accelerate my plans CONSIDERABLY…

Rough is a course and aggressive skunk. Ruthless, cruel and violent, he takes great pleasure in taking advantage of those weaker than himself, as demonstrated by how he and his brother oppressed the townsfolk at the Wispon distribution hub. Mean-spirited, Rough showed no concern for the happiness or well-being of the townsfolk he and his brother oppressed, displaying a lack of empathy for others, and he was significantly offended by Sonic and Knuckles ruining their "fun".
Nice one idiot!
Yeah, we’ve heard of you, HERO! But you clearly ain’t heard of us!
That’s OUR thing! You can’t do OUR thing!

Tumble is a course and aggressive skunk. Ruthless, cruel and violent, he takes great pleasure in taking advantage of those weaker than himself, as demonstrated by how he and his brother oppressed the townsfolk at the Wispon distribution hub. Mean-spirited, Tumble showed no concern for the happiness or well-being of the townsfolk he and his brother oppressed, displaying a lack of empathy for others, and he was significantly offended by Sonic and Knuckles ruining their "fun".
Who said you could come into our town, huh?! Who said you could ruin our fun?!
(Worn down) C’mon bro, we ain’t done yet…
Peh! Their little cells won’t hold us for long! We’ll be out -- and then we’re coming for YOU!

Heroic and just as fearless as Sonic the Hedgehog, Tangle is scrappy and loves to tangle with bad guys. Not intimidated by danger in the slightest, she has a thirst for adventure and excitement. As such, she is capable of heading into mortal peril and face deadly odds, all while wearing a smile on her face and having the time of her life. However, her desire for adventures makes her reckless and prone to jump head-first into danger without a care in the world. She can also be somewhat careless in battle, like using her tail in a way that gets it injured and focusing more on cheering than watching out for enemies.
Tangle is loud and excitable, but also friendly, polite, helpful and open. While having seen and overcome her own fair share of challenges in the form of Badniks, she is a novice hero, and has thus seen little of the more outlandish subjects that exist out there, like a pyrokinetic princess from another dimension who guards fiery Emeralds. While such signs tend to leave her speechless, she is nonetheless quick to be amazed by them.[10] Whenever she sees or reflects on something exciting, she tends to get starry-eyed. When reacting to a sudden sound or event, the hairs on her tail stand up.
Tangle also has a bit of a mischievous side to her. When she played cards with Silver, she would deliberately try to mess with him while using her tail to peek at his cards.
Whoops! Thanks! Welcome to my hometown! Sorry for the mess. We’ve got a bit of a robot problem.
That was AMAZING...but is Sonic going to be alright?
Doesn’t matter. The point is they’re getting dangerous. What if war was just the beginning? What if there’s something even worse on the way?

Solemn, calm and collected in battle, Blaze is a noble soul. Initially, she was a bit of a loner and somewhat defensive. However, she eventually warmed up to the concept of friendship and became more sociable and positive as a result of her new relationships. She has since come to cherish the friendships she has made and will do anything to keep her friends safe despite having only known them for a short time.
Despite the dignified bearing she maintains and the impression this may leave on others, Blaze dislikes being referred to by titles such as "Princess" or "Your Highness," and would rather be called by her own name. Blaze also holds a strong trust in the Sol Emeralds, and does not deviate from the tasks they cause her to undertake until uncovering the purpose behind them.
Blaze also suffers from acrophobia, which makes her uneasy at high altitudes. However, when needed, she is able to suppress her fear.
Sonic! You are here. I assume these are Dr. Eggman’s robots?
I felt the will of the Sol Emeralds. I’ve come to prevent a terrible event on your world.
The Sol Emeralds are not...chatty. If they directed me here, it was for a purpose. And I will remain here until that purpose is made clear.

As Mr. Tinker, Eggman displayed a very different disposition, being a friendly, humble and modest man who loved children and helping others out. Mr. Tinker also displayed a somewhat cowardly streak, being afraid of his own robots, although it did not keep him from helping and comforting the innocent.
Dr. Eggman is an evil and megalomaniacal genius who is constantly planning to take over the world and those beyond his. Showing contempt for how "filthy" and "irregular" the world is, he views himself as obligated to perfect it by ridding it of what he deems as imperfections, including free will. Arrogant, raucous and narcissistic, he prefers to show up and claim responsibility whenever he is carrying out his villainous deeds and make himself known to his enemies after he comes back from a defeat; as put by Sonic, subtlety is not Eggman's forte.
Oh-ho-ho...don’t you worry little one. I’ll fix your little red wagon. Soon, I’ll be fixing EVERYTHING!
I've suffered quite the indignity during my last setback. Now the world will be made to suffer in return!
I could carpet bomb him any day! That's not enough―that's not the point! I have to beat him! I have to prove I'm superior!

Unlike many of Eggman's robots, Orbot is not a mindless drone and possesses both a personality and emotions of his own. Orbot is one who looks at the bright side of things, especially for the sake of his boss when he is in a foul mood. He is also shown to be lazy.
Orbot possesses a sense of spiteful sarcasm, having once asked Eggman if he wanted to review "a list of eldritch creatures [he'd] like to resurrect and then lose control over", a clear reference to the doctor's past failures in this field.
On the bright side, boss, here’s what he’s charging headlong towards.
Various male villagers and townsfolk that appear in the comic.
No image is used as this can cover many roles. It's recommended you audition for a named role alongside this, but not required.
I hope we survive long enough to get his autograph!
Th-they turned the supply depot into a fortress. Just down the road on the right -- you can’t miss it.
You two are going to be locked up for a long time.
Various female villagers and townsfolk that appear in the comic.
No image is used as this can cover many roles. It's recommended you audition for a named role alongside this, but not required.
All this terror might be worth it if I get to say Sonic winked at me!
Not everyone is accounted for!
Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted.
Public Submissions