Discord server.
I'll make the discord server, I'm thinking about casting decisions for the main cast as of this weekend so.
An Audio Drama (Similar to Sonic and Tails R) as in story-wise, Robotnik has successfully built his Eggman empire, swarming it across mobius, so, it's up to Sonic and friends to save the day, in this (hopefully) 10 part-Audio Drama.
Besides just the basic plot, there will be side episodes, that focus on other characters, and their relationships.
Please leave your discord in the text during the audition, so I can contact you about Project updates and such!
Casting so far.
HydroVA as Sonic The Hedgehog/Extra
Harvestm00n as Miles βTailsβ Prower/Cream.
Pepperimps as Amy Rose.
Thea Solone as Blaze The Cat
Bottlecap as Dr. Ivo βEggmanβ Robotnik
Jsaking as Shadow The Hedgehog/ E-102 Omega
And, Kittyhatemachine as Rouge The Bat.
I'll make the discord server, I'm thinking about casting decisions for the main cast as of this weekend so.
No, this project has not ended. Casting will be finalized soon enough, So get those submissions I suppose! Lol.
just pointing this out,
Casting will be decided by the deadline, and if you get the part, I'll Discord DM you and/or email you.
Miles "Tails" Prower. Sonic's best friend. He's smart, quick on his feet, and has two tails that can help him fly.
Yes..Yes that's it! (excitedly)
Sonic! I thought I lost you! (relieved)
(Line of your choice)
Knuckles, the brawn of the group. He's strong, feisty, and the protector of the Master Emerald.
We have to fight for what's right..
(Sincerely.) C'mon! Do it for Sonic!
(Random voiceline)
Amy Rose, a strong confident pink hedgehog, and admirer of Sonic. She fights the battle and just wants to see Sonic win.
(Angrily) Sooniic! Don't scare me like that!
(confident) I have to fight this battle. do it for him.
(Voice Line of Choice)
The person that has corrupted Sonic's life since the classic days! He always ends up losing to the blur and is sick of it.
(Evily) Mwahaha! My Empire is finally forming!
(Annoyed) That stupid Blue hedgehog got to me again! Oh, and that fox too.. (Although he's the one I like most..)
(Line of your choice)
Shadow, The Hedgehog that has always rivaled Sonic. apart of Team Dark, working to help Sonic and friends.
(confidently) This fight isn't over 'till I say it's over.
(Attacking) CHAOS..CONTROL!
(Line of your choice)
Blaze The Cat, one of Sonic's many friends and allies, a long with the team. Not looking for a impression.. make it your own. or not.
(confused) E-Eggmans..doing what?
(Explaining) The Sol Emeralds..are not your normal emeralds.
(Random voiceline)
Rouge, the treasure hunter and jewel stealer of Team Dark! Her personality is feisty, seductive as she always gets what she wants.
Shadow, be safe okay. We don't need anyone dying out there. (Sincerely)
(Giggling) Sorry, Hon, but that emeralds mine!
(Random voiceline)
Big The Cat is a purple fat cat with a fishing pole, he loves fishing and his frog, Froggy.
(Worried) Froogyyy.. where'd you go?
(Happily) Oh! Sonic, There you are! I was searching for Froggy.
(Line of choice)
a 7 year old, rabbit. Friend of Sonic and loves his determination, calling him "Mr. Sonic."
Mr. Sonic, will you be okay out there? (Worried)
I told my Mom I wouldn't be gone long..
Voiceline of choice.
Artists to draw the characters pngs for the background. Some of the sonic channel art will be used if necessary.
*Say something you think would fit*
Drawing the Logo for the Project.
*Say something you think would fit*
As you should know, this does not have to be all Jun Senoue/ Sega composer level. We're just looking for some techno/ Rock sounds :)
*Say something you think would fit*
Vocalists to sing over songs (Rock, techno, orchestral etc.) We might need many of those.
Put some projects you've sung, or worked on in the past.
*Say something you think would fit*
Background voice, like cops and such.
*Say something you think would fit*