Hello everyone, SmashMaster/Emmanuel Rodriguez here! I decided to do voice acting as one of my careers, other than animation (frame-by-frame) and gaming on my YouTube channel with 1,000 subscribers!
I have a team called SM_714 Productions, with voice actors and more, also with 7,000 subscribers!
SM_714 Productions:
My inspirations to try out voice acting are Vic Mignogna, David Hayter, and Jason Griffith.
If you need a voice actor for your projects, dm me! My discord is smashmaster
I am willing to work on projects that are:
- Comic Dubs/Manga Dubs
- Audio-drama
- Original projects
- Visual Novels
- Video games
- Fan animation
I will not work on projects that are:
- Gacha
- Anime Fandubs
- Animation Fandubs
Project Showcase 2023 Reel:
Voice Acting 2023 Demo Reel:
Youtube Director Credits:
SM_714 Productions' Final Fantasy Sonic X Remake: The Story So Far
SM_714 Productions' Final Fantasy Versus XIII: Devastation
SM_714 Productions' Jaime's Philosophy: Final Fantasy
SM_714 Productions' Rayman Generations Fandub (Part 1, 2, & 3)
SM_714 Productions' Kingdom Hearts 2 Manga Fandub (Volume 1 - present)
SM_714 Productions' Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist Manga Dub (Volume 1 - present)
SM_714 Productions' The World Ends with You Manga Dub
SM_714 Productions' Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds Manga Dub (Volume 1 - present)
SM_714 Productions' Yu-Gi-Oh! Manga Dub (Volume 1 - Chapter 10, Chapter 33 - 35)
SM_714 Productions' Street Fighter 6 Comic Dubs
SM_714 Productions' Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission Manga Dub (Prison Planet Saga)
SM_714 Productions' Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Manga Dub (Chapter 1) April Fools
Cosmic Star Productions' MegaManZX Manga Dub (Episode 3 - present) (as Co-Director)
SM_714 Productions' Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Manga Dub (Chapter 6 - 9)
Youtube Video Editor Credits:
Youtube Voice Acting Credits: