SONIC THE HEDGEHOG: ALTER is a Sonic Fan Series that’s a 2D Animated Comedy Action/Adventure that intends to reinvent what made Sonic as charming as he was back in the 90s with the initial release of Sonic The Hedgehog, presented with a brand new yet nostalgic world, fun and immersive story, and a colorful cast of characters, both new and old! Drawing heavily from the 30 years of mythology and lore of the series, with many influences that makes it a brand new and fresh experience!
The series will be released on an episode by episode basis on our YouTube Channel! (where we will post more updates about the project)
Interested in trying out for a role? Great! Below you'll find the roles for the episode(s), each one will have an image, a brief description and some voice lines, naturally. For the actual project, we have a voice director on staff to help provide vocal direction for your performance. Roles that aren't in the listing currently (i.e Sonic The Hedgehog) are already casted to other voice talents. As far as the actual auditions go, I have a few general things that I'd like to say:
Provide at least three takes of every line in ABC ABC format, each take, try to use a different tone.
Don't feel obligated to imitate any previous VA that has played said character that you're auditioning for, if you can do it really well then cool! Though it isn't mandatory.
Clean, unedited audio! Don't add any filters/effects. I want to hear your voice unfiltered and unaltered, when it comes to the actual post production, it'll be left up to the post production staff to do your performance justice!
To elaborate on what we're looking for, we've added this section to help you if you're a little lost on what exactly we want out of your audition.
Play around with your voice and add improv if you think it will show more of what you can do! Most of all, you should be passionate about this project, because it is ambitious in nature.
CREDITS: Micah_Hedgehog and Tales499
All in all, have fun with it!