Layla Bumpgarr

Layla Bumpgarr

Rookie voice-actress. I am looking to do some voice work.

Joined May 2024 30 Following35 Followers
About Layla Bumpgarr

I'm twenty-seven, I have a part-time job during the school year, but I like to do voices. I figured to get my face (or in this case voice) out there as much as possible. I love to voice-act and especially love learning and improving my voice. Feel free to critique any of my submissions!

Demos & Samples
Demo Reel

Here is my first demo reel. I will update this as my voice-acting skills improve.

What Layla Bumpgarr is looking for

Voice work.

  • @chaoticMelody

    Energetic, lively, and friendly, an overall joy to work with and very talented! There's no secret to why Layla's working with me on several projects, she definitely has some serious skill. Frankly, I'm surprised she doesn't have more roles, specifically paid ones. Definitely recommend her for wahtever project you have ongoing! :3

  • @woods-of-ypres

    I have personally voiced other projects with Moony in the past, so I can definitely attest to her talents. She voiced Jenny Letterson for my little Walten Files video, and she was an absolute pleasure to have in my cast. If you need someone who turns their lines in on time and follows directions to get just what you're looking for, look no further!
