(Just Neptuna Left!) Plants VS Zombies Heroes If They Had English-Speaking Voices! (Headcanon Voice Project)

(Just Neptuna Left!) Plants VS Zombies Heroes If They Had English-Speaking Voices! (Headcanon Voice Project)

Project Overview

(Some characters are still open. Please check out the project update for more information about what I'm looking for in these roles. Good luck!)

(All you need for this project is a decent-sounding microphone. By desktop or phone, it doesn't matter, as long as there's little to no background noise, no mic popping, and no static when you audition. A Discord Account for contact is recommended, but not required, as I can contact you here on the Casting Call Club website if you'd like, Discord is just more of an easier reach. Good luck auditioning, and if you get cast for a role, be prepared to possibly stick around for future projects! Enjoy, Plant Lovers and Zombie Fanatics!)

Hello, Plant Lovers and Zombie Fanatics! I'm planning a special voice headcanon project imagining what all the Plant and Zombie heroes from Plants VS Zombies: Heroes might sound like if they had dialogue! How this project will work is that I will set up lines for each character, and add all kinds of different dialogue for each of the heroes in different scenarios, like in Mortal Kombat or Injustice! No animating is required for this project, as it's entirely audio-based. The audio-track of this project featuring the collection of these lines will be uploaded to my YouTube Channel. If there are any questions you'd like to ask me about the project, please feel free to! I will answer straight away as soon as I jump back on the site. Enjoy, Plant Lovers and Zombie Fanatics!

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  • Neptuna Feedback!

    Alrighty! I think I've gotten enough auditions for Neptuna to give some feedback and details!
    For Neptuna, I think the voice needs to be a bit more gruff and on the lower pitch. Some of the auditions I've gotten for Neptuna are a bit on the higher pitch. If you've played Plants VS Zombies: Heroes, I'd like you to use Neptuna's official voice in the game as reference. Or, you can use voices like Little Miss Naughty from the Mr. Men Show (U.S. Dub) or Bizzara from the Lego DC Superheros special as a reference as those characters have got the gruff low-pitched voice I'm looking for in Neptuna! As long as you've got the low-pitched voice, I actually don't mind if you choose not to do an exotic accent, as long as you've got that range down perfectly, but I do suggest it if you can do an accent that belongs to a Carribean island native, like Puerto Rico or Jamaican. I think the accent will really spice up Neptuna's character.

  • One More Time!

    After PLENTY of auditions, I figure that it's NEARLY about time to finish this whole casting call off! I'm giving it one more deadline, and then I'll start casting the final four roles! Here's some additional information about the kind of voices that I'm looking for in these roles.
    With Brain Freeze, some people pulled off the Siberian Russian accent pretty well! But I honestly think some of them sound more like a Russian professor or calm and stern evil Russian overlord, and I'm looking for a monster-like Russian-Siberian voice. Think about the voice I've casted for Smash, but instead with a Siberian-Russian accent.
    For the Imps, while some of you do pretty well at doing high-pitched voices manually, I'm looking for a voice that's like in the games. I'm looking for either a digitally pitched-up voice from a male, which you can use with your voice recording software if you have one, or a female that can audition using a male high-pitched-child voice. If you don't have a voice changer, then you can still audition using a voice you think suits the characters, as long as you're not doing a manual falsetto-kind of high-pitch voice. I'll digitally pitch the voice up for you. So don't worry! I might still cast any previous auditions that didn't use a voice changer. And like I said before, females who can do young boy voices are VERY welcome to audition too!

    For Neptuna, there really isn't much to say about her yet, because I don't have many auditions for her, so she might be the only character I might leave up if I don't have too many auditions for her, but every other character I will DEFINITELY cast once that final deadline comes around!

    That's all for now! Thank you all so much for auditioning and giving it your very best!

  • 1st Wave of Characters Cast!

    Thank you all so much for auditioning! Well done to everyone who did their very best, and congratulations to everyone who got cast for a character! For those who are wondering, I have actually cast a couple of voice actors for characters they haven't auditioned, based on their takes of the characters they have. For example, I have cast Agatha Maris as Beta-Carrotina, who originally auditioned for Solar Flare, and testudoaubreill, as Citron, who originally auditioned for Super Brainz!
    Now, I have left some characters up on the casting call, as I either wanna see if I can get a little bit more auditions before I decide to cast these following characters, or I'm looking for something different in relation to these character voices.
    For Wall-Knight's voice, the kind of high-pitch I'm actually looking for is somewhere around Winnie The Pooh's Piglet, or Edd from Ed, Edd, N' Eddy, or any voice in that kind of pitch. That's mainly why I only labeled Wall-Knight as a Teenager role.
    For Grass Knuckles' voice, I need more auditions that sound like the character's pumped-up, energized, hyper, full of enthusiasm, and ready to kick some grass!

    For Smash's voice, I'm looking for a more menacing low-pitched voice, like the Hulk, or Batman's Solomon Grundy. Some of the auditions actually have what I'm looking for, but the quality of the microphones could be better. I actually should've posted this good tip in my microphone notice... If you have Audacity, I recommend recording through that app, as it often tends to give your recordings a pretty pristine quality compared to other recording apps!

    For all of the Imps, while most of you went to do a high-pitch even without a voice changer, that's pretty good! Very good practice for future auditions, where this sort of voice is needed, but I'm looking for a voice with a voice changer that can amplify the voice's pitch to make it pretty high and squeaky, like the original voice actors did to the imps in the Plants VS Zombies games and Garden Warfare spinoffs. Of course, females can choose to audition using a young male boy's voice, which I've actually got a couple for! But I want to see how many more auditions I can get with these conditions before I pick a voice for them. To make Huge Giganticus easier to audition, my original voice headcanon for him is actually Dexter from Dexter's Laboratory!

    For Brain Freeze's voice, my voice headcanon for him is actually Heavy from Team Fortress 2, but with an accent more on the Siberian side of Russia.

    And that's about all for now! Remember, audition through audacity if you have it, while still keeping your background noise, static, and room echo to a minimum. If you've played the original game, and have heard the voice clips from the following characters, you can choose to audition using your impression or style of the original voices from the games!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Green Shadow (Closed)
Role assigned to: CinderPrint

When you see something lurk about in the shadows, that's never usually a good sign... That is unless that shadow's a certain green peashooter on a heroic mission to keep the planet safe from zombie invasions... Meet Penelope, someone who may LOOK like your average peashooter... But when she puts on that signature purple mask and cloak, she changes into the Green Shadow, a powerful and agile hero who unites the powers of all peashooters by her side to keep all those zombies at bay! A serious, calm, laid-back, and collected leader, Green Shadow's always focused on her goals and taking her superhero duties seriously, tolerating no nonsense from any of her enemies, always doing whatever she can to make the world a better, and especially much more safer place!

(For Green Shadow's voice, I'm looking for a calm, but stern and serious mid-high-pitched female voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • I am not a peashooter that casually lurks in the shadows... I am the peashooter that is THE shadow. And it's time for this shadow to show these zombies the exact reason why they should've gone green. I suggest you take cover, householder. Things could get a little mushy here...

  • No brains, and no brawn to match. Smushed.

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Solar Flare (Closed)
Role assigned to: Mixxy

Nope, it's not just you, things ARE getting hot in here... And it's all thanks to Solar Flare, a cheerful, energetic, and bubbly Sunflower Superhero who brings a WHOLE new meaning to the term 'sunburn'. Literally! Hope you can handle the heat that this fiery female turns up, because with all that solar power she stores up, she can transform her adjective from 'Blooming' to BOOMING! As you can imagine, Solar Flare's superpowers run on the sun's solar power, and with it, her sunflower head soon changes into a firey head of fury, bursting and burning every zombie that crosses her path into a pitch-black crisp! As long as you're a human who always gets on Solar Flare's cheerful side, she can be a superhero AND a very fun friend to be around due to her enthusiastic, bouncy personality!

(For Solar Flare's voice, I'm looking for a cheerful, bubbly and enthusiastic mid-high-pitched or high-pitched female voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • You might hear someone say that they've experienced a sunburn before. Well, they've never met THE sunburn before! That's me, Solar Flare! *Giggles* I'm more than just your average sunflower... I do not JUST power an entire infantry, my solar power IS the entire infantry! You see, when a zombie approaches, one minute they're all like (Moaning) "Brainnssss...", and then when I heat things up, they're all like *Dying Moan*. *Laughs*

  • *Giggles* What's the matter, meathead? Can't take a little heat? *Laughs*

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Spudow (Closed)
Role assigned to: Phillip Le (Horizon)

Meet Spudow, a big, giant, strong, powerful and explosive, but friendly, cuddly, cheerful, and air-headed spud superhero! While this tater tower may not be intelligent enough to know his left and rights, he always does his best to make sure all of his friends are safe from harm... And that includes every human he sees, because he believes that because the humans are not the threats here, that automatically makes them his new buddies. Either way, who wouldn't want the powerful large, and strong Spudow by their side? Not only is he strong enough to handle many big things, but he even has this unique power to throw away his head to act as a potato mine, causing EXPLOSIVE results should a zombie unknowingly step on one... Literally! But no need to worry, Spudow's body always produces a new head! With a strong, powerful alley, who's really good with defensive demolitions, Spudow's a SURE-fire Plant Superhero to have by your side! Even if his brains are made up of mashed potatoes, and he often loses his head in tough situations...

(For Spudow's voice, I'm looking for a male medium-pitched or mid-high-pitched dim-witted gentle-giant-type voice. I have this idea that he could probably sound a little like Homestar Runner, or have a little likeness to that voice, but if you want to go for something different, please feel free too!)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • airhead
  • animation/character
  • american
  • (Cheerful) Hi there, new friend! My name is Spudow, and I'm here to rescue you from the zombies! Wait... Why am I doing it again? Oh yeah, because they're after your brains! Wait... That isn't good, is it? (Panicking) *Gasp!* IT ISN'T?! Oh no!!! Don't worry, new friend!!! Spudow's explodadives (Explosives) are here to save the day!!!

  • Hee-hee-hee... Spudow's my favorite word to say... Oh, and Spudow's my name too! Wow, I just realized that! Hee-hee... Ooh, ooh! also really love to say KABOOM! And BA-BAM! And KABLOOEY! *Giggles* That's a good funny one!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wall-Knight (Closed)
Role assigned to: Austin Varvouletos

All zombies kneel to your new knight! If that doesn't make him sweat, that is. This tough Wall-Nut superhero may have even a TOUGHER shell to crack with his cybernetic neon knight armor, along with having ALL of the defensive plants by his side, making him more of a bigger threat as the battle goes along, but when it comes to positive thoughts, Wall-Knight can be a bit too mild-mannered about it... He's cautious, bashful, gentle, nervous, and somehow still feels on edge going into war despite knowing what to do. Wall-Knight is a great guy with a gentle, kind personality, he just has a hard time coming out of his shell, that's the thing with him. But when it comes to saving not just himself, but his friends too, you BET Wall-Knight's gonna give out his fair share of defenses to his fellow plants... And innocent humans! He may have little confidence in himself despite his defensive power, but Wall-Knight's always willing to defend any lawn the very best he can!

(For Wall-Knight's voice, I'm looking for a soft-sounding high-pitched male voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • (Nervously) Ok, just take a deep breath, Wall-Knight... You can do this... You've got all the defensives you could possibly get all by your side... You can do this... * Deep, Nervous Breath* You can do this... I am a hard nut to crack... *Nervous Breath* I am a tough nut to crack...

  • *Agonized, Dying Groan* I KNEW I couldn't do this!!!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chompzilla (Closed)
Role assigned to: MoYahya

Fresh from the mansion's garden comes a SUPER-SIZED Chomper with a carnivorous appetite bigger than a Venus flytrap, and more powerful than a prehistoric reptilian! Enter Chompzilla, a solar-powered plant hero who's ALWAYS hungry for victory... And always hungry for zombies! Like with Solar Flare, Chompzilla's powers all run on solar fuel from the sun, and the more exposure there is, the BIGGER Chompzilla feels! She may look like a mindless eating machine, but this Plant Hero's compassionate enough to share her growth and power to her plant troops, and is even smart enough to floss after every battle! And yet, unfortunately, zombie breath is a REALLY big problem... A problem that Chompzilla couldn't care less about, because she believes that she was grown that way! To eat, devour, and DESTROY!!!

(For Chompzilla's voice, I'm looking for a monster/creature-type voice for her. Both males and females can audition. I want Chompzilla to sound like a very scary and threatening monster, using a Dee Bradley Baker/Frank Welker performance, or you can place in monster sound effects or alter your voice, like with King Hippo/Giga Mac from Punch Out, or the voice recordings of the monster vocals from Sound Ideas.) 

Voice description:
  • creature
  • animation/character
  • monster
  • *Make any Monster/Creature/Animalistic-like noises for about 20 seconds or more*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Citron (Closed)
Role assigned to: testudoaubreii

This freshly-squeezed bounty hunter is from the future, and has got PLENTY of Vitamin C to dish out to the targets he seeks! Cocky, arrogant, and confident, Citron believes that there's absolutely NO target he couldn't cross off his list with the powerful juices he stores as ammunition in his futuristic gear! This big orange's ego may be BIGGER than his whole size and gear combined, but he always has something to back it up, handling both defensive and offensive plants on his terms REALLY well! And when he gives his offensive troops a HUGE defensive with his own peel shield, you better BELIEVE that those zombies are REALLY gonna get a good taste of what the future has to offer for them!

(For Citron's voice, I'm looking for an arrogant low-mid-pitched male voice with either a North American accent or a Black American accent.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • black american
  • It's time to give these deadheads a good helping of freshley squeezed power and pain from only the best cool citrus guy out there... *Chuckles* You know who I'm talking about of course.. Me, myself and I, baby!

  • Sorry to crash your party at such short notice, Dr. Zombore... It's nothing personal, really. I'm just doing my job... Of making rotten flesheads like YOU miserable! *Chuckles*

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nightcap (Closed)
Role assigned to: To_Heck_And_Back

The Way of the Shroom... That's a way that the wise and crafty Nightcap invented himself, and that's his way and title to always keep! Like with Green Shadow, Nightcap may be a plant hero who lurks in the shadows until the time is right to strike, but will not HESITATE to help rescue any fellow plant or human in danger! Nightcap's agile, shifty, nimble, and those zombies NEVER know what he might plan next! During his free time, Nightcap likes to work on his fung fu in his very own custom-built dojo, and he has recruited LOTS of mushroom students to train as much as him! While Nightcap might have agility by his side, he wants all of his battles fast and aggressive anyway. Nightcap takes NO prisoners, and he wants all of his fellow shroom recruits to approach the battlefield the same way! The wise Nightcap believes that the more troops they are of HIM, the meaner and better the battle goes with the patented Fung Fu!

(For Nightcap's voice, I'm looking for a medium-pitched or mid-high-pitched male voice with calm, but serious and edgy tone to him, with any of these accents.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • castillian spanish
  • spanish japanese
  • north american
  • japanese
  • japanese american
  • male young adult
  • chinese
  • male teen
  • animation/character
  • Everyone knows zombies cause chaos... But chaos can be controlled, harnessed, and defeated using only a clear mind.... And a lot of Fung Fu. And I, Nightcap, am all about Fung Fu. I train daily in my dojo day in and day out, inside or away from the shadows I lurk in... Always waiting for the prime opportunity to strike when the time is right. The Way of the Shroom's always a wise and patient way.

  • Hmph... Come back when you're actually worth putting up a decent fight next time.

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Grass Knuckles (Closed)
Role assigned to: Adrian Delgado

Bring on the Grass Knuckles! This strong, bonk choy plant superhero has fists made of steel... And he will not HESISTATE to unleash them on any zombie he sees! Hyper, energetic, and always itching for a fight, Grass Knuckles trains hard to keep his fists and muscles in good shape, and if you're a wandering zombie who ends up on the wrong end of kissing the canvas, you may as well then kiss your undead dreams of tasting brains goodbye! Grass Knuckles hits before he thinks about it when it comes to undead individuals. He shows no remorse or empathy to any zombie and would much rather hit them smack-dab right in the face than take any chances with their tricks. The only thing Grass Knuckles is any good at is what he does best... And what he does best is, of course, laying the smackdown!

(For Grass Knuckles' voice, I'm looking for an energetic, hyper mid-high-pitched or high-pitched male voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • male young adult
  • WOO-HOO!!! BRING ON THE ZOMBIES!!! I'm ready for 'em! I'll rock and sock their undead heads into the next afterlife! Just you wait and see!

  • *Agonized, Dying Groan* Looks like I'm down and out for the count...

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Captain Combustible (Closed)
Role assigned to: Sir Captain

Yeesh, what a hothead Captain Combustible is! Literally! With a fiery body and an even MORE fiery temperament, ticking off this mad torchwood plant hero should be the LAST thing on your mind. Even the SLIGHTEST comment could tick Captain Combustible off, especially when someone calls him stumpy! And then, he will not HESITATE to aggressively burn them down until they're a black crisp, and then turned into ashes! As well as growling, Captain Combustible can also be heard laughing during the process of burning down his victim, showing that as well as being hot-headed, Captain Combustible is also crazy, twisted, and psychotic, enjoying burning down the zombies who he thinks deserve his fiery pain! A burning spree may not be the best thing to have a fiery passion for... But hey, it's only delivered to the zombies, so no real harm done... I guess?

(For Captain Combustible's voice, I'm looking for a low-pitched or low-mid-pitched male voice with any accent you shall choose.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • male young adult
  • Angry? ME? Well, that's my secret to a good zombie cookout... I'm ALWAYS angry!!! And believe me, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry... If those zombies think they can take the heat from THIS hot-head... *Seething breather* They've got another thing coming, that's for sure! *Crazy Chuckle* *Seething breather* Oh boy... *Seething breather* This is gonna be good...

  • *Crazy, Maniacal Laughter* YEAH!!! BURN, BABY, BURN!!! *Laughing* I just love the smell of a zombie barbeque in the morning... And any other time of the day too!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rose (Closed)
Role assigned to: Eirelynn Steiner

Don't let her romantic demeanor fool you, they say that every rose has its thorns... And this rose is DEFINITELY no exception to that rule! Being the master of romantic manipulation with her sweet-talking and cheeky insults, along with magic spells aplenty up her arsenal, it's always easy for Rose to play those zombies like puppets on a string! When a zombie's guard is down, Rose knows it's the PERFECT opportunity to use her magic wand to turn the zombie into... A goat? Well, goats may not be as threatening as zombies, but wouldn't Rose be better off turning a zombie into something... Even more harmless, like a hamster! Ah well, it may be a random spellcasting choice, but we won't judge Rose's battle tactics. She may look as sweet as a cherry blossom and twice as charming, but if you're a zombie, it's best you avoid this majestical plant if you don't wanna get caught finding out her true colors!

(For Rose's voice, I'm looking for a low-mid-pitched or medium-pitched female voice with any accent you choose.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • animation/character
  • They say that a rose like me is a symbol of love... I couldn't agree more... But they also say that every rose like me has their thorns... And I couldn't agree more! *Giggles* It's just WAY too easy to lull those zombies into a false sense of security with my irresistible charm and tricky spellcasting! Think about it. No one has ever thought of turning a zombie into a goat, right? *Chuckles*

  • (In a flirty, sultry tone) Well hello there, darling... Hope you behave yourself today! Wouldn't want to make a fully-bloomed rose like me angry now, would you?

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Beta-Carrotina (Closed)
Role assigned to: Agatha Maris

Whether it's defending lawns by land, like her fellow plant superheroes, or by the stars in her cosmic home, you bet that this leader of the Plantetary Space Force will lead her intergalactic troops into battle high in the sky! With her courageous heart, adventurous determination, and heroic ambition, Beta-Carrotina will take a flying leap with her jetpack into the opportunity to root out zombies wherever they crop up, either to defend humans from becoming brainless on Planet Earth, or by foiling the plans of her evil intergalactic arch-nemesis Huge Giganticus of domination in her galaxy home!

(For Beta-Carrotina's voice, I'm looking for a mid-high-pitched female voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • north american
  • female young adult
  • animation/character
  • female teen
  • Whether it's on land, or by the stars, at your lawn, or in a cosmic dimension, you bet that I, Beta-Carrotina, will defend it with all the Vitamin C I have in me! My jetpack fuel even runs on it! *Chuckles* Pretty impressive, I know.

  • (Stern and Determined) Huge Giganticus, your reign of terror is over! This ends right here, right now, once and for all!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Super-Brainz (Closed)
Role assigned to: To_Heck_And_Back

Look up there in the sky! It's a seagull! It's a bungee jumper! Wait, no! It's the mighty Super-Brainz! Faster than a speeding thistle, and more powerful than a taco truck, Super-Brainz is ready to dish out heroic justice to any plant that DARE stands in his way! Super-Brainz may be a kind-hearted and selfless superhero at heart... But NOT for the right reasons if you're a human who values your brain. You should avoid this super deadhead at all costs if so... Because Super-Brainz is on a super mission to make any human he sees brainless, and then take away the brains from his victims and donate them out to all of the needy zombies who are lacking one! In Super-Brainz's mind, what he's doing is a VERY super-heroic good deed... And no human can convince him otherwise in order for him to leave the more alive race in peace! The only thing that's a dead giveaway to his non-superhero qualities is his hairstyle... But that doesn't stop this vain zombie from feeling really proud of his looks and then staring at himself in the mirror before every battle...

(For Super-Brainz's voice, I'm looking for a comedic, cartooney, superhero-styled medium-pitched male voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • superhero
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • american
  • animation/character
  • (Superhero Jingle) Bee-Be-De-BEEE! It is I, Super-Brainz! Faster than a speeding thistle, more powerful than a taco truck, and giving brains to those good-hearted zombies who need them most!

  • Remember kids, brains are just like minds... They are a terrible thing to waste! Wait a minute, they're the exact same thing? I did not know that...

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Smash (Closed)
Role assigned to: SpondoVA

Head for the underground panic room, and lock that steel door above shut, because this beastly zombie hero's here to do some literal COLOSSAL damage! All that this gigantic and strong zombie wants to do is SMASH... And unfortunately, that's how this big monster got his name. All this big beast wants to do is crush EVERYTHING that he lays his BIG eyes upon... And with his gargantuan troops by his side, this big beast is even 10 times BIGGER the trouble! If someone can't cut The Smash down to size, then maybe bigger must just be better after all!

(For Smash's voice, I'm looking for a monstrous low-pitched male voice with caveman speech.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • caveman
  • monster
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • animation/character
  • Smash strongest zombie of them all! Smash prove that big is always BEST! Whatever Smash see, Smash always destroy!!!

  • *Monstrous Chuckling* Smash smash you good! Crush you like little itty bitty tiny baby sapling you are!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Impfinity (Closed)
Role assigned to: CinderPrint

Don't let this imp superhero's small size take your guard down, or you may just find out the hard way that there's MORE to Impfinity than just a small zombie that looks like he got his threads by combing a police car siren and a Halloween costume! Impfinity's superhero suit is one that he crafted all by himself that gives him the power to clone himself into threes... And generate some imp zombie recruits into his battles... Even WORSE. Acting alone, the imps are powerless... But united together, the imps can provide just as BIG of a threat as a lone Gargantuar! Maybe even 3 lone Gargantuars! Don't let Impfinity multiply the trouble for too long... Or you might just be dealing with threats more than 10 TIMES your own size!

(For Impfinity's voice, I'm looking for a high-pitched voice. Males can audition using a voice changer to alter their voice into a high pitch to make it sound like an imp from the Plants VS Zombies video games, or females can use a high-pitched young male voice belonging to a young boy or child.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • (Evil Chuckle) Ha-Ha!!! They say that big things come in small packages... And all those silly humans are soon gonna be thinking about ME the next time they say that, because once I'm through with their weak army of puny weeds, I've already multiplied those big things into 3 times the big trouble! *Evil, Mischievous laughter*

  • (Evil Mischievous Giggling) Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!!! That's what you get for refusing to pick on someone your own size!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rustbolt (Closed)
Role assigned to: Cody Reuter

Where did this rust-bucket get all his gear from? The junkyard? Well, believe it or not, he actually did! Before this undead individual got a cybernetic upgrade,he was just a regular, unlucky zombie being chased away by outnumbering plants. After he was lured into a junkyard neaby an old vending machine, Dr. Zomboss, the ruler and leader of all the zombies, combined this zombie and the vending machine together, realizing the devestating potential that the combination could have in it! Ever since this zombie had that sudden cybernetic surgery, he has felt much more STRONGER, much more SMARTER, much more BRAIN-HUNGRY, and much more CRAZY. But as much as Rustbolt has got a few screws loose, he does provide the perfect technology and ammunition to make up for his crazy cross-eyed looks, all thanks to his brand new robotic upgrades!

(For Rustbolt's voice, I'm looking for a medium-pitched male voice with a big stutter. I shall provide you a voice metallic robotic voice filter, or if you have a metallic robotic voice filter of your choice, you can even add it into the audition as an optional choice if you'd like!)

  • english
Voice description:
  • stutters
  • north american
  • male young adult
  • animation/character
  • Go ahead and laugh all you like. Sure, they may say I've got a few sc... Sc, sc, screws... LOOSE!!! And they may say my suit may look all r... R-R-R-R... Rusty and... D-d-d-d-d-d-d... DUSTY!!! But the bottom line is this... When I annihilate all those pesky plants away from your lawn, you'll then realize the TRUE power and potential of R... R... R-R-R... R... R, RUSTBOLT!!!

  • (In agony) AGHHH!!! BZZZZZTTTT!!! ZZZ-ZZZ-ZRRTTTT!!!! That blow just knocked another one of my screws loose!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Brain Freeze (Closed)
Role assigned to: Pandahman

From the cold, artic wastelands lies a strong yeti-zombie superhero with an even COLDER heart. When you see Brain Freeze away from his home, and into a hotter atmosphere, you know that he is NEVER in a good mood. The only thing that can calm him down? By using his frosty superpowers to make himself feel like he's at home again... And his main targets that he chooses to freeze? Plants and humans! Brain Freeze aims to turn whatever he can into a popsicle just as long as he can get his own way, from turning Sunflowers into his personal ice-skates, to scooping out human brains to use as a freshly-made icy dessert! And Brain Freeze doesn't go at it alone... All of his zombie friends from the artic are MORE than happy to aid Brain Freeze into turning this whole planet into one big ice-rink! Better give this beastly yeti an ice cream and turn on that snowstorm weather machine! And quickly!

(For Brain Freeze's voice, I'm looking for a low-pitched or low-mid-pitched monster-like male voice with a Siberian Russian accent.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • monster
  • animation/character
  • russian
  • I have awakened from my hiberation... And I am now hungry for some frozen brains! And you wouldn't like Brain Freeze when he's hungry! Because when Brain Freeze is hungry, he gets in a very, VERY cold mood. Those puny, cowardly plants better run away from my frosty temper if they don't wanna end up getting frostbitten!

  • Aw, what's the matter? Did Brain Freeze give you the COLD shoulder? (Monstrous Laughing) AH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Electric Boogaloo (Closed)
Role assigned to: Nate E.O.

When lightning strikes, but you don't see no thunder, that can only be the work of Electric Boogaloo, striking some SERIOUS moves on the graveyard dance-floors! When he isn't seen wearing his suit, he works as an undead street-dancer for a living, busting out some slick moves for a few easy bucks! But when he puts on his signature yellow-jacket, and those groovy super-sized shades, his moves become a WHOLE lot more than just ELECTRIFYING, without a doubt! He works his magic in almost ALL areas of battle, all thanks to his unpredicatable dance moves! He may use one dance to heal himself, or he may use another dance to strike some lightning onto his enemies! Either way, it's never a good sign when this zombie rises up from his grave, speading his disco fever out to any unfortunate human in his path... And it CERTINATLY doesn't help that Electric Boogaloo has recruits who are JUST about as into disco as him! Those humans are NEVER gonna say disco is dead again.

(For Electric Boogaloo's voice, I'm looking for a funky medium-pitched male voice with either a North American accent or Black American accent.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • funky
  • animation/character
  • black american
  • north american
  • Oh yeah! Time to wake up the undead race with the power of my electrifiyng disco fever, baby! Hey plants! I DARE you to try and outmatch these moves! Dance on Electric Boogaloo's boogie grounds, and you're gonna pay a hefty price for it, baby! OW!

  • (Bitterly) Well dang... Now that... That right there's just playing dirty, man!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Professor Brainstorm (Closed)
Role assigned to: OinkitySploink

Considering they don't have any brains, it's a common belief that no zombie is smart enough to accomplish anything... But if you're Professor Brainstorm, you can accomplish ANYTHING if you put your mind to it, and this professor has certainly put his mind on everything essential in life! With a high IQ for a zombie, let alone an average HUMAN being, Professor Brainstorm has completed many scholaships, earned many degrees, has not one, but TWO diplomas, and has taught many science subjects in undead schools and universities! The professor has sent many of his pupils out to war against the plants, using their knoweldge of the studies of psychics and plant behaviour against them. E=MCCRAAAZY!!!

(For Professor Brainstorm's voice, I'm looking for a medium-pitched or mid-high-pitched male voice with any accent you choose.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male senior
  • animation/character
  • According to my caculations, the human race has exactly ONE minute to donate their brains to our needy undead race before I, the brilliant and bright Professor Brainstorm, choose to disintagrate a hole in their heads with my handy dandy laser gun, and scoop the brains outta there with this trusty metal spoon! *Evil Chuckling*

  • (Bitterly) Hmmm... What went wrong, what went wrong?! My brilliantly executed plan to feast on human brains was foolproof! *Angry Growl* Those cursed plants always ruin everything!!!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Immorticia (Closed)
Role assigned to: cryolei

Who knew a zombie could be a witch at the same time? This creepy and spooky mistress lives in an evil, undead mansion, brewing up some trouble for the humans and their brains! Even if the plants are here to save the day, they better watch out, as Immorticia has SO many tricks to pull inside her imaginary halloween basket, and not even one treat in sight! Her magic spells can make her battles VERY unpredictable. She can spawn zom-bats to swarm against the plants, before she suddenly transforms a normal zombie into a MASSIVE gargantuar, finishing off the plant with a CRUSHING blow! Some people may call Immorticia a zombie, some others may argue that she's a witch... But one thing's for certain... Immorticia plays like BOTH of them... Dirty and deadly!

(For Immorticia's voice, I'm looking for a mid-high-pitched female witch voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • witch
  • female young adult
  • *Evil Witch Cackle* Which plant shall be lucky enough to be part of my special recipe? Hmmmm... Shall I grind and mush up a peashooter's ammunition? Shall I grate petals from a Sunflower onto my Witch Hazel spaghetti? Shall I mix up the fiery insides of a Snapdragon to make my own flaming soup? I'm not a picky zombie when it comes to making my own recipes, you see!

  • (Angry) Owwwww!!! I'll get you for that, my pretty!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Z-Mech (Closed)
Role assigned to: Bennett Davis

Well, this Imp certainly is smarter than he looks! It seems as though all those hours of binge-watching giant mecha anime, along with twiddling his thumbs on joysticks playing sporty video games has really paid off for this little fella, as once he got that sudden breakthrough, he built a massive missle-firing monstrousity of a machine! (Try saying that 5 times fast!) This imp named his big beauty the Z-Mech, and with it, and all of his active sports-loving zombie recruits by his side, battling this imp's no small joke, that's for sure!

(For Z-Mech's voice, I'm looking for a high-pitched voice. Males can audition using a voice changer to alter their voice into a high pitch to make it sound like an imp from the Plants VS Zombies video games, or females can use a high-pitched young male voice belonging to a young boy or child. I shall provide you an amplified robotic voice filter, or if you have an amplified voice filter of your choice, you can even add it into the audition as an optional choice if you'd like!) 

  • english
Voice description:
  • north american
  • male child
  • animation/character
  • female child
  • BOO!!! *Evil, Mischievous Chuckle* Don't like what you see, do you? Betcha didn't expect a seemingly small, harmless little imp like me transform into a GIANT, powerful wrecking machine! Oh yes... This not so little baby is a beauty that I built myself! You know, to destroy and annihilate those puny plants! And when I'm done with them... YOU'RE NEXT!!! *Evil, Maniacal Laughter*

  • (Angry) Hey! You left a dent in this machine! You'll pay for... (Panicking) Wait a minute... What's going on?! Uh oh... Where's the ejection button on this thing?! My beautiful robot's gonna explode!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Nora Emmanuel

You'd think it would be impossible for a zombie to make new friends that are not their kind... But this zombie has SOMEHOW befriended a GIANT popularity of the ocean-life! Being an unlikely friend of the sea, Neptuna's flopping onto dry land like a fish out of water, looking out for some brains to appease the ocean Gods! But since Neptuna's part mermaid with a matching scaley tail, she battles on dry land inside a giant fish bowl, but not before taking some vicious sea-creatures along with her, mainly these octopuses that wrap among her head, making it look like her own hair! Neptuna uses the power of the sea, and these vicious octo-pets to drown those plants and wrap and strangle them up in a WHOLE world of trouble! And if you think that great white sharks might stop her, it ends up the other way around as Neptuna tames and controlls the sharks into fighting with her rather than against her! If you see this aquatic zombie, please swim outta the water as fast as you can, dry land's the only place you'll be safe!

(For Neptuna's voice, I'm looking for a gruff low-pitched, or low-mid-pitched female voice with any exotic Caribbean Islander accent, like Puerto Rico or Jamaican, etc. Here's some voice clips from other characters that match the range I'm looking for for reference.)

https://youtu.be/QaD6BnqBAgw?t=79 (Transylvanian accent featured. Any island accent still suggested.)


  • english
Voice description:
  • puerto rican
  • islander
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • west indies/caribbean/jamaican
  • carribean
  • Undead souls from beyond the deep are calling Neptuna... And they're telling Neptuna that this is PERFECT opportunity for REVENGE! Neptuna LOVES the sound of revenge. Neptuna's fishy friends are gonna dish out payback to heartless human race who show NO remorse for beautiful ocean life with stupid recyclables... By paying with their BRAINS in exchange!!! *Evil, Maniacal Laughter*

  • (Angry) Owwwwww!!! By Poseidon's Bikini Bottom, give up already and help Neptuna appease Ocean Gods by sacrificing yourself!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Huge Giganticus (Closed)
Role assigned to: Beerusberg

This little imp comes from the intergalactic galaxy away from our home planet up in the stars... But whatever you do, do NOT call him little in front of him, as this evil overlord, who's supposedly called Huge Giganticus is anything BUT small. This zombie's BENT on galaxy domination, first on Planet Earth, then MANY other planets and galaxies that he could cut down to size! And he'll make sure that anyone who laughs in his face and calls out his dreams of world domination due to his seemingly small size pays DEARLY for it. Huge Giganticus goes from having an evil smile, to an angry scowl in an INSTANT if anyone calls him small, and then he'll use his intergalactic zombie troops and recruits to PUNISH his targets severely until there's nothing more of them! Once Huge Giganticus takes over control of the Earth, everyone who's under his command must either follow his every command... Or perish defying them. The only plant hero that's able to go back to the galaxy to foil Huge Giganticus's plans to conquer more of the solar system's existence is Beta-Carrotina, Huge Giganticus's main arch-nemesis. But with Huge Giganticus teaming up with Dr. Zomboss, the leader of the zombies back on Planet Earth, stopping this duo of evil geniuses is now gonna be even TOUGHER to do than to say!

(For Huge Giganticus's voice, I'm looking for a high-pitched voice with any accent you choose. Males can audition using a voice changer to alter their voice into a high pitch to make it sound like an imp from the Plants VS Zombies video games, or females can use a high-pitched young male voice belonging to a young boy or child.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male child
  • female child
  • (Angry) Who do you think you're calling a little imp, you fool?! I am the great and powerful zombie overlord Huge Giganticus! I am anything BUT small! Who do you think you are having the nerve to talk to the mighty Huge Giganticus that way?! I'm gonna show you who Huge Giganticus REALLY is by dominating YOU first... Before I then dominate the ENTIRE WORLD!!! MWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!

  • (Referring to Beta-Carrotina) Well well well, if it isn't the flying orange dirt-stick! My old friend, we meet again!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!


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