(Just Neptuna Left!) Plants VS Zombies Heroes If They Had English-Speaking Voices! (Headcanon Voice Project)
N for Spudow (Closed)

Meet Spudow, a big, giant, strong, powerful and explosive, but friendly, cuddly, cheerful, and air-headed spud superhero! While this tater tower may not be intelligent enough to know his left and rights, he always does his best to make sure all of his friends are safe from harm... And that includes every human he sees, because he believes that because the humans are not the threats here, that automatically makes them his new buddies. Either way, who wouldn't want the powerful large, and strong Spudow by their side? Not only is he strong enough to handle many big things, but he even has this unique power to throw away his head to act as a potato mine, causing EXPLOSIVE results should a zombie unknowingly step on one... Literally! But no need to worry, Spudow's body always produces a new head! With a strong, powerful alley, who's really good with defensive demolitions, Spudow's a SURE-fire Plant Superhero to have by your side! Even if his brains are made up of mashed potatoes, and he often loses his head in tough situations...
(For Spudow's voice, I'm looking for a male medium-pitched or mid-high-pitched dim-witted gentle-giant-type voice. I have this idea that he could probably sound a little like Homestar Runner, or have a little likeness to that voice, but if you want to go for something different, please feel free too!)
- english
- male teen
- male young adult
- airhead
- animation/character
- american
(Cheerful) Hi there, new friend! My name is Spudow, and I'm here to rescue you from the zombies! Wait... Why am I doing it again? Oh yeah, because they're after your brains! Wait... That isn't good, is it? (Panicking) *Gasp!* IT ISN'T?! Oh no!!! Don't worry, new friend!!! Spudow's explodadives (Explosives) are here to save the day!!!
Hee-hee-hee... Spudow's my favorite word to say... Oh, and Spudow's my name too! Wow, I just realized that! Hee-hee... Ooh, ooh! also really love to say KABOOM! And BA-BAM! And KABLOOEY! *Giggles* That's a good funny one!
*Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

I really hope you like my take on Spudow
Discord: Rookieva