(Just Neptuna Left!) Plants VS Zombies Heroes If They Had English-Speaking Voices! (Headcanon Voice Project)
Aaron Sutton for Immorticia (Closed)

Who knew a zombie could be a witch at the same time? This creepy and spooky mistress lives in an evil, undead mansion, brewing up some trouble for the humans and their brains! Even if the plants are here to save the day, they better watch out, as Immorticia has SO many tricks to pull inside her imaginary halloween basket, and not even one treat in sight! Her magic spells can make her battles VERY unpredictable. She can spawn zom-bats to swarm against the plants, before she suddenly transforms a normal zombie into a MASSIVE gargantuar, finishing off the plant with a CRUSHING blow! Some people may call Immorticia a zombie, some others may argue that she's a witch... But one thing's for certain... Immorticia plays like BOTH of them... Dirty and deadly!
(For Immorticia's voice, I'm looking for a mid-high-pitched female witch voice.)
- english
- female adult
- animation/character
- witch
- female young adult
*Evil Witch Cackle* Which plant shall be lucky enough to be part of my special recipe? Hmmmm... Shall I grind and mush up a peashooter's ammunition? Shall I grate petals from a Sunflower onto my Witch Hazel spaghetti? Shall I mix up the fiery insides of a Snapdragon to make my own flaming soup? I'm not a picky zombie when it comes to making my own recipes, you see!
(Angry) Owwwww!!! I'll get you for that, my pretty!
*Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Oops! I forgot to mark Immoriticia as closed too. I'm really sorry for any confusion, my sincerest apologies.

Oh, that's okay! What roles are currently open for feminine characters?

Neptuna is the only female character left, but I do encourage all female voice actors who can do a voice of a young male boy to audition for the imps!