(Just Neptuna Left!) Plants VS Zombies Heroes If They Had English-Speaking Voices! (Headcanon Voice Project)
Mr. Moron for Nightcap (Closed)

The Way of the Shroom... That's a way that the wise and crafty Nightcap invented himself, and that's his way and title to always keep! Like with Green Shadow, Nightcap may be a plant hero who lurks in the shadows until the time is right to strike, but will not HESITATE to help rescue any fellow plant or human in danger! Nightcap's agile, shifty, nimble, and those zombies NEVER know what he might plan next! During his free time, Nightcap likes to work on his fung fu in his very own custom-built dojo, and he has recruited LOTS of mushroom students to train as much as him! While Nightcap might have agility by his side, he wants all of his battles fast and aggressive anyway. Nightcap takes NO prisoners, and he wants all of his fellow shroom recruits to approach the battlefield the same way! The wise Nightcap believes that the more troops they are of HIM, the meaner and better the battle goes with the patented Fung Fu!
(For Nightcap's voice, I'm looking for a medium-pitched or mid-high-pitched male voice with calm, but serious and edgy tone to him, with any of these accents.)
- english
- castillian spanish
- spanish japanese
- north american
- japanese
- japanese american
- male young adult
- chinese
- male teen
- animation/character
Everyone knows zombies cause chaos... But chaos can be controlled, harnessed, and defeated using only a clear mind.... And a lot of Fung Fu. And I, Nightcap, am all about Fung Fu. I train daily in my dojo day in and day out, inside or away from the shadows I lurk in... Always waiting for the prime opportunity to strike when the time is right. The Way of the Shroom's always a wise and patient way.
Hmph... Come back when you're actually worth putting up a decent fight next time.
*Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Good job