Paper Trails (A Deltarune Comic)

Project Overview
This comic is written and illustrated with LynxGriffin from Tumblr, and with their permission I am directing a comic dub of it!
The story follows two of the main characters of the video game Deltarune from Toby Fox: Kris and Susie. They return to the Dark World to escape the monotonous lessons in their classroom, reuniting with their friends Ralsei and Lancer. An odd figure appears during their reunion. Kris hastily escapes the Dark World with their friends, but their Darkner friends change in an unexpected way. Things turn for the worst as the Dark World was scattered about through town. As mysteries slowly unveil, Kris and Susie must bring together their friends' home.
(Comic dub coming to the YouTube channel Starflight LunaSpirit)
Notes on Auditions:
- Please have good sound quality! No background noise!
- Lines from other characters are not to be said in the audition but to help with context.
- It isn't required but I would prefer at least more than one take for each line.
- I prefer if you have a Discord account so I can add you to my server and as a means of communication. Skype is okay, but Discord is highly preferred.
- Before I cast you for a certain role, I will respond to you asking if you'd be willing to follow through, so be ready to say yes!
- Generally I encourage creative freedom and improvisation, but keep it reasonable!
- Have fun and be a good sport!
- (I don't have a definite deadline so I will keep extending the deadline)
*more characters will be added as the story progresses
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Hello! First, thank you all for auditioning! You all definitely have great talent! However, I would like to speak with some particular actors and possibly also give more people chances to audition for any character they want! Thank you!

Kris is the only known human in the setting of Deltarune, so they're the odd one out. They sport a quiet and mostly level-headed demeanor, albeit they have secrets that one could only assume to be very dark. I could imagine them sounding like Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender (an example here: Feel free to take creative freedom into your audition.
(explaining a plan to their friends, scene here)
We ask around, and find all the Jigsawrys. Eslira takes us to the Fountain. If we bring everyone back with us, we can take them where we need to in the Lightner world.
(trying to sound creepy while explaining some horrifying rumor, scene here)
Well, they say that once, a kid got killed here...and they never found the body...but sometimes you can hear kids' laughter coming from the Ice-E animatronic...
*Please improvise and show a variety of emotion including fear, anger, joy, etc. since I couldn't find really good lines for auditions*

Some important things I should point out: this role would require having to be loud and even swear (nothing too bad though).
Susie is a large monster, and known to be feared in the school halls. Despite her very intimidating appearance, she has feelings outside of rage. She does care about her friends, especially Lancer who respects for who she is. I could imagine her sounding like Bismuth from Steven Universe (example here: and/or Brodingle's take on Susie in this video:
Just, lemme say one little thing. Seems like a waste to get expelled just for having a snack.
So, Kris, if I KNOW you're gonna pull the trigger...(she chuckles) Why don't I just get expelled for some REAL carnage.
Kris...How do you feel... (sound really threatening, maybe add a very low growl) about loosing your face?
I...I don't wanna kill you, man. Just move. Please.
(Lancer: B...But Susie, if I let you guys go...then. Then you and my dad will fight, and you'll kill each least if you stay here...Neither of you will get hurt.)
Then I...I...I won't kill him. Promise. Me and him, we'll just, um...Talk it out. Peaceful-style. Y'know.
(in a panic) Shitshitshit dammit dammit Dammit! I can't...I...We have to fix this, Kris! I can't just...let this go! My only friend, this kid who still wanted to be friends after i beat the crap out of him and now I screwed him up and his entire home might be gone!

Huge Note: Since there are "Duplicates" of Ralsei in this comic, whoever plays Ralsei here will also play the roles of the other duplicates. Whoever is auditioning also must be able to sing well. A song will be provided.
Ralsei is a Prince of the Dark. He'd rather use his words to quell battles than actually fight. Even though he's "the smart one," he still finds himself surprised at nearly every corner in "Paper Trails," yet he has unrevealed secrets. I could imagine him sounding like Alfur from Hilda (example:
Kris, once we pass through this door...Our adventure will really begin. A journey foretold exactly by the prophecy...but, Kris, I believe your choices are important, too. This world is full of all kinds of people, Kris. In the end, how we treat them makes all the difference.
Kris! Susie! Oh, you're alright.
(Susie: Yeah, it'll take more than that to take us down.)
Kris, Susie...I'm...I'm sorry. Because I healed the King, we almost...we almost...Susie, you were right. I...I was foolish to think we could act so soft to everyone...This isn't a world where kindness always wins, is it?
(Susie: Eh, it's complicated. Yeah, sometimes there's people you just gotta fight. But if you never let your guard down, then...You might just...hurt someone you care about.)
Aww, Susie...You're beginning to sound like a real hero!
Singing time! I would prefer if you would sing the first two verses, but if you want to sing more than the first two verses, that's fine.

Best described as a rascal who says the weirdest things that would raise eyebrows and questions alike, but at least he found a genuine friend in Susie. I don't exactly have an exact voice in mind, but I could imagine him sounding like Bart Simpson. Improvisation and freedom of interpreting his voice is absolutely welcome.
Wait! Wait a second! My bike's running out of fuel! Alright, you punk-a-roos! You had the luck of the draw this time, time, the losers will be YOU! Hahaha! Bye, losers! I gotta get home before dinner.
S...Susie?...w-what are you doing here...?
(Susie: ...Lancer, Kris and Ralsei are still locked up...)
I...I know. I...I was the one who told my troops to put you down here. keep you down here. Forever.
Sorry, Dad! You're being overthrown! When I told everyone you were fighting the Lightners, everyone remembered how kind they were! They decided they'd rather have a king that accepts them! Me!!! Now I'm the dad!!!

Alphys is the teacher in the main characters' class. Being a nervous nerd who loves anime she tries her best at being a good teacher. Usually stammers a lot. I could imagine her having a somewhat shaky voice, especially apparent when flustered or embarrassed.
Oh...K-Kris! We thought you weren't coming today! We're doing group projects this, walk around and find a partner, ok?
M-Mis. Toriel, don't get upset! They were volunteering to get something for me! I-I'm sure they got distracted along the way...

Toriel, adoptive mother of Kris, works as a teacher for young monsters at school. Although she is kind and supportive like a good mother, she knows when to be strict. I don't really have an exact voice in mind for her. Either an American or a slight British accent could work.
Kris...It is a beautiful day today, is it not? I hope it stays this way when Asriel visits next week. But I wonder...after the excitement of university...Will he still enjoy coming home to this little town...?
Kris, honey, what is it? What? No, I am not giving you a ride home. Our house is not far. It is just at the top of town. Try walking. It builds character, honey.

The shy girl in the classroom whose abilities include being scared of her own shadow, avoiding confrontation at all costs, and having a not-too-subtle crush on Susie. I could imagine her having a voice somewhat similar to Fluttershy from MLP: Friendship is Magic. Creative freedom is encouraged (
Umm, Kris? Did you...want to talk about something?
(the player selects "Susie" as a topic)
Susie! That's right, you were with Susie! When you didn't come back to class, I was worried, but...Everything turned out ok! I think?...Umm, Kris? Can i ask something, if that's ok? Susie...I'm kind of...curious what she's like, you know? I mean, who doesn't wonder about her? She never talks to anyone.
Ahahaha...Dad! I can't just say that to her! Oh my god...I'd die. I'd literally die.

Sarcastic, arrogant, and downright unlikable, Berdley self-proclaims himself to be the smartest student in class. I could imagine him having a stereotypical "nerdy" voice, maybe sounding a bit nasally. Improvisation and freedom of interpretation his voice is more than welcome.
Kris! You survived Susie! I was getting worried! Now you can finally pay off your family debt. How to Draw Dragons is 2,583 days overdue. However, Kris. I am a benevolent volunteer assistant. If you turn it in this week, I'll reduce your fine to...A mere $64.23! Consider it, Kris!
Funny you saying me being smart like it's an insult, considering you both were gone again all day yesterday-
(Susie: You helped Ms. Toriel clean out the old classroom. Where'd you put everything?)
That's not really your business.
(Susie: It is, actually. Figured you'd know that if you were so smart.)
Yeeeeah, can't say i'm convinced.

Similar to her Undertale counterpart, Undyne is loud and brash and won't take crap from anybody. Her bravado and dedication doesn't save her from doing her job as a cop in unusual ways. I can imagine her having a similar voice as to Amethyst from Steven Universe but a bit deeper (
Who's ready to get arrested?!! Hey!! I know you punks are in here somewhere!
Hey, punk!!!! Get out of the road!! You're blockin' traffic!!!....oh, wait, it's just Asgore's kid. Sorry, I'm a little, uh, worked up lately.

A mysterious shopkeeper, Seam is a cat-like creature who sells wares (if you have the coin). I could imagine him having a voice like a Khajiit from Skyrim (think of M'aiq:
(he also hasn't officially made his appearance in the comic but I am very sure he'll be appearing in a few more updates from the writer of the comic) you are the "heroes" who are going to seal our Fountain? Ha, good luck. It makes no difference to me. Neither Light nor Dark hold a future for a Darkner in my condition.
Trouble opening the door...? Hahaha, well, whether you can or not, it doesn't matter to me. But here's a hint - walk where the stars don't shine.
He...was a funny little man. Once, the court jester. I, the court magician. A friend...? Could I consider him a friend...? Perhaps, perhaps not. But he was the only one who matched me in the games we used to play.
You're more than welcome to put your demo reels here. If I need somebody extra to voice a few background characters, I'd reach out to you and ask for your Discord. Some accents I am looking for can vary from a "cool/radical dude," to British, and more.
(Demo Reels are preferred, but if you can make up a bunch of varied lines, please do so)
Public Submissions