[Webcomic Fandub] Out of Placers Recast

Project Overview

After a bit of searching over the internet I found that there isn't a currently voiced recording for the comic Out of Placers by Valsalia. It isn't the largest comic out there but there are numerous characters to work with and I plan on handling this very professionally. Since this is more of a side project I cannot offer pay to anyone wanting to hop in but those who are cast here will be heavily considered for future work from Aeva Productions. There are numerous roles for voicing and a decent level of adult humor contained within thought he project as a whole is very tame with nothing worse than some suggestive dialogue and occasional cursing. Note that more roles might arrive as the comic still goes on as well as the possibility of shifting some characters from their respective "Various" section to a full cast member. Finally the product will be released as a video on youtube in chunks of pages to give each video a decent length and have larger content to post. I have also been given permission by the writer themselves to undertake this project before even posting this work offer so no worries about that causing issues with the project.

IMPORTANT, cast members must have discord, it will be how the project is organized and all updates will be posted there.


Out of placers is a relatively long standing webcomic set in its own fantasy world with adorable characters and a deep and rich history. Aside from humans every sentient species is unique for the story as far as I can tell. The primary character is an average impoverished survivor of war living in the slums of a large trade city living among his fellow remaining country men who sought refuge there after the destruction of their homeland. After a disappointing day Kassen decides to just kick back, relax and look at the bright side of the day, unfortunately it would seem fate has different plans for him.

For more details on the story as a whole I would suggest potential actors and actresses give a read through what is available to see if you are interested in the story overall.


Accents for Yinglets and Other Accent Notes

There are several different races in the story which will require special accents, for the more unique characters they will be addressed with the character they apply to but one that is very common in the story are Yinglets, a small rodent like sentient race that large portions of the story revolve around. They are small, fuzy and a little on the not so intelligent side. According to the author the general yinglet dialect, is basically what you get when you speak with very large outer mouth/lip movements (over-pronouncing things, basically), and focusing most of the tongue-pronunciation action in the central upper hard palette cavern in the mouth, trying to not let your tongue touch the frontal downward-sloping part that holds the teeth. This should be kept in mind when auditioning for Yinglet roles. For this project I am going to try and lean away from using voice modification and go for voices that are more heavily accented with dramatized inflections and only use very mild pitch shifting if it is necessary.

Example of Yinglet voice (Possibly without as much vocal editing): http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14957646/

Audition Clarification

The part in parentheses at the beginning of each line is to give the approximate attitude/emotion for the line as well as small tips on how to read it while the parentheses at the end will be which page you will find the line on. They will be broken down as (Chapter ID - Page ID) Ex. (P-2) is prologue page 2 while (1-7) is Chapter 1 page 7.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kassen Akoll (Human)
Role assigned to: JCMGamer

Born in Dinnlan to a family of middle-class merchants, he recieved a basic tradesman’s education before being drafted by the Dinnish military to assist in the desperate last-stand defense of the country, which ultimately failed. Seeing that the battle was hopeless, he and Elim deserted before the final push and crept through occupied territory for weeks before eventually arriving at Val Salia, where they joined House Ivenmoth and began building a new life.

Sarcastic and jovial optimist, uses dismissive humor to keep up spirits despite numerous horrible things happening to him in his life . This voice as a character will be short lived but will be used to voice certain written inner dialogues so will be a consistent cast member.

  • (Flatly stating) Dinnish. Or we were, back when there was still a Dinnlan, I guess. (P-2)

  • (Annoyed) The hell they did! Didn't a couple of bandits try and jump us around here last week, using that same trick? And the same pushcart? (P-2)

  • (Confident and reassuring) Hey, we gotta show the younger races that they have a place in our society too, if they work hard for it. (P-11)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kassen (Yinglet)
Role assigned to: JCMGamer

Born in Dinnlan to a family of middle-class merchants, he recieved a basic tradesman’s education before being drafted by the Dinnish military to assist in the desperate last-stand defense of the country, which ultimately failed. Seeing that the battle was hopeless, he and Elim deserted before the final push and crept through occupied territory for weeks before eventually arriving at Val Salia, where they joined House Ivenmoth and began building a new life.

After an unforeseen mishap transforms Kassen to a Yinglet the major parts of the story focus on learning about the society of their new people, getting used to their new body and gender. Their dialect will be a bit awkward, like a person learning a new accent by force that grows to be more natural as the story progresses. (Try to demonstrate this between the three lines which are sequential in the story.)

  • (Very annoyed) Oh for... Go... research somezhing, or whatever it is you do when you're not stalking me! (1-2

  • (Angry and accusational) Wh- is zis some part of a plan to break my mind!? Did Ran put you up to zis!? Answer your new superior officer! (1-6)

  • (Explaining) O-KAY. Listen. I'm still confused, sleep-deprived, and have been rudely kicked a few pegs down ze ladder of society, but I want zis to work, and I zink you do too. But it ain't gonna, unless you're honest with me. Okay? (1-25)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Matriarch Vizlet
Role assigned to: AevaRisis

A fairly self-composed and educated yinglet (in itself a very rare thing), Vizlet is the Matriarch of Val Salia’s yinglet enclave. She is in charge of the local yinglet population’s interactions with the few females within the enclave, putting her in a unique position of power, which she uses towards many ends.. She is also the only female allowed to travel in public without an escort group.

I can see Vizlet having a very controlled voice, soothing and motherly but also very judging of the lack of intelligence in her people. Actress will need a decent range of controlled expressions as well as a good panicking mode and the ability to play both sides of the motherly character.

  • (analytical) Unshaven shell-toozh, an utter lack of poise, walking around in scandelous rags... it is clear she is completely untouched by our society. And as a female, zis simply does not happen. (P-34)

  • (starts off motherly, ending annoyed.) Ach- please forgive zhose two outside. Zhey are new arrivals from ze rural enclaves, and are... not quick to take in new concepts... Actually, do not forgive zem. Zhey will never learn ozherwize. (1-13)

  • (panicking and basking in discovery before realizing problems.) If only you could know ze possibilities zhat are now wizhin our grasp! do you know what this could mean!? Zhis is...! ... ze worst timing imaginable. (1-21)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: camero59

A fairly successful street merchant (at least in terms of merchants who scavenge their wares from along the beachline), Lopin is well-spoken for a yinglet, and despite his courteous and preening personality, he knows how to defend his turf.

He is a fancy lad.

Lopen's yinglet accent will be a little less harsh than the more generic yinglets, even having a little bit less trouble making the "th" sound but more coming out as a "zh" rather than just a "z". Optomistic and energetic but a little slow witted he will have a voice that's a bit higher for a male yinglet, borderline female but still having enough masculine tones.

  • (Sales Pitch) Hellohello, proud humans! Zhe beach-sands are generous today, and I have some lovely- (cut off) (P-10)

  • (Happy leaving) You are a kind human mister Kassen, if you need any more goodstuffs, just call for Lopin! ... Zhat is me.(P-11)

  • (Happy) It is obvious! You are so so worried about her, so much want to protect! People with no fur are so worried about zheir skin being seen wizhout clozhes, but you still ran here right away to see what was wrong! (1-57)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Not much is known about Isher’s origins, except that she quietly arrived in Val Salia at some point, and struggled to find work until Kassen met her and suggested she join house Ivenmoth, offering to vouch for her. Though she is incredibly grateful to him, most of her work tends to involve being a bouncer, bodyguard, or other tasks that require her to play the role of an intimidating brute. She struggles with this, as she’s a gentle soul, and prefers to work in the Undergardens whenever possible.

Her voice will be a bit interesting, it will be deep and partially monserous but only because that's what her body is capable of. Past her gruff accent she is very sweet and more often panicking and speaking nervously fast. She doesn't have much of an accent to adjust her pronounceation, just something you would expect a general female orc with a bit more panic and softness in her voice.

  • (Very worried almost scared) Kassie! I'm so glad you're back, everything's gone wrong! (P-8)

  • (Over thinking getting interrupted at end) I wasn't sure what to say, or how to say it, and I didn't want to upset you. I never know what to say, so I end up saying nothing, and it just makes things get worse, and- (1-4)

  • (Panicking) I'm sorry I'm sorry I am late I just, I just had a friend who's having a hard time and I needed to be there and I forgot about the trademeet and. (1-69)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Mairujyat

A young indrel drone who became fascinated with humans and their culture (albeit a very distorted, fairytale view thereof) at an early age, she has left her hive in hopes of pursuing her fantasy of living among humans. Though things have been different from what she expected, they’ve certainly been interesting.

Potentially the hardest voice to cast for, being a more insectoid race who has very poor grasp on human language. There will be many sharp syllables and re records to accommodate her very awkward speech patterns and as such there won't be to much pickyness so long as the effect is put across. Important to note there will be a bit of screeching and very high levels of excitement at everything with a few moments dipping into borderline psychotic.

  • (Excited) SKREEEE Hyes yes! ALWAYS whanted a hyuuman sound-name! I knoow de one! (P-6)

  • (Confused and mildly worried) Khwaht iss bad. Is somethinkh. Yannit chh--annot feel hyou, but everyhhone iss beingk strange ahnd worry. (1-4)

  • (Inner thoughts) In HomeHive DroneYannit and DroneOther, Know-Feel us together always, Know-Feel what DroneOther think-feel-want, Sense-loud always. (1-68)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Elim Dorelga
Role assigned to: Michael Matarese

Born to a family of tiplod ranchers, Elim enjoyed an idyllic, peaceful country life, which he would have happily continued if not for the invasion by the Sovereignty of Beletam and the subsequent draft. He was assigned to the same squad as Kassen, and deserted with him when things turned sour. They didn’t know each other very well before that, but became incredibly close as they kept each other alive during their desperate flight from their former home.

Pretty average male voice, I'm thinking something mid ranged with a hopeless yet optimistic outlook, he is the not very helpful but always at your side kind of guy.

  • (Confused but trying to be helpful) Uh... now that I think about it, I've never heard a yinglet say the "th" syllable. Maybe uh... try saying it their way? (P-15)

  • (Panicking and a bit worried) Kass! I heard a yinglet screaming and I'm pretty sure it was you even though I'm still getting used to your voice now but anyway, Are you okay!? (1-18)

  • (Matter of factly) Well if I can't make it better, I can at least promise to take my mace and pulp the face of anyone that makes fun of you. (1-52)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ran Ste-Su G'Mindel
Role assigned to: JourneymanIK

An eccentric researcher working for house Ivanmoth, a bit over excitable when it comes to the prospect of studying a new species and wanting to know every detail. His voice will be a bit on the higher side for a male and probably the closest to yinglet excitement that a human gets in this comic. There will also be a good number of recorded documentations written by this character so a separate, more researcher appropriate reading voice will be required.

  • (Overly excited) Truly!? We have a living interspecies, intersexed subject? Is this it? (Pause for other line, happy excited) Ahhhh you're even talking like them! (P-28)

  • (Singsong voice) I certainly hope you're writing this dooown! (1-2)

  • (Worried) Though... I cannot help but to worry about that one. There is very little documentation about indrel psychology, so I have no way of knowing how stable she is, or what signs to look for that might indicate an imminent mental breakdown. (1-65)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Viracroix Salia
Role assigned to: Canon-Thought

The current heir to house Ivenmoth’s small merchant empire, he guides the course of his house, as all members of the Salia bloodline have done before him. In addition to providing the city of Val Salia with a basic system of law and population management, the Salia bloodline has always pursued “enlightening” ends in addition to trade, such as astronomy, cartography, and the study of natural life. Viracroix is particularly enamored with the pursuit of knowledge, and has publicly described himself as more of a seeker of enlightenment than a Trademaster.Several local trade houses interpreted this as a weakness, and attempted to cut into house Ivenmoth’s trade routes, before being swiftly and effectively outmaneuvered by Viracroix, who then absorbed them into his own trade empire. It is unknown if Trademaster Viracroix had spoken in earnest in his earlier public announcement, or was simply laying bait.

I can see an almost suave voice for this character, charismatic and a bit manipulative. Think of a character you could swear is a villain but is only doing good things as far as anyone can see. On top of that he is the closest thing to a noble in this world so he would have a definite sense of regal properness behind him.

  • (Explanitive and soft) You must understand, Kassen... this comes at a very troublesome time. House Ivenmoth will soon be partnering with the city's yinglet enclave in certain endavors; negotiations have silently been underway for months. (P-35)

  • (A little creepy but still purposeful) I have a strong personal drive for discovery, you see. I have funded many researchers and expeditions over the years, for knowledge is more valuable than gold. And I recognize the value of what's inside your fuzzy little head. (P-37)

  • (Calm and confident) Oh, mister Omarhan. Do you know why power has always returned to House Ivenmoth after a power struggle? The people know that we will simply treat them better than any local usurper, or foreign conqueror. (1-66)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The bunkmaster of the bunkhouse that house Ivenmoth constructed for the influx of Dinnish refugees following the war, she is Dinnish herself, and despite her bad leg and heavy drinking, she takes her job very seriously out of kindness for her fellow countrymen. She tries to make the best of the small bunkhouse, despite it being an underfunded charity that was just constructed to keep starving refugees off the streets.

An infrequent roll at this point but is needed for the early parts, she is a bit snappy and to the point woman, good flexibility for this role in the overall requirements.

  • (Very annoyed) Oh for fakk's sake Kass, just drop off your gear and go the hell to sleep. (P-12)

  • (Worried and panicked) Oh for- MEDIC! Get your ass in here Galen, we have an injury! (P-13)

  • (Dismissive) No idea. All I know is he's doing some sort of hush-hush work with the Ivenmoth higher-ups. Don't wanna know any more than that. And neither should you, if you wanna stay out of trouble. (1-67)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Stouthardt

A biteleaf addict; formerly a field medic in the Dinnish military, he was one of the few that volunteered before the draft to help his country survive. He now acts as the Dinnish bunkhouse’s resident healer, when he’s not dreaming of better days in a cloud of biteleaf smoke.

For his voice just think of a person who has kind of given up on caring what other people think of him and sits around getting stoned. A bit mid to deep voiced male voice.

  • (Annoyed and dismissive) Fine, tell me when you're there. Until then, I gotta make sure someone around here is enjoying the time we got left. (P-12)

  • (Very annoyed) What?! Thought ya said there was an injury! what's all the screaming about?... An' who let the scav in? (P-14)

  • (Dismissive) Eh not really, he got turned into a yinglet bitch so he's probably poppin' out eggs in an alley or something right now. (1-67)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Various Human Male Characters
Role assigned to: Sasta

There will be approximately 10 various human male roles to fill, most of these will only be for a maximum of no more than 3 pages. One person can get multiple roles so if you feel like giving several reads for each role feel free to show your range.

  • Oh! The War's a different one for me... When we pushed the mercenary kings outa the wester provinces. (P-1)

  • (Drunk) HA haaaa, *hic** What didja even just say. (1-9)

  • (Dismissive) Sure; yinglets, and the merchants from the House of Ghellik are the only ones that like these slimy things, and the Ghelliks aren't due to travle through for another two seasons. (1-59)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Various Human Female Roles
Role assigned to: ZenfulChaos

There will be approximately 6 various human female roles to fill, most of these will only be for a maximum of no more than 3 pages. One person can get multiple roles so if you feel like giving several reads for each role feel free to show your range.

  • (Bored record keeper) Records? You mean folktalkes and the like? Plenty of those; the Featherfish Maiden, the Curse of the Were-Tiplod... every culture has a few. (P-28)

  • (Elderly woman) And heeere we are! One custom-made Ivenmoth uniform for the House's very first little yinglet member! (1-5)

  • (Adoring) Awww look, she loves them so much! ... Is this okay, Saman? (1-59)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Various Male Yinglet Roles
Role assigned to: Mairujyat

Some of the roles included here will be the Patriarchs and potentially be larger roles but is being condensed into one group for how brief most of their times are with how the story currently is. Those here will have to make sure they study the Yinglet dialect as described in the general details and as the various human voices feel free to give several readings for each line with different takes on the voices.

  • FIND 'im! If he gets away, za matriarch will eat someone's head, and it won't be mine! (1-9)

  • Yes but but! How could a female be an Ivvamozz? Nonono, no yinglet can be an Ivvamozz! (1-12)

  • Ayy, good ta meetcha! I'm Poak, za Patriarch of supply and foodstuffs. Is za lady hungry? I can show ya za stores, have good times maybe! (1-14)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Various Female Yinglet Roles
Role assigned to: Vylit

Female Yinglets are quite rare outside of Kass and Vizlet, their lines are very small and could probably be all played by one person given enough varaity in their voice. Those here will have to make sure they study the Yinglet dialect as described in the general details and as the various human voices feel free to give several readings for each line with different takes on the voices.

  • Ohhh, you are so pretty! Ze Patriarchs will be so impressed! (1-17)

  • Yahhhn~ Getitaway getit awaaaay! (1-19)

  • (Almost crying, struggling to say Refreshments.) I ju- you s- I'm- I ha- F- F... 'FRESHMENNS! (1-25)


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