[Webcomic Fandub] Out of Placers Recast

SesraZheMatriarch for Kassen (Yinglet)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kassen (Yinglet)
Role assigned to: JCMGamer

Born in Dinnlan to a family of middle-class merchants, he recieved a basic tradesman’s education before being drafted by the Dinnish military to assist in the desperate last-stand defense of the country, which ultimately failed. Seeing that the battle was hopeless, he and Elim deserted before the final push and crept through occupied territory for weeks before eventually arriving at Val Salia, where they joined House Ivenmoth and began building a new life.

After an unforeseen mishap transforms Kassen to a Yinglet the major parts of the story focus on learning about the society of their new people, getting used to their new body and gender. Their dialect will be a bit awkward, like a person learning a new accent by force that grows to be more natural as the story progresses. (Try to demonstrate this between the three lines which are sequential in the story.)

  • (Very annoyed) Oh for... Go... research somezhing, or whatever it is you do when you're not stalking me! (1-2

  • (Angry and accusational) Wh- is zis some part of a plan to break my mind!? Did Ran put you up to zis!? Answer your new superior officer! (1-6)

  • (Explaining) O-KAY. Listen. I'm still confused, sleep-deprived, and have been rudely kicked a few pegs down ze ladder of society, but I want zis to work, and I zink you do too. But it ain't gonna, unless you're honest with me. Okay? (1-25)

[Webcomic Fandub] Out of Placers Recast
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