[Webcomic Fandub] Out of Placers Recast

Umbreon999 for Galen

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Stouthardt

A biteleaf addict; formerly a field medic in the Dinnish military, he was one of the few that volunteered before the draft to help his country survive. He now acts as the Dinnish bunkhouse’s resident healer, when he’s not dreaming of better days in a cloud of biteleaf smoke.

For his voice just think of a person who has kind of given up on caring what other people think of him and sits around getting stoned. A bit mid to deep voiced male voice.

  • (Annoyed and dismissive) Fine, tell me when you're there. Until then, I gotta make sure someone around here is enjoying the time we got left. (P-12)

  • (Very annoyed) What?! Thought ya said there was an injury! what's all the screaming about?... An' who let the scav in? (P-14)

  • (Dismissive) Eh not really, he got turned into a yinglet bitch so he's probably poppin' out eggs in an alley or something right now. (1-67)

[Webcomic Fandub] Out of Placers Recast

My first few tips apply to all auditions you have made as general suggestions for improvement as a voice actor. 1. You understand that you monologue, take the time to cut it out, a 30 second audition should not be 3 minutes. 2. Don't record at 2 AM, you want to make sure you are at your best when recording and doing so when tired you won't be able to handle it as well. 3. If you have to record late, do editing and posting in the morning that way you can at least polish it well. 4. Speak up or get closer to the mic, you are barely being picked up in your auditions. 5. Take some time to learn some basic free audio recording/editing software like Reaper or Audacity, it will greatly help you out in the long run if you're serious as a VA. After looking over all of your auditions I feel these tips fit to all of them and need to be worked on before the more technical issues and practice as a VA. If you truly want to be a voice actor don't give up, just realize it's going to be a bit of work and learning.


    Thanks for the Tips. I usually don't do voice acting roles. I'll try to follow those tips as much as I can. I know my voice isn't good for too many roles, but I would like to help with webcomics that I like.

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