No Fear Shakespeare: Hamlet

No Fear Shakespeare: Hamlet

Project Overview

"The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark", often shortened to "Hamlet", is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare sometime between 1599 and 1601. It is Shakespear's longest play with 30,557 words. Set in Denmark, the play depicts Prince Hamlet and his revenge against his uncle, Claudius, who has murdered Hamlet's father in order to seize his throne and marry Hamlet's mother.

No Fear Shakespeare is a service created by Sparknotes, to make the dialogue in his plays more like modern English. This project will be an audio-book that will be uploaded to YouTube based off that adaptation. The audiobook will be divided in scenes and will (hopefully) consists of all the five acts in the play.

A few notes about this casting call: I've listened all of the roles that are in this play. All of the extras presented here mostly have 1 or 2 lines in total, keep that in mind when you audition. Since I think it is very likely those roles won't be very auditioned for, keep in mind that if you audition for any role in here I might contact you to ask you if you want to be an extra! 


1) If you audition, please consider you might be chosen and that in that case you'll have to be fully committed to this project. So please, don't abandon it if there's not a real, serious reason. If you have to abandon for any reason, talk to me privately and tell me, don't abandon me in the middle of the process without saying anything, please. This is also very important considering the length of the play, which is almost 4 hours long and requires a certain amount of dedication.

2) Show emotions: I'll try to give context about the lines you'll have to say, and you'll have to convey all the emotions you can in your auditions. I won't choose people that sound to me like robots. Consider this is a theatrical text and that it needs to be delivered with some heart and ability.

3) You must have Discord: we'll communicate through it. If you want to talk to me privately, you are free to contact me on my mail. Also, to avoid ghosting that would turn into me needing to recast people at the last second, please also give me another mean to communicate with you (mail, Instagram or Facebook account..)

4) I don't pretend perfect microphones, but I'd prefer ones with little to no noise and no unexpected clicks.

5) If you're chosen, you'll have to give me some online name to credit, since I (of course) want to recognize each one's job.

6) Be respectful to anyone involved in the project: that can be obvious, but I want everyone that is chosen to be extremely respectful to anyone. If there are any problems (even with me and\or the way I'm directing the project) please tell me and I'll try sorting them out.

7) Consider that I might ask you to re-record lyrics: I have a certain idea about how lines should be told or how characters should behave. I'll try let you having your turn on the character, of course, but if I think that it doesn't fit the character at all I'll have to tell you.

8) Have fun! That's not quite a rule as much as an indication: I want people that are passionate and that like this project, and I hope we'll all get along and that I'll have the chance to meet people that like this story as much as I do.

I hope you'll get interested in this project and that many of you audition! Good luck and have fun!

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  • Casting

    Hi there! First of all, I want to thank everyone that's been following this project and\or auditioned for it. I'm gonna try and complete casting soon enough, but the main reason why I haven't completed the cast is something that I think is affecting all of us, right now. I'm of course talking about COVID 19. The fact is this: I'm italian. I've been quarantined in my house for 2 weeks, now, and my parents are still working. My mum, especially, works in a hospital, and the situation is critical. I'm getting used to the whole "staying home" thing, also considering that I'm quite an introvert person, and I'm trying to keep myself busy, but sometimes it gets hard. I'm also currently working for a project on Instagram, promoting culture in this time of difficulty for my country, and that takes away quite some time. But again, I'll try having the casting done soon. This is a responsability I decided to take and I promise to honour it!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Brock Ward

The Prince of Denmark, the title character, and the protagonist. About thirty years old at the start of the play, Hamlet is the son of Queen Gertrude and the late King Hamlet, and the nephew of the present king, Claudius. Hamlet is melancholy, bitter, and cynical, full of hatred for his uncle’s scheming and disgust for his mother’s sexuality. A reflective and thoughtful young man who has studied at the University of Wittenberg, Hamlet is often indecisive and hesitant, but at other times prone to rash and impulsive acts. 

I'm open to almost every kind of voice for the main character, as long as the lines are well acted. Personally I'd lean into a younger voice, since as stated above Hamlet is merely 30, and nothing deep.

  • (talking about his mother new marriage) Less than a month after my father’s death, even before the tears on her cheeks had dried, she remarried. Oh, so quick to jump into a bed of incest! That’s not good, and no good can come of it either. But my heart must break in silence, since I can’t mention my feelings aloud. 

  • (part of the famous "To be or not to be" monologue) The question is: is it better to be alive or dead? Is it nobler to put up with all the nasty things that luck throws your way, or to fight against all those troubles by simply putting an end to them once and for all?  

  • (part of the famous "Alas, poor Yorick!" monologue) Oh, poor Yorick! I used to know him, Horatio—a very funny guy, and with an excellent imagination. He carried me on his back a thousand times, and now—how terrible—this is him. It makes my stomach turn. I don’t know how many times I kissed the lips that used to be right here. Where are your jokes now? Your pranks? Your songs? 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

The King of Denmark, Hamlet’s uncle, and the play’s antagonist. The villain of the play, Claudius is a calculating, ambitious politician, driven by his sexual appetites and his lust for power, but he occasionally shows signs of guilt and human feeling—his love for Gertrude, for instance, seems sincere. 

I'd like his voice to be deep and commending, yet able to sound sweet as he tries to manipulate Hamlet and his mother. 


  • (trying to convince Hamlet to forget his father) Hamlet, you are so sweet and such a good son to mourn your father like this. But you have to remember, that your father lost his father, who lost his father before him, and every time, each son has had to mourn his father for a certain period. But overdoing it is just stubborn. It’s not manly. It’s not what God wants, and it betrays a vulnerable heart and an ignorant and weak mind. 

  • (part of the famous "my offence is rank" monologue) Oh, my crime is so rotten it stinks all the way to heaven. It has the mark of Cain on it, a brother’s murder. I can’t pray, though I want to desperately. My guilt is stronger even than my intentions. And like a person with two opposite things to do at once, I stand paralyzed and neglect them both. 

  • (learning about Hamlet murdering Polonius) Oh, this is terrible! It would’ve happened to me if I’d been there. His wildness is a threat to all of us—to you, to me, to everyone. How will we deal with this violent deed? I’m the one who will be blamed for not restraining and confining this mad young man. But I loved him so much I didn’t want to think about what I had to do. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: KimberlyWeathers

The Queen of Denmark, Hamlet’s mother, recently married to Claudius. Gertrude loves Hamlet deeply, but she is a shallow, weak woman who seeks affection and status more urgently than moral rectitude or truth. 

I'm looking for a medium ranged to deep woman voice.


  • (trying to convince Hamlet to forget his father) My dear Hamlet, stop wearing these black clothes, and be friendly to the king. You can’t spend your whole life with your eyes to the ground remembering your noble father. It happens all the time, what lives must die eventually, passing to eternity. 

  • (as Hamlet sees the Ghost) And how are you doing, staring into the empty air and talking to nobody? Your eyes give away your wild thoughts, and your hair is standing upright, like soldiers during a call to arms. Oh my dear son, calm yourself and cool off your overheated mind! What are you staring at? 

  • (telling Claudius and Laertes about Ophelia's death) Climbing into the tree to hang the wreath of weeds on the hanging branches, she and her flowers fell into the gurgling brook. Her clothes spread out wide in the water, and buoyed her up for a while as she sang bits of old hymns, acting like someone who doesn’t realize the danger she’s in, or like someone completely accustomed to danger. But it was only a matter of time before her clothes, heavy with the water they absorbed, pulled the poor thing out of her song, down into the mud at the bottom of the brook. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Atton Pearson

The Lord Chamberlain of Claudius’s court, a pompous, conniving old man. Polonius is the father of Laertes and Ophelia. 

I'm looking for a deep male voice. Polonius is a tipical Shakespeare character, sure of his authority yet devoid of any and extremely fool, so the actor playing him should have some comedic inflection in his depiction.


  • (talking to Ophelia about her love for Hamlet) I’ve heard Hamlet’s been spending a lot of time alone with you recently, and you’ve made yourself quite available to him. If things are the way people tell me they are—and they’re only telling me this to warn me—then I have to say, you’re not conducting yourself with the self-restraint a daughter of mine should show. What’s going on between you two? Tell me the truth. 

  • (talking to Gertrude and Claudius about Hamlet's craziness) Sir and madam, to make grand speeches about what majesty is, what service is, or why day is day, night is night, and time is time is just a waste of a lot of day, night, and time. Therefore, since the essence of wisdom is not talking too much, I’ll get right to the point here. Your son is crazy. “Crazy” I’m calling it, since how can you say what craziness is except to say that it’s craziness? But that’s another story. 

  • (talking to himself about Hamlet's craziness, after talking to him) His answers are so full of meaning sometimes! He has a way with words, as crazy people often do, and that sane people don’t have a talent for. I’ll leave him now and arrange a meeting between him and my daughter.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: deleted292502

Polonius’s daughter, a beautiful young woman with whom Hamlet has been in love. Ophelia is a sweet and innocent young girl, who obeys her father and her brother, Laertes. Dependent on men to tell her how to behave, she gives in to Polonius’s schemes to spy on Hamlet. Even in her lapse into madness and death, she remains maidenly, singing songs about flowers and finally drowning in the river amid the flower garlands she had gathered. 

I'm looking for a high pitched voice, as innocent as pure as possible, prone to tragic delivery. Also, Ophelia sings a lot during her state of madness, so the actress should also have a good singing voice.


  • (giving back to Hamlet his presents, after he said he never gave her anything) My lord, you know very well that you did, and wrote letters to go along with them, letters so sweetly written that they made your gifts even more valuable. Their perfume is gone now, so take them back. Nice gifts lose their value when the givers turn out not to be so nice. There, my lord.

  • (after Hamlet rejected her, desperate) Oh, how noble his mind used to be, and how lost he is now! He used to have a gentleman’s grace, a scholar’s wit, and a soldier’s strength. He used to be the jewel of our country, the obvious heir to the throne, the one everyone admired and imitated. And now he has fallen so low! And of all the miserable women who once enjoyed hearing his sweet, seductive words, I am the most miserable. 

  • (in her state of madness) 

    Oh, let’s not talk about that, but when they ask you what it means, just say:


     Tomorrow is St. Valentine’s Day

      And early in the morning

     I’m a girl below your window

      Waiting to be your Valentine.

     Then he got up and put on his clothes

      And opened the door to his room.

     He let in the girl, and when she left

      She wasn’t a virgin anymore.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jezatte

Hamlet’s close friend, who studied with the prince at the university in Wittenberg. Horatio is loyal and helpful to Hamlet throughout the play. After Hamlet’s death, Horatio remains alive to tell Hamlet’s story. 

Horatio most likely has the same age as Hamlet, and therefore should sound as young as he does. I'm accepting any middle ranged voice.


  • (talking to the Ghost who just appaered) What are you, that you walk out so late at night, looking like the dead king of Denmark when he dressed for battle? By God, I order you to speak! 

  • (explaining Hamlet what happened with the Ghost of his father) After midnight, for two nights running, these two guards, Marcellus and Barnardo, saw a figure that looked very much like your father, in full armor from head to toe. It just appeared before them and marched past them with slow dignity three times, a staff’s distance from their amazed eyes, while they turned, quaking with fear and too shocked to speak. They told me all about this, so on the third night I agreed to come stand guard with them, to see for myself. It happened again, just as they had described. I knew your father. This ghost looked as much like him as my two hands are like each other. 

  • (talking to Fortinbras, after the slaughter in the finalact) You’ll hear of violent and unnatural acts, terrible accidents, casual murders, deaths caused by trickery and by threat, and finally murderous plans that backfired on their perpetrators. All this I can explain. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: JasonDeanVA

Polonius’s son and Ophelia’s brother, a young man who spends much of the play in France. Passionate and quick to action, Laertes is clearly a foil for the reflective Hamlet. 

I'll accept any middle ranged voice. I'm not looking for any particularly low voice, as Laertes is probably the same age as Hamlet and Ophelia.


  • (giving Ophelia advices about Hamlet, who has been courting her) Try to think of it like that, anyway. When a youth grows into a man, he doesn’t just get bigger in his body—his responsibilities grow too. He may love you now, and may have only the best intentions, but you have to be on your guard. Remember that he belongs to the royal family, and his intentions don’t matter that much—he’s a slave to his family obligations. He can’t simply make personal choices for himself the way common people can, since the whole country depends on what he does. His choice has to agree with what the nation wants. 

  • (seeing Ophelia after she's been turned to madness) Oh, heat, dry up my brains! Salty tears, burn my eyes! By heaven, I’ll get revenge for your madness! Oh, you springtime rose, dear maiden, kind sister, sweet Ophelia! Is it possible that a young woman’s mind could fade away as easily as an old man’s life? Human nature is refined and thoughtful—person graciously gives a valuable part of herself away to her beloved, as Ophelia has sent off her sanity to her dead father. 

  •  (talking about Hamlet violently during Ophelia's funeral) Oh, damn three times, damn ten times the evil man whose wicked deed deprived you of your ingenious mind. Hold off burying her until I’ve caught her in my arms once more! (he jumps into the grave) Now pile the dirt onto the living and the dead alike, till you’ve made a mountain higher than Mount Pelion or Mount Olympus!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Ghost
Role assigned to: AlBernart

The specter of Hamlet’s recently deceased father. The ghost, who claims to have been murdered by Claudius, calls upon Hamlet to avenge him. However, it is not entirely certain whether the ghost is what it appears to be, or whether it is something else. Hamlet speculates that the ghost might be a devil sent to deceive him and tempt him into murder, and the question of what the ghost is or where it comes from is never definitively resolved. 

I'm looking for a deep, commanding voice that can send shivers down one's spine, as he if it actually was coming back from the deads. 

  • (introducing himself to Hamlet) I’m the ghost of your father, doomed for a certain period of time to walk the earth at night, while during the day I’m trapped in the fires of purgatory until I’ve done penance for my past sins. If I weren’t forbidden to tell you the secrets of purgatory , I could tell you stories that would slice through your soul, freeze your blood, 

  • (asking Hamlet to avenge his death) If you are human, don’t stand for it. Don’t let the Danish king’s bed be a nest of incest. But however you go about your revenge, don’t corrupt your mind or do any harm to your mother. Leave her to God and her own guilt. Now, good-bye. The glowworm’s light is beginning to fade, so morning is near. Good-bye, good-bye, good-bye. Remember me. 

  •  (remembering Hamlet his mission while he's speaking to his mother) Don’t forget. I’ve come to sharpen your somewhat dull appetite for revenge. But look, your mother is in shock. Oh, keep her struggling soul from being overwhelmed by horrid visions. The imagination works strongest in those with the weakest bodies. Talk to her, Hamlet. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Big Boy Buff Boy

A former friend of Hamlet of Hamlet from Wittenberg, who is summoned by Claudius and Gertrude with his friend Guildenstern to discover the cause of Hamlet’s strange behavior. The two characters are thrown in the court's intrigues without knowing anything, thus mostly serving as comic relief, acting vilely against their former friend.

As these two characters always appaer together, I'd like for one of them to have a higher pitched voice and for the other to have a deeper voice. Because of this, if you're able to, please provide samples of both a higher tone and a deeper one.


  • (to Hamlet) I was just thinking that if people don’t interest you, you’ll be pretty bored by the actors on their way here. We crossed paths with a drama company just a while ago, and they’re coming to entertain you. 

  • (reporting to Claudius and Gertrude about Hamlet's state of mind) Madam, some actors happened to cross our paths on the way here. We told Hamlet about them, and that seemed to do him good. 

  •  (trying to reason with Hamlet acting crazy) My lord, what’s wrong with you? You’re not doing yourself any good by refusing to tell your friends what’s bothering you. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jezatte

A former friend of Hamlet of Hamlet from Wittenberg, who is summoned by Claudius and Gertrude with his friend Rosencrantz to discover the cause of Hamlet’s strange behavior. The two characters are thrown in the court's intrigues without knowing anything, thus mostly serving as comic relief, acting vilely against their former friend.

As these two characters always appaer together, I'd like for one of them to have a higher pitched voice and for the other to have a deeper voice. Because of this, if you're able to, please provide samples of both a higher tone and a deeper one.


  • (to Hamlet, exposing their current state after not seeing each other for a long time) Happy that we’re not too happy, lucky in being not too lucky. We’re not exactly at the top of our luck. 

  • (reporting to Claudius and Gertrude about Hamlet's state of mind) And he’s not exactly eager to be interrogated. He’s very sly and dances around our questions when we try to get him to talk about how he feels. 

  •  (trying to reason with Hamlet acting crazy) If you could please stop fooling around, I’ll tell you what your mother wants. If not, I’ll leave you alone and that’ll be the end of my business. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The voice reading stage direction. I'm open to any voices for this particular role, but I'd rather have someone with a clear pronunciation.


  • He exits, he enters.

  • FORTINBRAS enters with his army and a CAPTAIN. HAMLET, ROSENCRANTZ, GUILDENSTERN, and others enter.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Big Boy Buff Boy

The gravedigger that digs Ophelia's grave. He's a sarcastic, cynical and witty character with many intelligent remarks directed towards his collegue and Hamlet.

I'm looking for a voice that has a comedic edge to it, and I'm not looking for any specific kind of voice, tone speaking.

(Read only the Gravedigger's lines)


  • (talking about Ophelia's suicide) Sounds more like “self-offense,” if you ask me. What I’m saying is, if she knew she was drowning herself, then that’s an act. An act has three sides to it: to do, to act, and to perform. Therefore she must have known she was drowning herself. 

  • HAMLET (talking about the grave the gravedigger is standing in)

    I think it really must be yours, since you’re the one lying in it.


    And you’re lying outside of it, so it’s not yours. As for me, I’m not lying to you in it—it’s really mine.


    But you are lying in it, being in it and saying it’s yours. It’s for the dead, not the living. So you’re lying.


    That’s a lively lie, sir—it jumps so fast from me to you.


    What man are you digging it for?


    For no man, sir.


    What woman, then?


    For no woman, either.


    Who’s to be buried in it?


    One who used to be a woman but—bless her soul—is dead now.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

The young Prince of Norway, whose father the king (also named Fortinbras) was killed by Hamlet’s father (also named Hamlet). Now Fortinbras wishes to attack Denmark to avenge his father’s honor, making him another foil for Prince Hamlet. 

I'm looking for a young, energic voice, possibly with a middle range.


  • (seeing the corpses of all the people that died in the last scene) These corpses suggest mayhem. Oh, proud Death, what banquet are you preparing that you’ve needed to knock off so many princes at one stroke? 

  • (after Horatio offered to explain what had happened) Let’s hear about it right away and invite all the noblemen to listen. As for me, I welcome my good luck with sadness. I have some rights to claim this kingdom, and by arriving at this moment I have an opportunity to put them into effect. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
First Player
Role assigned to: Tatsumari_K

The first player of the company that represents a play in Hamlet's court. He probably is the most experienced player in the company and possibly the oldest, and plays the King in a play mimicking Hamlet's own tragedy.

I'm looking for a MiddleAge\Senior type of voice, able to show a wide range of emotions as he acts for Hamlet. Being the first player of the company he should be experienced, clear and loud in his exposition.


  • (acting out a poem and getting more and more emotional as he acts) Running back and forth, spraying the flames with her tears, a cloth on that head where a crown had recently sat and a blanket instead of a robe wrapped around her body, which has withered from childbearing: anyone seeing her in such a state, no matter how spiteful he was, would have cursed Lady Luck for bringing her down like that. If the gods had seen her while she watched Pyrrhus chopping her husband into bits, the terrible cry she uttered would have made all the eyes in heaven burn with hot tears—unless the gods don’t care at all about human affairs. 

  • (talking to his wife, the Queen) My love, I will have to leave you soon. My body is growing weak, and I will leave you behind in this beautiful world, honored and much loved. Perhaps you’ll find another husband—

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Player Queen
Role assigned to: HarukaShiro

One of the actors in the actor company coming to Elsinore, he plays the queen whose husband gets killed in the play (mimicking Hamlet's own tragedy).

I'm open to any female voice that uses a clear pronunciation and a good theatrical way of exposing.


  • (talking to his husband, the King) I hope we stay in love for thirty more years! But I’m sad. You’ve been so gloomy lately, so unlike your usual cheerful self, that I worry something is wrong. But don’t let this upset you, since women are too afraid in love—for them, love and fear go hand in hand. You know very well how much I love you, and my fear is just as deep. When someone’s love is great, the little worries become very big. So when you see someone who worries a lot about little things, you know they’re really in love.  

  • (swearing she will never get married again if her husband dies) 

    May the earth refuse me food and the heavens go dark, may I have no rest day and night, may my trust and hope turn to despair—may the gloom of a prison overtake me, and may my every joy be turned to sorrow.

    May I know no peace either in this life or the next one, if I become a wife again after I am a widow.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

The foolish courtier who summons Hamlet to his duel with Laertes. 

I'm searching for a actor capable of bringing out a comedic side, and so I'm both open to him having a middle ranged-high pitched voice to better deliver the comedic punchlines, or rather having a very deep voice contrasting with his stupidity. For this, I'm taking into account both YoungAdult and MiddleAge sounding voices.

(Just read Osric's lines)



    My lord, if you have a free moment, I have a message from His Majesty.


    I’ll hang on every word you say. Put your hat back on, where it belongs: it’s for your head, not for your hands to hold.


    No thank you, my lord. It’s very hot.


    No, I’m telling you, it’s very cold, with a northerly wind.


    It is rather cold, indeed, my lord.


    And yet I feel it’s very hot and humid, which is bad for my complexion.


    Yes indeed it is, sir. Very humid, I can’t tell you how humid it is. My lord, His Majesty wanted me to tell you that he’s placed a large bet on you. This is what it’s all about—

  • Young Fortinbras, returning in triumph from Poland, is firing his guns to greet the English ambassadors.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

The officer, along Bernardo, who first sees the ghost walking the ramparts of Elsinore and who summon Horatio to witness it. 

I'm very open about voices with these characters, as long as they sound old enough to be taking service in the Danish court.


  • (talking to Horatio about the Ghost) Sit down for a while, and we’ll tell you again the story you don’t want to believe, about what we’ve seen two nights now. 

  • (after the Ghost appaered) What’s going on, Horatio? You’re pale and trembling. You agree now that we’re not imagining this, don’t you? What do you think about it? 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

A soldier and guardsman at Elsinore.

I'm very open about voices with these characters, as long as they sound old enough to be taking service in the Danish court.


  • (thanking Bernardo for letting him go) Thanks for letting me go. It’s bitterly cold out, and I’m depressed. 

  • (saying goodbye to Horatio and Bernardo) Barnardo’s taken my place. Good night. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voltimand and Cornelius
cast offsite

Courtiers whom Claudius sends to Norway to persuade the king to prevent Fortinbras from attacking Denmark. Since they have so few lines between both of them, I'm casting both of them here.

I'm very open about voices with these characters, as long as they sound old enough to be taking service in the Danish court.


  • (talking to Claudius) We’ll do our duty to you in that and everything else.

  • (telling Claudius about their mission) Greetings to you too, your Highness. As soon as we raised the matter, the king sent out messengers to stop his nephew’s war preparations, which he originally thought were directed against Poland but learned on closer examination were directed against you. He was very upset that Fortinbras had taken advantage of his being old and sick to deceive him, and he ordered Fortinbras’s arrest. Fortinbras swore never to threaten Denmark again. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Polonius’s servant, who is sent to France by Polonius to check up on and spy on Laertes.

I'm very open about voices with these characters, as long as they sound old enough to be taking service in the Danish court.

(Read only Reynaldo's lines)



    Give him this money and these letters, Reynaldo.


    I will, sir.


    It would be wonderfully wise of you, my dear Reynaldo, to ask around about his behavior a little before you visit him.


    That’s what I thought too, sir.


    And then he’ll … he’ll … wait, what was I about to say? Good God, I was about to say something. What was I saying?


    At, “It will be natural for him to agree with you … he’ll call you ‘sir,’ ‘friend,’” et cetera.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Other Digger

A gravedigger that digs Ophelia's grave. He talks with the other gravedigger and is unable to reply to his statements.

I'm looking for a voice that has a comedic edge to it,possibly a higher piched voice.

(Read only the Other Gravedigger's lines)



    Are they really going to give her a Christian burial after she killed herself?


    I’m telling you, yes. So finish that grave right away. The coroner examined her case and says it should be a Christian funeral.


    Do you want to know the truth? If this woman hadn’t been rich, she wouldn’t have been given a Christian burial.


    Well there, now you’ve said it. It’s a pity that the rich have more freedom to hang or drown themselves than the rest of us Christians. Come on, shovel. The most ancient aristocrats in the world are gardeners, ditch-diggers, and gravediggers. They keep up Adam’s profession.


    Was he an aristocrat? With a coat of arms?


    He was the first person who ever had arms.


    He didn’t have any.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: krypt

One of the actors in the actor company coming to Elsinore, pronouncing the prologue (which both Hamlet and Ophelia deem to be very short).


  • We beg you most courteously

    To be patient with us

    And watch our humble tragedy.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

One of the actors in the actor company coming to Elsinore, he plays the King's nephew who then kills him (mimicking Hamlet's own tragedy).

As an actor, he should have a clear and loud pronounciation, and as the bad guy of the story he might accentuate a bit his tone, being more grotesque.


  • (about to kill the King) Evil thoughts, ready hands, the right poison, and the time is right too. The dark night is on my side, for no one can see me. You deadly mixture of weeds and plants, which Hecate, goddess of witchcraft, has put a spell on, use your magic to steal this healthy person’s life away. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

The captain that follows Fortinbras and that speaks to Hamlet in Act 4 scene 4. 

I'm open to any kind of voice for this role, as long as it's realistic that the voice actor could be working for a captain based on his voice and the age it suggests.

(Read only the Captain's lines)



    Sir, whose troops are these?


    The king of Norway’s, sir.


    What are they doing here, sir?


    They’re on their way to invade some part of Poland.


    Who’s commanding them, sir?


    The nephew of the old king of Norway, Fortinbras.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

A recurring character that lives in the court and is most likely serving in Elsinore.

I'm open to any kind of voice for this role, as long as it's realistic that the voice actor could be working for a servant based on his voice and the age it suggests.


  • (talking about Ophelia's madness) She talks about her father a lot, and says she hears there are conspiracies around the world, and coughs, and beats her breast, and gets angry over tiny matters, and talks nonsense. Her words don’t mean anything, but her babbling causes her listeners to draw conclusions. They hear what they want to hear. Her winks and nods and gestures do suggest that she means to convey a message, and not a happy one.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: KimberlyWeathers

An extra that lives in the court and is most likely serving in Elsinore.

I'm open to any kind of voice for this role, as long as it's realistic that the voice actor could be working for a servant based on his voice and the age it suggests.

(Read the Servant line only)



    Who are the people who want to speak with me?


    Sailors, sir. They say they have letters for you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: dedrewsbus

A sailor that informs Horatio about Hamlet's state. 

I'm open to any kind of voice for this role, as long as it's realistic that the voice actor could be working for a servant based on his voice and the age it suggests.

(Read the Sailor's lines only)



    Hello, sir. God bless you.


    May He bless you, too.


    He will, sir, if He wants to. There’s a letter for you, sir. It’s from the ambassador, Lord Hamlet, who was going to England—if your name’s Horatio, as they told me it is. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: KimberlyWeathers

A messanger that works in Elsinore.

I'm open to any kind of voice for this role, as long as it's realistic that the voice actor could be working for a servant based on his voice and the age it suggests.

(Read the Messenger's lines only)



    What is it? What’s the news? 


    Letters, my lord, from Hamlet. This one’s for Your Highness, this one for the queen. (gives CLAUDIUS letters)


    From Hamlet? Who delivered them?


    Sailors, my lord, or so they say. I didn’t see them. Claudio gave them to me, and he got them from the one who delivered them.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

A lord that announces the duel between Laertes and Hamlet.

I'm not looking for any specific voice for this role, as long as it is believable that he might be a lord, based on the his voice and the age it suggests he has.


  • My lord, Osric has told the king about your agreeing to the fencing match. The king wishes to know if you want to play against him right away, or wait awhile.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Josh_Arvizo

The priest that celebrates Ophelia's funeral, despite not wanting to because of her suicide.

I'm looking for a grave and commending voice.


  • (talking about Ophelia's death and the rites he performed) I’ve performed as many rites as I’m permitted. Her death was suspicious, and were it not for the fact that the king gave orders to bury her here, she’d have been buried outside the church graveyard. She deserves to have rocks and stones thrown on her body. But she has had prayers read for her and is dressed up like a pure virgin, with flowers tossed on her grave and the bell tolling for her. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

An English ambassador that arrives with Fortinbras in Denmark at the end of the play.

I'm not looking for any specific voice for this role, as long as it is believable that he might be an ambassador, based on the his voice and the age it suggests he has.


  • This is a horrible sight. Our news arrives from England too late, since the people that should have heard it are dead. We meant to tell the king that his orders have been carried out, and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. Who will thank us now?


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