PAID - Night Shift - urban fantasy podcast - CASTING MORE ROLES

Project Overview
Hi everyone, I'm Julian! Creative director and head writer for the Night Shift podcast.
We are casting once again for a couple of roles in Night Shift: An Urban Fantasy Audio Drama! As we approach the conclusion of our first season, we’ve found the need for a couple of Extra characters who will evolve into minor roles in season two. Both are feminine voices, needed for an ongoing docudrama podcast set in an urban fantasy America.
We're an indie podcast passion project with a small budget, and we’ve released 9 episodes so far, drawing over 11,000 downloads in just a few months and still growing. The project is queer-led with a full cast of nearly 40 people already. You can find more information on our website or on Twitter, and listen to the current episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and anywhere else you listen to podcasts.
About the Roles
We have TWO NEW ROLES available for our LGBT-friendly cast, seeking two femme voices for the end of season one - age ranges are 18-35 for Ember, and 40s-60s for Lisa Fen. Descriptions below. All other roles have been filled for this season.
Both roles are in English and the characters are extras, but will become minor characters in our second season. If you are cast, you will be expected to commit to remote recording for the second season in 2023 as well as two episodes for season one by October 2022 latest.
No previous experience is necessary to apply, just enthusiasm for the project! As this is an ongoing venture, we need a committed cast who are interested in being part of the show.
Recording will be done remotely, on your own time to set deadlines, arranged via email and our production Discord server. For these roles, a USB or XLR microphone is required to match sound quality on the production.
We're an indie production, so we are compensating our cast at a set rate of $25 for extra roles, covering 250 words or less, plus $1 per line beyond that. This fee will increase when the roles become minor characters in season 2. Payment will be made via Paypal.
About the Podcast
Night Shift is a queer-led science fantasy docudrama podcast, tackling conspiracy stories surrounding the fictional pacific northwest city of Echor. Starting like a documentary and devolving into a cinematic experience, host Sebastian soon finds himself entangled in the secrets of the formidable biotechnology giant, the Augur Corporation, and a series of unexplainable events that may provide answers on the fractured memories of his past.
Sebastian records his investigations in quiet moments during his shifts at Night Shift Coffee, and as his discoveries escalate, the story delves into the unique sociopolitical climate of the world, which is populated by people with extraordinary abilities both natural and artificial.
Elements of mystery, science fiction, horror, and magic throughout.
About your Audition
Please provide 2-3 takes per line in an AABBCC format.
MP3 is preferred!
Feel free to apply for as many roles as appeal to you. If you have the vocal range, you may be cast as up to two characters.
Please feel free to audition for either or both roles. We are open to voice actors of any identity and are actively seeking a diverse overall cast.
No obligations to do so, but we would love to hear from you in a comment on your audition, introducing yourself, why you’re interested in the project, if you’d be open to other roles in the project if they come up, and where we can find you online (Discord IDs, Twitter handles etc).
When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.
Latest Updates
We have TWO NEW ROLES available for our LGBT-friendly cast on Night Shift, an urban fantasy audio drama podcast! We are seeking two femme voices for the end of season one - age ranges are 18-35 for Ember, and 40s-60s for Lisa Fen. Descriptions are on this casting call. All other roles have been filled for this season. Both roles are in English and the characters are extras, but will become minor characters in our second season. If you are cast, you will be expected to commit to remote recording for the second season in 2023 as well as two episodes for season one by October 2022 latest. Looking forward to hearing auditions!
Final 24 hours!
Hi everyone, Julian here! First I just wanted to say thank you for such an overwhelming and incredible response to this casting call, and to everyone who has left a lovely note with your auditions about the project idea, you've really made my month. As of posting this, there are 24 hours left before we're going to close auditions, then my team and I will be shortlisting this Saturday and we'll start callbacks soon after. If you haven't looked over this project since we first posted it, there are now twice as many characters we're casting for, so be sure to check them out if you're interested in seeing what other roles we have to fill! Episode 1 will be out on the other side of the weekend, and if you're interested in hearing this podcast come to life you can subscribe to it on your favorite podcast app (we're on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and so on) here: For news on the show, including about our upcoming crowdfund, and eventually cast reveals on our Twitter when the time comes, you can follow us on Twitter: Thanks again for all the interest, I've loved listening to every audition we get in whether you make the shortlist or not, so thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking the time to send yours in. - Jules & the Night Shift team

Femme, 18 - 35, Any Accent/Any Ethnicity
Ember is a Shade; an individual permanently biologically altered due to contact with the mysterious arcane Veil. Widely misunderstood, Shades struggle to find acceptance and are often vilified and feared. Many have unusual powers and all have physical mutations - Ember’s have manifested as protrusions of bone that grow from her forearms, which she saws off to appear less unusual.
She is a boxer at Martell’s, a gym that offers shelter for Shades, and is the right-hand woman to the gym’s owner. She is scrappy, tough, energetic, endearing, playful, with a protective streak.
Any accent is suitable for this role, and femme voices of any gender are welcome to audition. The story is set in the USA. If you are cast and would like to, you can help shape the character for our second season.
The fee for this role is $25 for the first 250 words and $1 per line for any additional lines beyond that. This role is ongoing and is set to become a minor character in season 2 for an increased fee.
“Hell yeah. If we can change things, let’s change them!”
“Everyone around here is buzzing about it. You are really going to rock the boat with those SRP assholes.”
“Martell’s been one for nearly eight years now, he’s not been in the shadows for so much as a second of it."

Femme, 40s - 60s, American/Any Ethnicity
Lisa is the adoptive and only family to our protagonist, Sebastian. Lisa is level-headed, tough, intelligent and strong-willed, but lacks maternal instinct, which has led to difficulties between them over the years and left their relationship strained. She cares for Sebastian and feels responsible for him, but keeps him at arms’ length. She carries a lot of guilt over the things he’s been through. In the past, her career has always come first and created a wall between them. Now she is retired, they rarely speak.
Any USA accent is suitable for this role, and femme voices of any gender are welcome to audition. If you are cast and would like to, you can help shape the character for our second season.
The fee for this role is $25 for the first 250 words and $1 per line for any additional lines beyond that. This role is ongoing and is set to become a minor character in season 2 for an increased fee.
“Sebastian. Where have you been? I haven't heard from you in a long time.”
“Since childhood, people always said you were… unusual. You used to talk about seeing things other people couldn’t.”
“Don’t use that tone with me. We can talk it through in person, figure it out together.”

Late teens/young adult, he/him, asexual
Combative, loud, antisocial, secretive, scrappy attitude and voice often dropping the T's or G's off his words
Originally from a lower-class family in Ireland, Styx looks around 18 years old, but he’s been around longer than that. He is part of the small ‘Shade’ populace, people transformed by contact with the mysterious Veil, and like most Shades he hides in plain sight. His secrets don’t stop there — he has plenty to tell, if anyone can get past his hard and dismissive personality.
Styx plays a major part in season one of the story, appearing in 8 of 15 episodes. Three or four of his total lines are in Irish Gaelic, but pronunciations will be provided. The rest are in English. $75 fee covers the first 37 lines with $2 per line following that.
“Call it a lucky guess, sunshine. Maybe I could just tell. Maybe I could sense it.”
(stalling for time, hiding concern behind humor)
"Hey now, slow down a minute, pal. At least take me to dinner first."
(Stilted, emotional)
“I’ve spent years not caring and when I meet someone who does scares me. Feels like I’ve wasted my shit being a selfish coward - and don’t say I’m not. I am.”

Black actors only, please!
Playful, intelligent, insightful, witty, fickle
Justin is the general manager of Night Shift coffee shop. He’s an authority figure in narrator Seb’s life and they often butt heads, both because Sebastian can be erratic and unprofessional, and because Justin isn’t sure how to feel about the attention the podcast is attracting to the shop. He offers his own perspective of the sociopolitical climate of Echor City: he’s neutral about the Augur Corporation unless the topic of Augur buying out small businesses comes up, which he is passionately against. He is open-minded, but fears catching the sickness that turns humans into mysterious Shades due to personal experiences in his past.
We're offering a minimum of $50 payment and $1 per line beyond the first 25.
This role is part of an ongoing project that will continue through 2022. All scripts for Season 1 will be provided by the end of February.
“It's contagious as hell. If you come in contact with a Shade, you're gonna get Veil sick. Or worse, you'll turn too.”
(slight warning)
“It's a good thing. For now. Just don't let it get weird. I don't want any creeps in here taking advantage of North's generosity.”
“This is about... this. About cops coming in telling you to stop poking your nose around where it doesn't belong. It's not a good look for you, Sebastian.”

Black or Afro-Latina voice actors only, please!
Mid to late 20s, she/her
Light-hearted, proud, fun, confident
Young and headstrong, Lea Parrish graduated top of her class out of a bioengineering program designed to produce artificial superhumans. She is always pushing her own limits, but her desire to go above and beyond in her career sometimes clashes with the Augur Corporation’s ‘no questions asked’ attitude towards missions. Lea has a highly advanced prosthetic arm, having lost it in an accident early in her career. She’s secretly insecure about not being good enough for her future goals, and never quite fitting in.
This role is currently a minor role with the possibility of becoming a major role in future. $50 for the first 25 lines and then $1 per line beyond that.
‘I'm faster than an olympic runner and I can bench 800lbs like it's nothing, but sure. Discount powers.”
ALPHA Prime is a step further I wasn't prepared to take when I graduated the program. I'm still working towards it, though.
“I don't know. He just got up and ran off. Was it something I said?”

Mid 30s to mid 50s, he/him
Firm, patient, arrogant, manipulative
Dr. Felix Feldman has been Sebastian’s therapist for 10 years, and he’s used to Sebastian’s conspiracies and suspicions. It was on his advice to find a creative outlet that Sebastian decided to make the podcast, but time will reveal that he has a greater role to play than simply answering Sebastian’s research questions.
This role will be paid $50 for the first 25 lines and then $1 per line after that.
"Should I be concerned that you've taken an interest in murderers, Sebastian?"
(informative, thoughtful)
"The term distorts a complex set of problems, boiling it down to a word that feeds into the problematic idea that human behavior can be categorized into a concept as black and white as 'good' and 'evil'."
“Something about what you recalled to me today triggered a very alarming reaction which caused you to see some sort of apparition, a fever dream. A manifestation of your own nightmares, if you will.”

Hispanic or Latiné voice actors only
Early to late 20s
Paranoid, unsocial, quiet, passionate
Diego is the brother* of a young woman who disappeared 5 years ago, and his life has been heavily impacted by the case after media attention was turned on his aggressive ex-stepfather. He is dedicated to searching for her, which has largely taken over his life.
This role features in 2-3 episodes and will pay $50 for the first 25 lines, then $1 per line after that.
(*initially written as a brother, but we’re open to considering any gender and can adjust the name accordingly)
(bitter, recalling traumatic past)
“Our family were put through the ringer. Mom tried to keep it underwraps that her husband was violent. She didn't want the family being scrutinized.”
“She's smiling, you know... you know it's her real smile, because you can see her back teeth. I know my sister's smile.”
“We don't know what you're talking about! Isn't that obvious by now? Stop, just stop harassing us if you can't tell us anything.”

Mid 20s to mid 30s, he/him
Distrusting, secretive, confident facade
Austin is a Shade, someone physically transformed by contact with the mysterious Veil. His mutations are more extreme than most, and the cause of traumatic circumstances he has been through in the past, giving him good reason to distrust people. Unlike other Shades, he is unable to hide in plain sight, and he is intimidating to look upon. Despite this, he comes across warmly, especially to others like him. He speaks in a rough manner that suits his appearance, but this isn’t his natural voice.
This role will feature at the end of season one, paying $50 for the first 25 lines then $1 per line following that. If we're able to reach season 2, this will become a major supporting role instead.
“Austin works fine, let's drop the formalities. You're the one with the wild ideas then. And who might these two be?”
(giving a speech, recalling past trauma)
“ I did cruel things there, things I’m not proud of. I was everything dangerous they tell you about a Shade, all wrapped up in one ugly monster - as far as I thought, anyway.”
“I haven’t met non-Shades who'd stick their neck out for us before. It's a novelty. If you trust him, I trust him. It's nice to see, honestly...kinda thought it was going to be us against them, nothing more to it.”

Late 50s to 60s, he/him
Persuasive, intimidating, confident, strategic
Hastings is the current CEO of the Augur Corporation, a massive global conglomerate. Like many CEOs, Hastings orchestrates takeovers and buyouts, signs dodgy deals, and underpays a large majority of his staff, and he does it all with a seedy smile on his face. Working his way to the top has earned him the luxury of most things being taken care of for him, but he’s not afraid to step in and put his foot down when things don’t go his way. As far as Hastings is concerned, nothing is capable of getting in his way in a way that matters.
This role will pay $50 for the first 25 lines then $1 per line following that.
“You've made quite a stir. Beaumont told me you had questions for me, specifically.”
(thoughtful, self obsessed)
“I am an honest, God-fearing man. Some people think I am hard-nosed, but I am just driven. Self-assured. God knows I work too long and too hard most days.”
“I don’t know whether you’ve got an agenda, or you’re just an idiot, but I want you to assure you that you will not find a single Augur employee willing to say a bad word against me.”

This recurring extra role is for a local TV news host, where short clips of the news will be used as evidence in the documentary. Any age or gender is fine. This role pays $25 for the first 250 words or less, then $1 per line beyond that.
This is Alex Kelly for Echor City News at 9. Tonight’s top story: a young woman has been missing for 72 hours, last seen in the Nightfall district with another unknown female figure.
Police are asking that citizens of Echor City do not travel alone as much as possible until further notice. More on this as it develops.

We are seeking a variety of extras for the series, as due to the format, a lot of lines may be one-off characters the narrator is interviewing, or single-line clips from media gathered for the investigation. If you are cast, we’ll likely ask you to record lines for multiple extra roles through the season. These roles are paid $25 for the first 250 words, then $1 per line following that.
(Nosy colleague of a convicted murderer on a TV interview)
“People at work were speculating whether he'd really do it or not. Whether he was the type. The place looked like a cesspit. I don't know how else to describe it… Like a hoarder lived there. Charles wasn't like that.”
(Rude, unhelpful police officer)
“And how exactly do you know about him trespassing? You’re giving me reason to believe you were there with him, kid.”
(Radical scientist, speaking on video)
“If we are to mutate again - if we stand any chance of evolving beyond today's society - we must embrace the revolutionary once more: augmentation is the future.”

Early 20s to 30s, he/him
Cocky, himbo, fun, chauvinistic
Spencer is another barista at Night Shift coffee shop, who shares a turbulent friendship with the other employees. His personal views on Shades are very harsh, but not entirely unfounded, providing a necessary opposing viewpoint to the majority of the major characters. This is a point of contention, and Spencer exists as an antagonistic force in the narrator’s life.
This role is minor role that may become major later. It pays $50 for the first 25 lines and then $1 per line after that.
“After last night, I think it's safe to say Shades aren't exactly safe to be around.”
“Do we talk to this guy? Do we just call the police? Because as assistant manager, and as a friend to our customers, I cannot sit by and let a monster into this shop.”
“I just don’t understand why you’re so adamant about defending them when you’ve got no reason to be? Why do you care so much, dude? Do you owe that guy or something?”

Early 40s, she/her, American or English accent
Confident, intelligent, sharp, carefree, sultry voice
Sera is a scientist, and a family member to another character from the cast. She provides an interesting alternative perspective outside of Augur on the subject of human augmentation, as well as solutions to various problems, both personal and professional. Sera will appear closer towards the end of season one, with a development into a more prominent character should we reach our planned second season. This role pays $50 for the first 25 lines and $1 per line following that.
“I believe our augs should negate any consequences, but I've debated with him on the topic several times over the years and he's actually quite confident of the opposite. Something to dwell on, I suppose.”
“He can't live forever, regardless of his wishes. I've not bothered putting too much effort into that one.”
“Well sugarplum, did you not look at the picture I sent you? Or have you gone completely useless on me? Look at the cell structure in the second picture.”

30s - 60s, she/her
Professional, determined, kind hearted, inquisitive
An agent for a private government bureau, Rayner has to keep a professional face at all times. Despite this, she’s sympathetic towards the people she investigates, leading her to let things slide where she feels protocols to be too harsh. Rayner tends to get too involved in her cases, following leads to the last, and has been in pursuit of answers for one particular case for 8 years. This is a minor role paying $50 for the first 25 lines and $1 per line after that.
“I'm not at liberty to discuss that, but if you have any information, it is vital we be informed as quickly as possible.”
“First of all, thank you for agreeing to talk with me. I'm aware that this seems out of the blue but I was unable to find you at your home and was told that you were likely to be here.”
(hiding sympathy)
“Just so you are aware, we already have a subpoena in place to obtain your cell records. Is there anything else you would like to divulge to me before I begin going through them?”

Mid 20s - late 30s, she/her
Mocking, sarcastic, ruthless, two-faced, charming
Dagger is part of an underground syndicate, involved in various illicit activities throughout Echor. She’s tough, callous and extremely loyal to the people she works with, but her two-faced nature makes it easy for her to put on a pretense of being charming to get what she needs out of people. A minor role for now that will likely evolve into a major role later! This role pays $50 for the first 25 lines and then $1 per line after that.
“Hey, hi. Can I grab… an iced latte? Thanks, doll. And... whichever of those cakes you like the most. I'll trust your judgement.”
“You’ve always been pretty, but not very bright. It’s why I like you. I’m not gonna just put you in touch but I can set up a meeting if you really want. Who’ve you got for us?”
“We just wanna ask you some questions, think you can answer them for us? We haven’t got all day.”

Late teens to early 20’s, she/her, non-white voice actors only please!
Helpful, kind, sweet, supportive
Another barista at Night Shift coffee, this sweet hearted young woman works at the coffee shop around her studies at the local college. She provides a supportive ear for both her customers and her colleagues, and is extremely loyal to everyone she gets along with, although she’s a bit of a gossip too. This role is an extra, paying $25 for the first 250 words and then $1 per line after that.
(social media video)
“I'm in the house today, so come on down and get agony aunt therapy with your fave barista.”
“Of course you can, no charge for you today. What's on your mind this morning, sunflower?”
(playful, conspiratorial)
“I don't think that's what he's here for…I think he’s found some other reason to come around. Do we really think he's 'Dr. Sexy' though? I don't know, maybe he's just not my type.”

20s - 30s, any pronouns
Bubbly, loud, light hearted, informative
These two characters are the hosts for a radio talk show that covers current affairs and news from around Echor City, bouncing off one another to provide a fun, entertaining and informative show for the Echor populace. One of them is more light-hearted, the other more serious. Both lines can be read for either host, with any tone you feel suits the line. These are recurring extras, paying $25 for the first 250 words and then $1 per line following that.
(professional or playful)
“I’ve heard about Augurfest and obviously I know everything there is to know but for our viewers who may need a refresher - why don’t you tell us what to expect?”
(serious or casual)
“We don’t need science to tell us what we can already see with our own two eyes! These people are dangerous, and there’s no way of looking up who they are. I’m just saying, it’s about time something changed.”
(teasing or tired)
“So listeners, if you're also hungover, or if you've ever been, we're putting this question out there — what's your favourite hangover cure? Help us out here.”

Early to late 30s, he/him, bisexual
Suave, posh, intense, big-hearted, energetic, goofball
Miles is a lawyer for the Augur Corporation. He comes from England, and has been privately educated, but the finer points of his upbringing are lost to his very tacky sense of humor and complete shamelessness. This is a character who can flip from an intense, powerful legal expert to a total goof with the click of his fingers. Humor may be a coping mechanism. Miles will become a major character if we reach season 2 and beyond. Current rate is $50 for the first 25 lines and $1 per line beyond that.
(to his secretary)
“I've decided to be rather urgently sick today. Forward anything important to my personal? And call me only if Wesley sets the whole company on fire.”
(serious, harsh)
“To do so, we would legally require a subpoena warrant provided by and signed for by your head of department. I'm sorry to hear your investigation isn’t moving as planned.”
(teasing, suave)
“Enjoying your father’s expensive liquor and hiding from his guests? Don’t worry, I won’t tell."
Public Submissions