PAID - Night Shift - urban fantasy podcast - CASTING MORE ROLES
Red Wendigo for Styx

Late teens/young adult, he/him, asexual
Combative, loud, antisocial, secretive, scrappy attitude and voice often dropping the T's or G's off his words
Originally from a lower-class family in Ireland, Styx looks around 18 years old, but he’s been around longer than that. He is part of the small ‘Shade’ populace, people transformed by contact with the mysterious Veil, and like most Shades he hides in plain sight. His secrets don’t stop there — he has plenty to tell, if anyone can get past his hard and dismissive personality.
Styx plays a major part in season one of the story, appearing in 8 of 15 episodes. Three or four of his total lines are in Irish Gaelic, but pronunciations will be provided. The rest are in English. $75 fee covers the first 37 lines with $2 per line following that.
“Call it a lucky guess, sunshine. Maybe I could just tell. Maybe I could sense it.”
(stalling for time, hiding concern behind humor)
"Hey now, slow down a minute, pal. At least take me to dinner first."
(Stilted, emotional)
“I’ve spent years not caring and when I meet someone who does scares me. Feels like I’ve wasted my shit being a selfish coward - and don’t say I’m not. I am.”

Forgot to add my tags, apologies. Discord is RedWendigo13#8636