PAID - Night Shift - urban fantasy podcast - CASTING MORE ROLES
ARongedal for Various Extras

We are seeking a variety of extras for the series, as due to the format, a lot of lines may be one-off characters the narrator is interviewing, or single-line clips from media gathered for the investigation. If you are cast, we’ll likely ask you to record lines for multiple extra roles through the season. These roles are paid $25 for the first 250 words, then $1 per line following that.
(Nosy colleague of a convicted murderer on a TV interview)
“People at work were speculating whether he'd really do it or not. Whether he was the type. The place looked like a cesspit. I don't know how else to describe it… Like a hoarder lived there. Charles wasn't like that.”
(Rude, unhelpful police officer)
“And how exactly do you know about him trespassing? You’re giving me reason to believe you were there with him, kid.”
(Radical scientist, speaking on video)
“If we are to mutate again - if we stand any chance of evolving beyond today's society - we must embrace the revolutionary once more: augmentation is the future.”

And if you’d prefer a Swedish accent for the scientist I could do that instead!