PAID - Night Shift - urban fantasy podcast - CASTING MORE ROLES
NKDisla for Diego Alvarez

Hispanic or Latiné voice actors only
Early to late 20s
Paranoid, unsocial, quiet, passionate
Diego is the brother* of a young woman who disappeared 5 years ago, and his life has been heavily impacted by the case after media attention was turned on his aggressive ex-stepfather. He is dedicated to searching for her, which has largely taken over his life.
This role features in 2-3 episodes and will pay $50 for the first 25 lines, then $1 per line after that.
(*initially written as a brother, but we’re open to considering any gender and can adjust the name accordingly)
(bitter, recalling traumatic past)
“Our family were put through the ringer. Mom tried to keep it underwraps that her husband was violent. She didn't want the family being scrutinized.”
“She's smiling, you know... you know it's her real smile, because you can see her back teeth. I know my sister's smile.”
“We don't know what you're talking about! Isn't that obvious by now? Stop, just stop harassing us if you can't tell us anything.”