Newt The Necromancer Gnome Character Recasts

Newt The Necromancer Gnome Character Recasts

Project Overview

Note: These are recasting of certain characters so you will have to catch up to where we are in recording 

What is it:

 A book series written by bugern turned into an audio book narrated by a future older version of the main character Newt 

 story :

In a village in the middle of an enchanted forest there lived a small group of people 2 gnome-elves named Newt (necromancer) and lexy (ranger), 2 wood elves Ace (Animal companionship druid) and Semica (believer sorcerer), 1 sun elf Efrain (rouge trickster) and 2 half elves Mako (bard) and Dug (dog druid/fighter) who have never left this magical forest before, and then one day the evil sorcerer burns down the whole forest and this group of people barely make it out now they are stuck in this strange new world they have never been in their all alone but they are trained to fight and they must survive and avenge the deaths of their friends and family, while the evil wizard tries to destroy them


- 16 chapters (give or take) per book, a book is 1 season of the show and i'm planning on having around 12 episodes total depending on length of chapters and amount of chapters

-  A multiple season series with at least 8 planned seasons / books plus multiple spin offs

- Note Characters size of parts are subject to change and may change these are just rough estimates based on my plans so far some characters may end up dying sooner then i said they would and if that's the case for the character you play, depending on how you did playing that part i will most likely ask you if you want to play another new part of a character about the same size of a role after the original character you plays death



- Must have discord and be moderately active and be willing to access the projects discord server

- Must be above 13 to audition just based on age of characters unless you get special permission from me saying otherwise,

- Willing to get lines submitted on time

- Little to no background noise or echo

- Be mature and semi professional when it comes to getting work done


Contact me:

- To contact me about anything involving the project my discord is bugern#1592 join this server and you can direct message me on discord then 

-All art for character pictures used in this are Art from the dungeons and dragons handbooks and other official Dungeons and Dragons books

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Project Roles: Corvan Ace Belleglinn Tink
Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Size of part:

Is not in the first half of the 1st book but plays a slightly more then average size part for a supporting character in the 2nd half of the first book,  Then after the start of the 2nd book she becomes a main character for the rest of the series

Character Details:

Corvan the halfling cardslinger who works for hedge-dwarfs branch of the resistance she uses magic cards she generates and is a master card thrower and can teleport in a purple cloud of smoke

Voice Notes:

Confident, fun loving, voice sounds as if she is in her late teen years,  shes cheerful at times but serious when she needs to be when referring to real topics,

  • (Confident, fun loving,)

    Abracadabra... Alcazam

  • (Serious and confident)

    Efrain lets start your training then shall we 

  • (confident,)

    Cards are the best weapon, screw swords there useless

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: GardenAngel

Size of Part:

one of the 8 main characters has a medium amount of lines for a main character, until the end of book 2 cause she dies in the book 2 finale

Character Details:

is a wood elf druid fighter who fights with a warhammer she can be nice one second mean the next, she has trouble expressing her emotions besides being happy and being angry, has the power to turn into animals

Voice Notes:

medium to deep almost similar to monotone unless when overly happy, angry or finds something humorous

  • - I don't know but we have to do something… I mean we can't just give up… can we?

    - I don't know either, they weren't like us, they looked different, like nothing I've ever seen in the forest before not like any of the animals

  • - (Playful voice) So Mako?

    - Calm down Dug I know your protective of Lexy and everything but you should know better then all of us that Her and Newt like each other a lot and they are meant to be together…

  • - (Mockingly) Ooh someone's got a crush

    - (Blushing) Then i'll never admit to having a crush on Mako

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Has to be able to sing

Role Size:

is on the smaller end of the size of a supporting character part also wont come in till book 3 or 4 but till then i will probably have you help out with playing extras or maybe a few minor size characters and after book 4 i'm not sure yet about the size of their part

Character Details:

Is a wood Elf who was cursed to have to sing every word she says but she is also tone death

Voice Notes:

Whenever she talks she has to be singing what she says, she is also slightly tone death so doesn't sing very well , has a sing song type tone in her voice (even though she is singing all the time) has a semi high pitch voice and is in her mid to late 20's

  • - (Singing, Happy) Hey Guys, I'm Beleglinn and this is Aerlinn Nice to meet you...

    - (Singing, Confident) What do you mean i'm tone death... I can promise you that i'm not

  • - (Singing, Comforting) Hey Aerlinn it will be okay... Mako will come around eventually... and even if he doesn't you will find someone eventually, your an Amazing Girl, you're smart, and funny, and not to mention a great musician and cute... and any guy would be lucky to have you

  • - Sing a part of a song that is in your vocal range in Character

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Pwee

Size of Part:

Minor Character that only shows up in a few flashbacks in book 1 and 2

Character Details:

The last gnome princess who survives the gnome genocide 2 thousand years ago and she along with about 50 other gnomes and a good amount of elf and human guards made it to the forest stronghold in the forest of Durmista and hunkered down there

Voice Notes:

Has a voice sounding in her early 20's but high pitched

  • - My name is Tinky Ella Frizz Alphy Belle Carlotte Jones Gnora Fizzy Jenelope Spune Gnomair Ashhearth Sparklegem the second but most people just call me Tink

  • - (Confident, Injured,) We can't just give up, we are the last of the Gnomes we can't let our whole race die now

  • - (Energized, Injured, battle driven, loudly, yelling back commands to the gnomes and guards with her as they try to fight off the enemy solders to get to the forest) Come on guys... we got to stick together... keep pushing through... don't let those dark lord soldiers get us...


Public Submissions

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