Newt The Necromancer Gnome Character Recasts
Sakyuu for Belleglinn
Has to be able to sing
Role Size:
is on the smaller end of the size of a supporting character part also wont come in till book 3 or 4 but till then i will probably have you help out with playing extras or maybe a few minor size characters and after book 4 i'm not sure yet about the size of their part
Character Details:
Is a wood Elf who was cursed to have to sing every word she says but she is also tone death
Voice Notes:
Whenever she talks she has to be singing what she says, she is also slightly tone death so doesn't sing very well , has a sing song type tone in her voice (even though she is singing all the time) has a semi high pitch voice and is in her mid to late 20's
- (Singing, Happy) Hey Guys, I'm Beleglinn and this is Aerlinn Nice to meet you...
- (Singing, Confident) What do you mean i'm tone death... I can promise you that i'm not
- (Singing, Comforting) Hey Aerlinn it will be okay... Mako will come around eventually... and even if he doesn't you will find someone eventually, your an Amazing Girl, you're smart, and funny, and not to mention a great musician and cute... and any guy would be lucky to have you
- Sing a part of a song that is in your vocal range in Character