Newt The Necromancer Gnome Character Recasts
Pwee for Tink
Size of Part:
Minor Character that only shows up in a few flashbacks in book 1 and 2
Character Details:
The last gnome princess who survives the gnome genocide 2 thousand years ago and she along with about 50 other gnomes and a good amount of elf and human guards made it to the forest stronghold in the forest of Durmista and hunkered down there
Voice Notes:
Has a voice sounding in her early 20's but high pitched
- My name is Tinky Ella Frizz Alphy Belle Carlotte Jones Gnora Fizzy Jenelope Spune Gnomair Ashhearth Sparklegem the second but most people just call me Tink
- (Confident, Injured,) We can't just give up, we are the last of the Gnomes we can't let our whole race die now
- (Energized, Injured, battle driven, loudly, yelling back commands to the gnomes and guards with her as they try to fight off the enemy solders to get to the forest) Come on guys... we got to stick together... keep pushing through... don't let those dark lord soldiers get us...