My Amazing Woman, S02E03

Project Overview
My Amazing Woman is an ongoing romantic superhero action comedy. A husband adjusts to having a wife with superpowers and a bunch of super powered friends (and enemies). While the major ongoing roles have been cast, there are guest roles available, some of which could possibly turn into ongoing.
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Calypso is a villainess who has tangled with the Mighty Herakles before (and may possibly have also seduced him in the process). Her powers are illusion and mental manipulation, achieved by singing incantations. She's slightly sexy and not as witchy as the lines could be seen. She has a high opinion of herself.
The apples, my bright, shiny little Penny, is how we got in here. We followed them and Herakles right through your front door! And now it’s time to wipe out the Liberty Guild entirely!
Oh, that’s right. Today is your rest your voice day. That’s okay. I can do the talking for both of us. And since the Liberty Guild will soon be at each other’s throats, there’s not much to say other than “Ha ha”. (laughs menacingly)
«sing the alphabet song, a capella, starting with Q»
Captain Hermes is the chair of the Liberty Guild. He has super-speed powers and is a bit rigid and by the book. He is thought of as being a stick in the mud. He likes order and decorum and gets grief because of that. He might possibly even be a bit OCD. It is on his motion that the Liberty Guild meeting is called to expel Amazing Woman.
If everyone would please go into the main meeting room, the sooner we get started, the sooner we can get this over with.
And thank you, Mister Waring, for that presentation. We ask now that you leave us to discuss your proposal. Penny, would you take him on a tour of the hall? [Note: Waring rhymes caring]
Because you are an associate member, after all, and this is for voting members.
The Mighty Herakles is a muscled, good-looking man with a magic ring that gives him other powers to draw from. He is a touch vain, egotistical, and chauvinistic. He's shallow and mostly about having a good time (the Dionysus influence). He once dated Amazing Woman for a while. He may have also had a fling with Calypso, the villain of the story. He still thinks he should have won the day for Amazing Woman's affections over her husband Trevor.
Look, I don’t know the guy from Adam. But I do know that pretty lady over there, and I can tell you that I trust her judgement, even if she picked him over me. How many times has she pulled your bacon out of the fire, Alice? Or yours, Undine. She even cleaned up your mess, American, while she was on her honeymoon.
No. I know better than to eat anything a groupie gave me.
You know, for a guy with no powers and not a great physique, you’re all right
Hector is Trevor's friend since college. Hector is a CPA and may return later in the series. Hector is athletic and often plays basketball on Trevor's team at the gym. Hector is tall, but not overly so, and focused on forensic accounting in college before going onto a broader practice. Hector is relatively laid back and relatively sure of himself.
(joking) So why are you giving it to Trevor? Anna Kat is more of a superhero than he is.
I mean, he looks so good, I might fall for him, and I’m straight.
Fine is fine, bro.
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