My Amazing Woman, S02E03
Jacob Mira (Zombie_J) for Captain Hermes
Voice Actor
Captain Hermes
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD
Role assigned to:
Connor Bushoven
Captain Hermes is the chair of the Liberty Guild. He has super-speed powers and is a bit rigid and by the book. He is thought of as being a stick in the mud. He likes order and decorum and gets grief because of that. He might possibly even be a bit OCD. It is on his motion that the Liberty Guild meeting is called to expel Amazing Woman.
If everyone would please go into the main meeting room, the sooner we get started, the sooner we can get this over with.
And thank you, Mister Waring, for that presentation. We ask now that you leave us to discuss your proposal. Penny, would you take him on a tour of the hall? [Note: Waring rhymes caring]
Because you are an associate member, after all, and this is for voting members.

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