My Amazing Woman, S02E03
Ranita Bowers for Calypso
Calypso is a villainess who has tangled with the Mighty Herakles before (and may possibly have also seduced him in the process). Her powers are illusion and mental manipulation, achieved by singing incantations. She's slightly sexy and not as witchy as the lines could be seen. She has a high opinion of herself.
The apples, my bright, shiny little Penny, is how we got in here. We followed them and Herakles right through your front door! And now it’s time to wipe out the Liberty Guild entirely!
Oh, that’s right. Today is your rest your voice day. That’s okay. I can do the talking for both of us. And since the Liberty Guild will soon be at each other’s throats, there’s not much to say other than “Ha ha”. (laughs menacingly)
«sing the alphabet song, a capella, starting with Q»