My Amazing Woman, S02E03
DexterManning for Hank Grant, the Mighty Herakles
The Mighty Herakles is a muscled, good-looking man with a magic ring that gives him other powers to draw from. He is a touch vain, egotistical, and chauvinistic. He's shallow and mostly about having a good time (the Dionysus influence). He once dated Amazing Woman for a while. He may have also had a fling with Calypso, the villain of the story. He still thinks he should have won the day for Amazing Woman's affections over her husband Trevor.
Look, I don’t know the guy from Adam. But I do know that pretty lady over there, and I can tell you that I trust her judgement, even if she picked him over me. How many times has she pulled your bacon out of the fire, Alice? Or yours, Undine. She even cleaned up your mess, American, while she was on her honeymoon.
No. I know better than to eat anything a groupie gave me.
You know, for a guy with no powers and not a great physique, you’re all right