MLP Conquest Casting Call #3: Episodes 3 and 4

Project Overview

Conquest is an MLP audio story taking place 100 years after the events of the show (predating season 8 among other things). The mane six have perished, the elements disappearing with them. With Equestria left defenseless, a team of villains comes together to not only take over Equestira, but the world.

Everything you need to know is in the video above, but mostly in the google doc linked. Please read all the rules carefully, otherwise, you're audition will be rejected. We will allow you to re-audition if you would like assuming this would be the case. We will need multiple artists so if you are accepted, we will private message you. The end date is June 13th, Midnight MST (site won't let me make the deadline longer so I will keep updating it till I can set it to the correct date). No more auditions will be accepted after that time and results will be posted on YouTube within a day to a few as well as this page being updated accordingly. I also apologize for some of the pictures, the site is extremely finicky and would not fit the pictures no matter what I did. Full sizes with a fully view are in the doc. Thank you and good luck to all who audition!


This project will contain a lot of mature content that is not suitable for the sensitive or young, please keep this in mind. There's nothing overtly sexual such as pornograpghic scenes or sex, more suggestions of sex, heavily suggestive flirting and so on, but nothing graphic. There will be graphic depictions of fighting with blood and lightish gore, sensitive themes, a lot of swearing, and there will be LGBT couples so if this goes against your beliefs or any of the other things listed are off-putting to you, do not audition. If you do, we expect you to be okay with all of this. You also must be 15 years or older to audition. If you are not 15 years or older and we find out, you will be kicked out immediately, your lines scrapped. Please, don't lie.

Rules and Important Notices

1. You must have decent mic quality. We don’t want to hear background noise or a low quality to your recording. We especially don’t want to hear peaking, popping, or audio being too quiet to hear. If you do not have a decent mic, but can clean it to sound decent enough or better that it is, let us know. Do not edit it for the audition, let us know or send a separate file with the cleaned audio. Splicing is fine.

2. Having a Discord is preferred, but we can work with you if you have Skype or have access to Hangouts, some easy way of contact is a must.

3. You must be active in the server and during the audition. By active we mean when we have an important meeting, we would like you to try to be there or respond when we ask if anyone’s on or have any questions. If you don't respond within a given time (or excessively) or miss due dates, you will lose the role and it will be given to your understudy. If you have a reason such as a death in the family, illness, or school/work, we can talk unless school/work will be that much of a problem. Please note us if anything comes up and try to give up an advanced notice if you must drop from the project all together. Commitment is important as we will most likely ask you to voice these characters for other projects.

4. Understudies do serve an important role even if they may not always be active. Regardless, if you are, you will be assigned to the background characters or one offs/on and off/quick cameos. You are also excepted to be active.

5. If you are unprofessional in your audition, you will not be accepted. Stick to what we give you and nothing more, improve and bloopers can be saved for the official production. No added swearing or lines that aren’t in the audition line, you can introduce yourself if you want.

6. Don’t just say the lines. Give emotion to them, live through them! You are trying out for a character and this will be a big project! If you think you can do better, let us know, we will give you time to improve! We will take a good actor who can act on their own over someone who needs help, but if we feel your version of the voice is better than someone else’s acting or portrayal, we may choose that so don’t let ability or experience hold you back.

7. Do not alter your auditions! We want to hear the raw audio and your voice as is. No altering pitches, no filters, not auto tuning, nothing that helps add inflections if that's a thing. If we find out you have done this, you will be dropped from the project if accepted or have your audition rejected. Splicing your best lines for your audition is acceptable.

8. You may have already noticed that some of the auditions have a link to what we would like them to sound like. You do not have to replicate the voices exactly, in fact, in most, we don’t want you to so read the descriptions carefully, that's what we want to hear. Most of these aren’t canon characters and they can be interpreted any way. However, they need to be close to the pitch, tone, and/or possibly accent of the linked voices. If you want to experiment, include it as a separate part of the audition, we may end up liking it more.

9. We would like you to make three takes of each line. We want to hear the different tones of your voice, inflections, etc.

For some reason, it won't let me put in the video, so for the time being, here: 

Google Doc Link for more Details:

Link to Episode 1:

Our Discord fan server:

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When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Kind of a hardass, doesn’t put up with anyone’s shit. Empathetic but is very truthful. She gives out the hard truths no one wants to hear. Rather stubborn when it comes to things and can be hard to convince, but knows when to be smart and not to be dumb. Voice example would be similar to Avatar Kyoshi. Age ranges between teen and young adult.  Appears in Episode 3.


  • [Casual] 

    Guys, you’re overreacting. It’s gonna suck one way or the other, but I doubt any of us are going to get hurt from this. My uncle’s old friends had to deal with this stuff all the time and they turned out fine.

  • [Assertive]

    Don’t be stupid, Yip. They’re far stronger than us. I will drag your ass out of this camp if I have to.

  • [Stern, reassuring]

    No, we don’t, but that’s our choice; we knew this may be a possibility. Your mom is strong, as strong as any dragon I know. But now, she needs us to take care of everyone and keep going.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dragon Lord Ember

A solid leader through and through. Her rise to Dragon Lord has come with a lot of ups and downs and lessons that she learned and taught others. It's trained her to be tough and stern but also when to be soft and caring. The four of them have turned into a strong team over the years and have built an even stronger land to call home. Appears in Episode 4.

Example: Note: we are looking for an older version of the voice, something more mature, as she was a teenager here -

  • [Irritated, Through gritted teeth] 

    Will you two knock it off! Now is not the time for games! [Not through teeth] We have a guest that needs our immediate attention.

  • [Low and threatening]

    There is no one that dares to invade the Dragon Lands. Unless you’re making a threat.

  • [Groans]

    This is not what I was hoping for right before the feast. Now I have to worry if we’re going to have a surprise invasion on our hands.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Once a pain, always a pain. He grew up in a hard land and it had shaped him into a bully. He had since changed after being able to show that he can express himself, having Ember and Smolder at his side to help. When Spike came to the Dragon Lands with the news, Garble immediately took him in as a little brother, doing his best to help him cope in a new environment. Still the same hard headed idiot he was 100 years ago, his attitude towards many things has changed since then. Appears in Episode 4.

Example: Note: we are looking for an older version of the voice, something more mature, as he was a teenager here -

  • [Disappointed with self, Annoyed]

    I’m such an idiot! How could I have forgotten about the anniversary? How do I always manage to do that?

  • [Gets an idea, ]

    Oh! Maybe I could get her something for the Gala! Don’t pony lands have nice things that she might like?

  • [Bored, Judgey]

    So what do we do now? Is this all the party is going to be, nothing but talking all night?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: JJ Summers

Once Twilight’s faithful assistant, he has since moved on to assist Ember. After Twilight’s death, he couldn’t stay in Equestria and decided to take refuge in the Dragon Lands along with Smolder after the school’s closure and other unfortunate events. It was rough at first adjusting to the new environment and culture, but soon found his way thanks to the help of his friends. With his knowledge of magic and familiarity with pony society, he helped transform the land into a thriving and united civilization. He’s grown beyond the boy he was a hundred years ago into a strong dragon and leader.  Appears Episode 4.

Example: Note: we are looking for an older version of the voice as he was a kid here DO NOT make it like the finale version -

  • [Concerned, explaining] 

    Back when I lived in Equestria, she attacked our land twice; nearly won both times. [Suspicious] She may be boasting all this conquering of hers as a good thing, but I know there’s something else going on.

  • [Agreement]

    Yeah! It’s Canterlot so they have plenty of high end stuff, plenty of gems, jewelry, even armor and weapons!

  • [Dodgy, Thinking on the spot]

    Uhhh, yeah. We’re friends. She visited here about a year ago and we became… pen pals!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

A former student of Twilight’s school of friendship, she left Ponyville upon the school’s unfortunate closure breaking almost all connections with her former friends and made way for the Dragon Lands alongside Spike. She was bitter over all that happened for some time, but helping Spike adjust and yelling at her idiot brother took her mind off it. Eventually, she was asked to help change the Dragon Lands into a united civilization to strengthen its standings. She agreed and now serves as one of Dragon Lord Ember’s trusted hands. Appears in Episode 4.

Example: Note: we are looking for an older version of the voice, something more mature, as she was a kid / teenager here -

  • [Snappy]

    We’re doing fine on our own, I don’t see how getting mixed up with you would change anything.

  • [Anger, Disbelief]

    Garble, what are you doing?! This is not a good idea to impress her! He’s going to kick your ass!

  • [Pleasant surprise]

    I guess this night wasn’t so much of a bust after all. [Chuckles] I had a great time, and I got a nice dress to take home, too!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Philistine 18+

A beast tamer at heart, but has been trained to be a ruthless killer. She knows how to hunt you down and play with her prey. Though she has a large collection of knives she loves bringing into battle, she has her favorites which she’s given names. Smooth, sexy, dangerous, and even a little beastly, she’s no one to mess with but if you get to know her, she’ll be your best friend, the kind who’ll stay by and defend you till death or you betraying her. She adores her wife and son which was a result of a relationship gone wrong. Soon after he left her to deal with the child alone, she sent a beast to kill him. That was fair in her mind. Appears in Episode 4.

Example: Basically the same energy and tone as Bayonetta. If you want to try giving an accent like in here, go for it, I’m not 100% if I want that or not so try to take if you want to give it a try. Don’t worry if it’s not deep like hers, we may be looking for something a bit higher:

  • [Excited]

    [Excited gasp] She’s a spider pony! My, you are gorgeous! It’s so wonderful to meet you!

  • [Happy, Proud]

    I saw great potential in Antigra so I had them live with me and made Antigra my apprentice. Many years later, we found feelings and here we are happily married with my beautiful, bastard son.

  • [Dismissive then Calm]

    They like to call it “beast tamers being beast tamers”, sucks for them, we’re the ones having the most fun. Lots of cartazonons feel so trapped unless they are beast tamers, but our doors are always open to them if they find the courage.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Antigra 18+

Deep and husky voice. Aggressive, brash, and stubborn. She’s the rebellious type against social norms, having cut off nearly her whole mane. She is fearless when it comes to many situations and often dives in head first. She is quick to anger and, even though she loves to compete, can be a sore loser. Appears in Episode 4.

  • [Teasing] 

    Looks like they found him a decent outfit. Not like the ones his father had stuffed in the depths of the closet.

  • [Sneering]

    You’d be a fool if you thought we were going to miss out on this. The hell are you doing 

    tormenting the lady? Don’t you have anything better to do with your pathetic life?

  • [Explaining, Pleasant about it]

    Beast tamers don’t follow the Empire’s social norms as is. And Fortis is a good friend of ours.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Fury 18+
Role assigned to: Schattendrache

Philistine’s beloved son. He grew up loving beasts, sometimes even sleeping in the stable and so on with them. Fury was raised in a more open society than the general Empire, growing up to be open and even especially caring, never seeing sides unless given reason to. In his mind, there are no boundaries for love in family, friends, and romance (within reason) treating all fairly equally, it’s gotten him in trouble a few times but his mothers are so proud. Sometimes, he can be too lackadaisical, even idealistic. Though he’s quick on his hooves, an elegant fighter, he’s not inclined to fight unless he has to, sometimes his personality can rub others the wrong way and that can lead him to trouble, he gets into it a lot but knows how to get out. Appears in Episode 4.

Example: Similar to Frederick from Fire Emblem Awakening, he wouldn’t speak exactly like that like some noble knight, he’s pretty relaxed, smooth, and a little snarky when he’s given the chance but more playful in his snark:

  • [Somewhat embarrassed but expecting this from them / lovingly]

    Mothers, please. I’m a grown stallion who can handle himself.

  • [Impressed / pleased]

    Impressive showing as always, not that I’d expect any less from your own, hoof raised, fighters.

  • [Intrigued]

    Despite the lack of hope I have for your success, I appreciate your enthusiasm. Let him try and beat him.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

She is very stubborn and serious in nature, but can enjoy life once in a while. She's rough around the edges and very independent. Her fearless nature tends to conflict with her lack of ambition or little sense of adventure. Despite this, she is a dependable and trustworthy person, knowing when to lend a helping hand or to get a job done right. I imagine her voice similar to Claudia Christian as Helga Sinclair in Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Appears in Episode 4.


  • [Neutral]

    Sconce, you want to get some food with me and watch this disaster play out? [Chuckles]

  • [Pleasantly surprised]

    I’m surprised that there’s more to this than I thought. Look at how many different species are here! I don’t think there’s ever been a gathering like this before.

  • [Cheering then disappointment]

    Kick his ass, Uncle! Show this guy who’s a chump! He’s gonna get his ass handed to him, isn’t he?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Kikibat

She’s very excitable and energetic, almost never running out of energy. She’s a social butterfly and optimistic, never shy to say hi and meet new people. Very supportive to those she cares for. However, she’s compulsive and easily distracted which can lead her to get carried away sometimes. I imagine her voice similar to Christina Ricci’s Cynder from Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon. Appears in Episode 4.


  • [Excited]

    I can’t wait to see the Gala! And try all the foods! Do you think they have dishes from all over?!

  • [Eating, In awe]

    Can you believe how awesome this place is?! The feast, the battles, the dancing! This is nothing like Uncle Spike told us about when he was here last!

  • [Giving advice, Genuine]

    I believe the best course of action is to stop trying so hard. You need to breathe and find your center. If you keep obsessing over not making a fool of yourself, you’re going to only cause that outcome to happen.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

*Note: For some reason, even though I accidentally hit accept for the one below, it will not allow me to change that in any way so here's a fresh one; the role is still open, please audition here

A lawful paladin wanting to only do his best to help those in need, including the villains. His belief is that anyone should be given a chance to redeem themselves. This includes the villains. Appears in Episode 4.

Example (the English voice):

  • [Slight concern]

    I’m a paladin. Though, I don’t know what that means to him or anyone else here.

  • [Questioning, Hopeful]

    Everyone else is caught up in their own thing. You seemed like you had the most on your hooves. I thought I could take some of the stress off you.

  • [Calm]

    To relax and enjoy a few minutes without having to worry about what’s going on around you. To be in the moment.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Schattendrache

A lawful paladin wanting to only do his best to help those in need, including the villains. His belief is that anyone should be given a chance to redeem themselves. This includes the villains. Appears in Episode 4.


  • [Slight concern]

    I’m a paladin. Though, I don’t know what that means to him or anyone else here.

  • [Questioning, Hopeful]

    Everyone else is caught up in their own thing. You seemed like you had the most on your hooves. I thought I could take some of the stress off you.

  • [Calm]

    To relax and enjoy a few minutes without having to worry about what’s going on around you. To be in the moment.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ivory 18+

A succubus in bat pony form. A temptress that knows how to treat any mare or stallion she comes across. She’s wild and adventurous at heart and loves a sense of danger, often the one to stir it up. Appears in Episode 4.


  • [Warm greeting]

    You were right, sweetie, he is a deadly charmer. My name is Ivory, it is lovely to finally meet you.

  • [Seductive] 

    Let me try. Come on, wouldn’t you want to spend the night with two of the loveliest mares around? We promise to treat you extra special. Whatever you like, handsome.

  • [“Done with you” tone]

    Listen here, hun. I’ve met people like you before: cranky, grumpy, moody. You know what helped them calm down? Getting laid. I suggest you try it some time.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Morning Shadow 18+
Role assigned to: VladiVoices

Her words are honeyed and she will do whatever she can to get her way and what she wants. She gives off a personality of humble, helpful, and friendly, but under it she’s conceited, selfish, and sly, only looking after herself in the end. Appears in Episode 4.

Example: None

  • [Slightly seductive, Condescending]

     Good evening, boys. What’re you doing out here when there’s a party inside? Don’t tell me you’re guarding the entrance. [Chuckles] Someone must really want to keep you from having fun.

  • [Questioning, Disbelief]

    Really? You’re going to call me suspicious when you’re the ones throwing this party? A group of villains that once terrorized Equestria. You have got to be kidding me.

  • [Talking to self, Sneering, Planning]

    Yes, this is exactly what I needed. Now everyone has their eyes on me. Unless I could use that to my advantage somehow. They’re all idiots so it wouldn’t be too hard. [Snickers to herself].

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

One of Strife’s boys, cartazonons he pulled off the streets and raised by him to be part of his special group of fighters. Scimitar’s not necessarily emotionless, but he’s not that expressive either or at least doesn’t do so often. Not that he’s serious, he’s just calm of mind and soul. He speaks plainly, bluntly, and is ignorant of the world (for example, since ponies are kind of the size of cartazonon babies and he was told to be gentle with them because they’re frail in comparison, he thinks they’re like children and wants to do things like pat their heads or play with them). He takes things the wrong way sometimes if you don’t explain it correctly. Despite how it may seem, he has a big heart and is very caring. Appears in Episode 4.

Example: None

  • [Thankful]

    Thank you, Strife. It was an honor to be chosen to come here and fight.

  • [Curious]

    I’ve never wrestled with a sentient lizard before.

  • [Getting serious]

    Then this shall be my final challenge, to prove my right to take the first bite at the feast!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Garrett Sandoval

A dragon assassin. Sly voiced, always sounds like he’s planning something. Snarky and sharp witted, he doesn’t exactly sound dangerous with how easily he speaks, but he’s also terrifying when he speaks. Many have said he should wear a bell he’s so silent, described as serpent like. Appears in Episode 4.

Example: None

  • [Casual]

    Am I allowed to eat him?

  • [Slight hint of excitement]

    But without danger, there is no thrill.

  • [Slight snark]

    Perhaps that’s why he refrains from inviting you too frequently.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

A western minotaur, probably has a southern accent. Strong voiced, but he’s kinder than his peers (among the group he’ll be in). Does lots of dealing with the rich all around so he knows how to handle a conversation or a deal. Pretty relaxed and keeps a sharp eye out at all times. Appears in Episode 4.

Example: None

  • [“Ah well”]

    Couldn’t help it, got stopped by a client on the way.

  • [Matter-of-factly]

    The ways the world’s changing, six months out and it’s clear as day.

  • [Angry]

    Would you two leave the poor mare alone?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Garrett Sandoval

A information trader, has connections far reaching (more than most). He runs a special network of brokering, no one knows he’s the head, he’s good at keeping a low profile. Likes to keep his head down, not get in too much trouble, runs when things get hot. Voice is probably quiet, even a bit rough (feel free to play around with this). What you’d imagine a guy living off the map, who probably goes through lots of identities, and sneaks about would sound like. Appears in Episode 4.

Example: None

  • [Irritated]

    Couldn’t have made it sooner.

  • [Firm warning]

    Don’t answer him.

  • [“Worth a try”]

    Can’t blame me when it comes to business.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

High to higher medium pitched and soft, she sees through lies and tends to give cryptic or not so cryptic assessments of those she meets. She knows her place is below Zafira and she has nothing but respect for her, she’d even die for her. Also has an African accent. Appears in Episode 4.

Example: None

  • [Calmly, almost matter-of-factly]

    His form resonates with his soul.

  • [Warning, whispers]

    Do not trust him, he sits atop lies.

  • [Harshly]

    His motives are to be questioned.

Queen Chrysalis
  • 30 Seconds of this (preferable the chorus) 

Lord Tirek
  • 30 Seconds of this (preferable the chorus) 

Princess Cadence
Role assigned to: Treasure Nelson
  • 30 Seconds of this (preferable the chorus) 

  • 30 Seconds of this (preferable the chorus) 

Queen Nira Verra
  • 30 Seconds of this (preferable the chorus) 


Please leave five of your most recent art piece (see rules for details)

  • Say something you think would fit


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