Masters of the Universe: Retribution

Masters of the Universe: Retribution

Project Overview

In the center of the Universe lies Eternia, the first planet in creation. And in the center of Eternia, Lies Castle Grayskull, the storehouse of all the magic and knowledge in the Multiverse! For thousands of years, the forces of good have sought to defend it, while darkness wishes to claim it! Chosen by the Sorceress of Grayskull, Adam, Prince of Eternia is gifted the Sword of Power to become He-man, the Most Powerful Man In The Universe! Guardian of Freedom, and Guardian of all life, even that of Evil. Standing alongside the Heroic Warriors, He-man has spent years facing the dark forces. After He-man has won the Great War, he believes he can finally tell his family the truth behind his secret, and confess his feelings to the woman he loves. But, when He-man's darkest threat, presumably dead returns, the final battle begins. The Dark Lord of Destruction Skeletor seeks to reclaim what he believes is rightfully his, and exact his revenge on the one he believes responsible for his suffering. But how can two enemies who hate each other so much, not know the other's secret? This is not how their story began. This is how it ends.

This project will be a multi-episode stop-motion series. It will be a fun fan film based on the popular 80's toyline and Cartoon, Masters of the Universe. This series has been a brainchild for me for many years along with some Transformers projects I am working on. the context of this series is a Fantasy/Sci-Fi filled to the brim with battle, blood, and a hint of romance here and there. The characters used will be from the Origins and Masterverse toy line, and with more characters being made every year, more male and female roles may and will be established as the series continues.

Important: I have already recruited many cast members, so some roles you may be looking for like Skeletor are already taken, but the rest are still up for grabs, and more are on the way! Roles vary as I collect new characters as more come out. stay tuned for future Female and Male roles.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
He-man/Prince Adam: The Most Powerful Man in the Universe

The Prince of Eternia, Adam was chosen by the guardian of Grayskull, the Sorceress to bear the awesome power of Zoar, the first Light, and become He-man, the most powerful man, in all the Universe! A defender of truth, justice, and the people of Eternia. Gifted with a magical sword, built as a conduit to the power, Adam can change forms whenever he feels and keeps his identity a secret from his parents, the King and Queen. Though looked down on by his father, believed to be a lazy philandering prince, Adam keeps the charade because he knows that anyone who knows his power would be at risk. His secret is protected by The Sorceress, Man-at-arms, and the Trolan jester Orko.

Voice description:
  • adult
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • ¨By the power of Grayskull! I have the Power!¨

  • ¨I cant accept that Teela. I have to beleive every life is worth saving...even his.¨

  • ¨No matter what odds we face, no matter how unbeatable the foe, never forget, we are Masters of the Universe.¨

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Teela: The 2nd Sorceress

Teela has proven time and time again that she doesn't need anyone to protect her. She has risen in the ranks to be Captain of the Royal Guard, Bodyguard to the Crown Prince, and even the 2nd Sorceress of Grayskull. After the ancient embodiment of power, the Starseed gave Teela the power to become the Sorceress, her eyes have been opened to the secrets of the Universe. Including the fact that her best friend is also the most powerful man in the Universe. Teela is ready to struggle against the forces of Snake Mountain. But can she struggle against the feelings in her heart for He-man?

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • ¨I can see it all. The Beauty of the endless cosmos. The Divine secrets of the Universe. Now...I have the power.¨

  • ¨If you think Im just going to standby and watch my friends die, then you really know nothing about me.¨

  • ¨We do this together. No more lies, no more secrets. Im with you to the end Adam.¨

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
She-ra: The Princess of Power

The twin sister of He-man, and the bearer of the Sword of Protection, Adora was kidnapped as a child by the tyrannical Warlord Hordak and his pupil, the future dark lord Skeletor. For years, she was raised to believe power was to be obtained by any means, and love was for the weak. She became the force Captain of Hordaks Evil Horde and was sent to Eternia to fight in the Great War. But, when she met He-man, she learned the truth of Good and Evil and learned the truth of her family. Gifted the sword, Adora became She-ra and sought to stop Hordak and the Horde. But, even though she seeks to persevere in life, some of the lessons taught to her by Hordak are not so easily forgotten.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • ¨For the Honor of Grayskull, I am She-ra!¨

  • ¨We cant solve all our problems with speeches brother. Sometimes, force is the only thing our foes will understand.¨

  • ¨I will no longer fight for the forces of injustice. I will stand forevermore by my families side, for the Honor of Grayskull.¨

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Man-at-arms: the Royal Weapons Specialist

King Randor's Chief Advisor and weapons specialist, Duncan is Teela´s adoptive father and one of the most brilliant scientific minds on the planet. He has hidden the fact that Teela's mother has been the Sorceress for years, and now that she knows the truth, he tries to rebond the love between a mother and daughter. He has been Adams's confidant and mentor since he first held the sword of power and is willing to lay his life down for the royal family at any time.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • ¨Sometimes, a weapon can only be as good as the one who fashions it.¨

  • ¨Teela, if there is one thing you have taught me, from the moment you were born...nothing is more important than family.¨

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Orko: Trollan Wizard

The beloved Trollan Jester of King Randor's court, Orko has a way of making anyone feel cared for and understood. However, that doesn't mean he himself feels special. Once the greatest Sorcerer of all of Trolla, Orkoś power fell into reverse when he entered the unfamiliar magic of Eternia, flopping his magic upside down. Even though he was one of the first people to be trusted with Prince Adams's secret, Orko often wishes there was more he could do to protect the family he has joined.

Voice description:
  • baby
  • male young adult
  • ¨By the magic of Elf and Goblin in Kind, I command that this Demon Go Blind! Hey, It worked!¨

  • ¨I've learned i dont need a wand to be a great wizard, because its the strength given to me by my friends that really give me power.¨

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Sorceress of Grayskull

The Guardian of Grayskulls secrets, and the mother of the warrior Teela, The Sorceress was forced to give her daughter into the care of the brave Man-at-arms, to protect from her destiny. But now that the prophecy of a thousand years ago has come to fruition, the Sorceress only cares now about reuniting with her daughter and keeping her safe from a dark and terrible future.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • israelian
  • ¨My daughter means everything to me, even if I dont show it all the time. I would die a hundred thousand deaths before I see her come to any harm.¨

  • How can such a burden fall unto me. To choose one of two inevitable fates, both that may lead to the end of Eternia.¨

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Webstor: Master of Assassination
cast offsite

One of the last of his kind, Webstor is Skeletors most loyal of servants, as his Strategist, spy, and chief assassin. He seeks to serve the lord of Destruction and cause pain to those he considers responsible for the death of his kind. Once a mighty empire, the Arathins were feared across Eternia for snatching those they could in webs and feasting on their blood. But what they wanted more than anything was the Ambrosia made by the Andreenids, to increase their strength and life expediencies. But, it was this that led the Andreenids and Birdmen (Once hated enemies) to form an alliance and destroy the Arathin empire. Only a small nest of Arathin hatchlings survived. The youngest and strongest grew into Webstor. He met Skeletor, and swore to serve him as long as he was an enemy to the Birdmen and Andreenids. But, with his final days coming, Webstor seeks to accomplish what his ancestors could not, and revive his body to become stronger than ever!

Voice description:
  • monster
  • male adult
  • ¨For years, I have been looked down on as a coward. A sneak, a weakling. The last of my kind. A bad memory left to rot. But, with the Ambrosia, I could be so much more! I could be a Master of the Universe!¨!

  • ¨Yes, yes! Be afraid my little prey. Blood always tastes that much sweeter, if it is laced in fear!¨

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Spikor: Black-hearted Blacksmith

Another of Skeletors faithful followers to escape the Horde and Snakemen, Spikor is often paired with Trapjaw due to his constructive capabilities. Formally a talented blacksmith, Spikor was fused to an impenetrable spike-covered armor and built himself a powerful trident equipt to extend into a close combat weapon or reduce into an assault weapon able to blast concentrated electric bolts. Recruited by Skeletor, Spikor places his skills to work in his forge and out on the battlefield, swinging his powerful mace at the masters. Cold, ruthless, and intelligent, Spikor is a formidable and nearly indestructible foe.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • ¨To master Technology is to masters ones enemies. Lets see how those so called Masters of the Universe fair against steel and Iron! After all, you cant kill that which cannot die!¨

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ninjor: Martial arts Demon

Summoned by Skeletor from an alternate timeline, in search of the most evil warriors in the Universe, Ninjor has never been a stranger to darkness and hate. In his universe, Ninjor was one of the malevolent Shadow Warriors, a cruel martial arts master, able to harness the souls of the most foul demons to make himself stronger and master the forbidden techniques. Having betrayed his master and his own family to rise in power, Ninjor feared no deity...until he met the Lord of Destruction. Summoned by Skeletor to battle He-man, Ninjor had never known such darkness as the one Skeletor has flowing through his veins, and Ninjor fears that darkness. Ninjor serves Skeletor as one of his most powerful warriors, after surviving the assault from Hordak, and can hold his own against some of the strongest heroic warriors. With an ego like his, Ninjor will never back down from a challenge and will use any means to kill his opponent, no matter how treacherous or savage.

Voice description:
  • javanese
  • male adult
  • ¨You mistake me for one who needs a reason to kill. I do not seek fame nor some higher calling, I seek to murder the weak, simply because the weak do not deserve to live.¨

  • ¨Honor is a lie used by the weak minded. If one wishes to defeat an opponent, one must take any route necessary to make them bleed.¨

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Beastman: Master of monsters

Another of Skeletors oldest allies, Rqazz had the unique ability to take control of any animal threw the use of telepathic control. Surviving the attack on Snake Mountain, Beast Man is as loyal to Skeletor as ever and prepared to battle the Heroic warriors. Often working alongside his comrade Trapjaw, Beastman is one of the largest of Skeletors warriors, armed in Club and whip and often growls and snarls midway threw sentences.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • monster
  • "Grr. Enjoy it while you can bonehead. Someday, it will be me ordering you around!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Clamp Champ: Royal Bodyguard

Raenius was gifted with incredible powers of strength and super sense. Never as strong as He-man, but more than the average Eternian guard, Clamp Champ has the ability to sense danger before it strikes. Raenius was given the honor to become King Randors bodyguard. Clamp Champ soon became a close ally to He-man and often fought alongside him to protect the castle and the king. Armed with two large crushing claws, Clamp Champ is kind in heart and brave in spirit.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "I have sworn an oath, to defend the Royal Family at all costs He-man. No skull faced freak is going to stop me from doing my job."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Roboto: A Robot with a heart of gold

Built from scratch by Man At Arms, Roboto was perhaps the most deadly robot on the face of Eternia. But, gifted by the Sorceress, the Magic of Grayskull gave Roboto a functioning heart, allowing him to feel Kindness and love, and know the difference between good and Evil. Feeling a deep loyalty to his maker and allies, Roboto seeks to defend Eternia at all costs.

Voice description:
  • Robot
  • male adult
  • "Family, as I understand it, can lead beyond the boundaries of blood. Family is those who hold a place in your heart, despite if they are flesh or metal."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Fisto: Giant Fisted hero

The strongest right hand in all the land, Fisto was considered a freak for having a rather large right hand as a child, but that right hand had more of a punch in it than ten men combined. Angered by constant ridicule from his peers, he ran away from his village and was found by Skeletor. Given dreams of power and conquest, Fisto was gifted a metal gauntlet to increase his power in his punch. Serving as an enforcer of the Dark One for many months, Fisto eventually came fist-to-fist with He-man. But it was there that Fisto learned the difference of doing good and of doing Evil when He-man saved his life. He then betrayed Skeletor and has since worked to become a trusted ally to He-man and Eternia.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "I know what its like to wander down a path of revenge. Skeletor showed me that road a long time ago. He made me feel, that if i could just hurt those who hurt me, I'd get what I want. Your brother showed me that there was a better way."

  • "You weren't thinking about leaving without me were you? I'm ready for that Bony Creep to kiss my fist!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Snout Spout: Eternian Fire Fighter

Formally part of the Eternos Fire department, Jaxton was captured by the Horde while he was attempting to save a village alongside his comrades. Taken to the Horde´s warship, he was subjected to dozens of horrible experiments, transforming him into a cyborg. They attempted to warp his mind into a being of Evil, but Snout Spouts' will to protect instead of harm broke the Horde's control over him, allowing him to escape and return to serving Eternia as the Royal Palaces chief firefighter and a member of the Heroic Warriors

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "The flames are getting to strong! You guys stand back, I'll try to cool it down!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stratos: the Winged King

King of the winged warriors known as Bird Men, Stratos has been an ally to the royal family for many years and was one of the very first Heroic Warriors of Eternia. Serving to protect his friends, his people, and his sister, Stratos is a valiant and noble ally, strong for his age and abundant in wisdom. Armed with a jet pack and stun blasts able to be shot from the palms of his hands, Stratos fights with honor and steadfast anger.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "Adam, sometimes its down to kings to make the hardest calls. Some think just because we command others, we soar above the clouds, but in truth, sometimes it feels were lower than the dirt."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
King Randor: King of Eternia

King of Eternia and father to Adam, Randor has been held in the dark of Eternias secrets by others rather than just his son. Trusting in the will of the Elders and determined to protect his kingdom, Randor is a fine strategist and worthy ruler. Never knowing the secret of his son or daughter, Randor often wishes Adam to be as strong and brave as the other warriors of Eternia.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "Adam, i may not have shown it, but I am proud of you my son. More than you can ever know."

  • "My people, the war is over! Thanks to our brave warriors, Eternia is free once more!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zodac: the Cosmic Enforcer

One of the first servants of Zoar, Zodac was entrusted as the cosmic enforcer of the Multiverse, only allowed to intervene when the fates of all universes hang in the balance. Traveling the Multiverse in his cosmic chair, Zodac has grown lonely and cold in the deep vacuum of space, recording history as he sees it play out in his log. But he wasn't always this way. Once a great ally to King Grayskull in his war with the all-evil Horde Prime, he became the mentor to the woman who would become the Sorceress. Appearing to her in visions to guide her even in the present, Zodac worries that if He-man cannot destroy Skeletor, all of the Multiverse will be at great risk.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "The Multiverse is as delicate as an Arathins web. if one string is cut or misplaced, the balance will be shattered, and everything will fall apart."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Battlecat: He-mans loyal steed

Rescued by Adam at a young age, the baby green tiger grew afraid and nervous of his surroundings and was named Cringer. But, when Adam was gifted the sword of Power, young Cringer was changed into his noble steed and companion, Battle Cat. With a hunger for flesh and a need to protect the innocent, Battlecat is often forced to battle Skeletors cruel and savage pet, Panthor.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • creature
  • "Grrr! I'm ready to sink my teeth into those freaks, old friend!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hordak: Tyranical Leader of the Evil Horde, and Skeletors former Mentor

After his father, Horde Prime was vanquished by King Grayskull, Hordak assumed control of the vast Horde Empire. Ruling half of the cosmos with an iron grasp, Hordaks ultimate goal has been to reach Eternia and finish what his father could not. Served by an army of Robot Soldiers, and dark and terrible warriors gathered through the decades. Hordak eventually took Skeletor as his apprentice and taught him the ways of magic! He then stuck Eternia when it least suspected when King Randor and his Alien wife from Earth, Marlaina, celebrated the birth of their twin children, Adam and Adora. Knowing these two were destined to hold Eternias power, though not exactly how he and Skeletor attempted to take both children. But Randor's soldiers and the power of Grayskull decimated many of Hordaks warriors. Fleeing the planet, Hordak stole Adora and left Skeletor and many of the wounded to fend for themselves. Years later, Hordak made his long-awaited return to begin his campaign, only to perish in the last battle at the hands of She-ra and He-man. Skilled in Magic and advanced cyber nano-mite technology, Hordak was a dark and cruel enemy.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "*Snort*! You cant stop me this time She-ra! Grayskull is finally in my reach, and no princess is going to stop me!"

  • "One of Skeletors greatest failures was ever believing he could take this world for himself. He was a pitiful underling with a crew of incompetent lackeys. Where as I, I have a Horde. I have and Empire. I am conquest incarnate! I am Hordak!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Clawful: Cruel crustacean

Often referring to himself as the Awful Clawful,  this brute was banished from his people known as the Karikoni for ravaging Ground villages. He was quickly found by Skeletor and recruited by the Masters of Evil. A stupid sea warrior, it was nearly a miracle he survived the attack on Snake Mountain in the first year of the great war. Known for his remarkable crushing claw, Clawful is not a force to be reckoned with, using his secondary weapon, a large mace, to instill ruin on Ground villages. Often paired with Jitzu, Clawful is often tasked with being bait, test dummy, and overall expendable fool.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • monster
  • "Stand still so I can kill you already!"

  • "Oh, ho, ho! I'm gonna give you a cut your never gonna forget!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jitzu: Egotistical Warrior

Once an honored and respected member of a great warrior clan, Jitzu left the way of honor to begin the hunt. Armed with his blade and gauntlet-covered chopping arm, Jitzu spends his life traveling Eternia, to slay the most powerful beasts in Eternia, which included the Heroic warriors. Locked away in Eternia prison, he was unleashed by a young Skeletor to become his servant. Cruel and hungering for the hunt, Jitzu is paired with his ally Clawful, and are both used as first-line troops, however, Jitzu is higher in intellect than his comrade and often is angered by Clawfuls stupidity.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • japanese
  • "Come Clawful. Let us make mince meat of these so called masters!"

  • "If you say that one more time, I am going to run you threw. Understand?"


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