Soundwave880 Productions

Soundwave880 Productions

I am an Author, Voice Actor, and Director who can't wait to work alongside you

Joined Apr 2024 19 Following60 Followers
About Soundwave880 Productions

A fan of Transformers, He-man, Doctor Who, and Marvel since childhood, and a storyteller for even longer, I seek to forge a career for myself as an Author and Voice Actor. I enjoy voicing for others' projects as long as I need not cuss or speak profanity, and hope to recruit other VAs for my projects as I hope to achieve my goal of Movie Making Dominance!

Voice Demo, Enjoy.

Here is my YouTube channel, feel free to Subscribe!


Negotiable. I do free work, but certainly wouldnt mind payment!

What Soundwave880 Productions is looking for

Voice Actors who are talented and willing to go all out to get in touch with their inner hero or villain! Also, to voice as the comical role, the villainous role, or any fun/creative role!

And Here is a Demo I just did! Please enjoy!

Voice Demo 2024. Enjoy!